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20th February - 20th March


Pisces is symbolised by two fish swimming in opposite directions, which denotes
the transference of consciousness to the physical body or to the higher planes
of being. Your emotions like the ocean run deep, unending and are
sometimes inexpressible.


Being a water sign you are imaginative, sensitive and intuitive.
Your compassionate, sympathetic nature draws others to you and you have an inner
belief of "what will be, will be". Others with more drive may find this side of your
personality hard to understand. Rather than making major changes you usually tend
to go with the flow, there seems to be less resistance this way. You are idealistic
and quite a dreamer and sometimes the harsh realities are a bit hard to face.
In difficult situations rather than confrontation you look for an escape route.
You love unconditionally and sometimes find it difficult to leave a unhealthy
relationship because you may believe things will change. Your caring personality
often finds you in situations taking on animals and such that others have
finished with. You are very creative and should use this in a positive way as you
are musically gifted, can write great poetry and paint lovely pictures.


Any career to do with water or liquids seems to attract you natural affinity
with the ocean. Social work careers in institutions such as hospitals,
psychiatric and prisons where your compassion for others is needed. Your desire is
to give service to others, so you work very well supporting others from behind
the scenes. Strict routines and time keeping jobs are annoying and you need a relaxed
atmosphere so your nerves can cope. Variety and flexibility is needed so sometimes
two part time jobs may seem more stimulating. Artistic pursuits such as theatre,
photography and the fashion industry where you can let your imagination run wild are
most suitable. Diving and fishing can be enjoyed for career or fun. Your quiet
nature may make it hard for you to be in a position of power as you probably
prefer someone else to do the directing.


Pisces are deeply romantic and may sit there day dreaming for hours. You must
watch your giving nature and be sure you don't get taken advantage of. Sometimes you
may overwhelm your partner with affection. Your sensitive nature quite often leads
you to tears through misunderstandings, if you separate your ideals from reality you
will see the situation much more clearly. You often sacrifice what you would like to do
for the sake of your partner because making them happy uplifts you as well.
A partner who is sensitive and understanding but helps to bring out your talents
and keeps you on the positive side would be excellent.

Health and Vitality

Pisces need to look after their feet so tightly fitting shoes no matter
how glamorous the are won't do. Too much stress can affect your immune system
so rest and relaxation are a must. Meditation and time behind closed doors to unwind
and listen to your favourite music is essential. Drugs and alcohol can become
drugs of addiction, so be careful with these. Pamper yourself with a nice long
bath now and again.


Colours:    Reddish Violet
Gemstone:    Pearl
Part of the Body:    Feet, Abdomen
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Stomach, Stress, Immune system disorders
Tissue Salt:    Ferrum Phos, Kali Sulph
Relationship Affinities:    Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus
Relationship Challenges:    Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius

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