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23rd November - 22nd December


The symbol for Sagittarius is represented by a man who is half horse,
shooting an arrow from his bow. The sign suggests the passage of consciousness
from one state to another. You have a desire to expand your knowledge and
enjoy the journey.


Sagittarius is a fire sign so you are dynamic, energetic and optimistic. Your
ruling planet is Jupiter, which is the planet of expansion, freedom and generosity.
You need plenty of space and time spent outside in nature will be healing for you.
Restrictions are difficult for you whether this is in a relationship or your
career. Being optimistic you usually have a happy go lucky personality and many
people are drawn to your good nature and fun sense of humour. You can tend to be
blunt and sarcastic at times, because you tell it how you see it, other sensitive
types probably will back off. Sometimes you have a tendency to overdo, and this
can get you in a hot spot. You are naturally versatile and restless so its hard for
you to stay in one place for long, even at work if you can try to fit in a walk
around the block at lunch lunchtime you will be less restless.


Challenge is essential, boring jobs won't hold your interest for long.
Careers involving publishing, the law or even religion seems to attract you.
You are just and fair and very accepting of peoples differences, so careers where
these talents are essential seems a good choice. You are a natural teacher and
enjoy teaching what you have learnt. You are sociable and enjoy gatherings after
work with colleagues. You tend to see the large picture and have difficulty if
placed in positions with too much detailed or intricate work. Any careers involving
travel such as travel agencies or working on an aeroplane or ship would stimulate
your sense of adventure.


As you need plenty of freedom a relationship with someone who is too demanding
or possessive won't last long. Sagittarians last better in relationships with
partners that are intelligent and a good friendship has to be established.
Travelling together as a couple would be a special experience and one to remember.
You are a very generous lover and don't respond well to partners who are
stingy. As you treat all people as equal you quite often partner with someone from a
different culture. Differences in background seem to attract your need to broaden
what you already know and make life much more interesting.

Health and Vitality

You tend to be robust and don't like to be held down by illness for long.
All sports and outdoor activities suit your freedom loving nature. Accidents,
falls, sprains and fractures from risky outdoor adventures seem to be common
injuries. The hip can also be sensitive especially in older age. The sciatic
nerve, which runs from the spine down each leg, can cause problems but if you
warm up before strenuous exercise and warm down afterwards injuries will be
less likely to cause problems.


Colours:    Purple
Gemstone:    Jacinth
Part of the Body:    Hips, Thighs, Liver, Lower back
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Accidents to hips, Sciatica, Arthritis, Rheumatism
Tissue Salt:    Silica, Kali Mur
Relationship Affinities:    Aries, Leo and Aquarius
Relationship Challenges:    Gemini, Virgo and Pisces

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