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(Jaw Muscles Energy Correction)
(Rafferty Energy System of Easing The Temporomandibular Joint)

This healing uses energy and kinesiology for release of
pain from the physical imbalances in the body. By relaxing the jaw muscles
temporomandibular joint is correctly reset. 80% of the electrical messages
from the brain to the muscles and back pass through the TMJ.

Benefits include,
* More stability in hips, knees and foot muscles.
* Less tension in 80% of the muscles in the body.
* More balanced glands and hormones.
* Improved toxin elimination through the kidneys.
* Less headaches, sinus problems and migraines.
* Improved digestion and assimilation of food.
* Improved kidney and adrenal energy.

R.E.S.E.T. is very relaxing.

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