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"Trick or Treat" originated in Britain where it was first known as Mischief Night.

In days gone by, bonfires were lit to scare off the supernatural creatures
that struck fear into superstitious hearts.

The ancient Celtic fire festival called "Samhain" (pronounced sow-in)
is the origin of modern Halloween. This festival was the feast of the
dead in Pagan and Christian times, marking the close of harvest and
the initiation of the winter season.

In days gone by, people feared the coming of Halloween.
They believed that the spirits who walked the earth on this day were capable of
possessing their bodies.
To discourage them, they darkened their houses to make them appear as cold and
unwelcome as possible. Donning all manner of frightening dress they rowdily
took to the streets in an attempt to scare the spirits off.

In Mexico Halloween is known as Los Dias de los Muertos (the day of the dead).
However, it isn't a time of sadness but one of great rejoicing.
At this time of year the Monarch Butterflies, which have summered up
north in the United States and Canada, return to Mexico.
They are believed to bear the spirits of the dearly departed and are
warmly welcomed home.

Black cats are a symbol of Halloween because it was once believed that souls
could travel back into the world of the living in the
body of an animal - usually a black cat.

The name witch comes from the Saxon term wica, meaning wise one.

In Ireland, wealthy landlords used to distribute gifts of food to
their poorer tenants at Halloween.
When the potato crop failed the Irish who moved to America in droves
are thought to have introduced Halloween traditions to their new homeland

Halloween is believed by some to be the time when the dead and other
demonic creatures rise to walk the earth once more.

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