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September 23 to October 22

Ruler ~ Venus
Element ~ Air
Quality ~ Cardinal

Libra is the seventh sign of the occidental zodiac.

Librans have the following characteristics;

Justice          Gentility
Aesthetics          Equilibrium
Charm          Idealism

Libran sins may include;

Quarrelsomeness          Self-indulgence
Manipulation          Indecision
Procrastination          Talkativeness


True Romantic

Librans are in love with love. Loving relationships are the centre
of their world and they expect a great deal of energy achieving harmony. For them,
romantic partnerships are virtually an art form, but problems arise when an
innate inability to make a definite and binding decision about a relationship
comes to the fore.

Falling in love comes naturally to Librans, whose whole reason for living
centres around happy and enduring relationships.

For them, a life without love is not worth contemplating, since they find
it hard to function properly without someone special in their hearts. They long
for the emotional security of knowing that they are loved.


As a result, many Librans can fall in love with the idea of love,
confusing infatuation with the real thing. There are lots of sad Librans
who married in haste at an early age and lived to regret it. They prefer to
endure an unhappy relationship rather than leave and live on their own again.


Romance could have been invented by Librans, who use everything
from poetry to expensive dinners when wooing a prospective partner. They are born
flirts, but often do not change even when they have met the partner of their dreams.
Instead, they want to practise on other people, just to make sure that
they have not lost their touch! Librans are one of the most attractive signs,
oozing great charm and diplomacy. They enjoy the good things in life and ensure
that their partners do, too.


If you would like further information on your actual day of birth,
send your birthdate and return email address to the address below.

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