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Alternative Therapist and Tasseographer


When you are lonely
I wish you love
When you are down
I wish you joy
When you are troubled
I wish you peace

When things are complicated
I wish you simple beauty
When things are chaotic
I wish you inner silence
When things look empty
I wish you hope

                       When there is pain,                       
I wish you peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubting,
I wish you a renewed confidence in
your ability to work through it.

When there is tiredness or exhaustion,
I wish you understanding,
patience, and renewed strength.
Where there is fear,
I wish you love,
and courage.

Try to have a good day my friends.......
Count the blessings that ARE present in your lives this very moment.......
Tell the people you love, that you do indeed love them.........
and live your life like you are ALIVE........... as you ARE...
and are lucky to be so.
So to all my friends who I dont write to enough or dont say it to enough......
I do love ya!! and am thankful for your presence in my life.

moon phases

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