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July 23 to August 22

Ruler ~ Sun
Element ~ Fire
Quality ~ Fixed

Leo is the fifth sign of the occidental zodiac.

Leonians have the following characteristics;

Nobility          Philanthrophy
Power          Warmth
Loyalty          Protection

Leonian sins may include;

Arrogance          Tyranny
Self-satisfaction          Promiscuity
Vanity          Immodesty


Full Of Passion

Leos spare no expense when courting a new love. They are very
demonstrative and loyal, and are almost continually in the throes of passion,
remaining very faithful. They only lose their sparkle when love begins to fade.

Expansive, generous and caring, Leos revel in love affairs and all things
romantic. They are passionate and demonstrative, and like nothing
better than spoiling their loved ones.


Happiness knows no bounds for Leos in love. Their big
hearts and warm emotions really come into their own when they fall for someone.
Then their true Leonine personalities emerge. Because they value love above all
else, Leos are naturally faithful, and very loyal. But they can sometimes almost
overwhelm their partners with adoration.

They invest all their emotions in their love affairs; but if things go wrong,
they come down to earth with a bump. Once a Leo heart is broken, it takes a
long time to mend.

Problems can arise if a Leo forgets that he or she is one half only of a
partnership, and begins to act in the role of boss. Although, outwardly they seem
to be bursting with self-assurance and confidence, and often revel in being
the centre of attention, underneath their showy exterior Leos can be very
sensitive, but usually they hate to admit it.

Their fiery feelings and expansive emotions have to find an outlet and they
yearn to express their innermost thoughts to their partner. However, they almost
always expect an equally heartfelt sentiment to be returned by the loved one.


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