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21st April - 21stMay


The symbol for Taurus is the bull and it represents solidity and strength.
The most characteristic feature of this sign is your instinct for finance
and your power of retention and conservatism.


The bull represents determination and stubbornness as once your mind is
made up it's very hard for someone to change it. Venus is your ruling planet and
represents love, sensuality, music, art and pleasure. So Taureans love to relax and
enjoy all life has to offer but you must be careful, as you tend to be lazy and can
over indulge, so keep a tight lid on the lolly jar. Over spending on beautiful things
is common. Your natural charm and gentle voice draws people your way and you enjoy
all sociable settings. Taurus is usually placid and enjoys peace and harmony in
relationships but if your relationship isn't secure you can become quite possessive.
Unexpected change can also be upsetting as you feel comfortable with routine, but if you
have plenty of warning and you aren't being pushed you can gradually accept the idea.
Friends will appreciate your reliable and patient personality and the practical
advice you offer.


Being an earth sign you don't feel comfortable unless your material life is in
order as financial security is necessary for your emotional wellbeing. Any career
where you make a work of art or beautify something such as Artists, Jewellers,
Florists, Beauticians, and Dancers. Farming, Landscaping and Real Estate are excellent
choices as you have a natural affinity with the earth. Money is important for your
security so careers that pay really well tend to attract the Taurean personality
especially if they offer a company car. You prefer careers that offer security and
stability and would feel most uncomfortable if your position were under threat. Taureans
tend to plod along and persist long after others have moved on but usually their
persistent nature bring great rewards in the end.


The Taurean nature is extremely sensual, passionate and a romantic at heart.
You express your affection and warmth for those you love openly. You can't
resist flowers, chockies and a soft cuddly toy. You prefer a stable caring
relationship and a good sex life is included in this. Reliable partners are a must
for you as you expect others to be as consistent and reliable as you are
intending to be. Taureans natural warmth and magnetism draws the opposite sex to you
and you probably get along better with the opposite sex as you enjoy a little flirting.
Taureans tend to be possessive and this must be kept in check otherwise your
partner may feel like just another possession at times.

Health and Vitality

Your love of food, wine and the good life can quite easily end up being
extra kilos. Regular exercise is a must as this would increase your metabolism
and help relieve any sluggish areas in the body. Full body massage would be
beneficial to relieve pain created by knotted muscles from tension, especially the
neck and shoulder area. The throat and voice need to be cared for especially during
winter months when viruses can affect these areas.


Colours:    Pastel shades
Gemstone:    Emerald
Part of the Body:    Neck and Throat
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Tonsillitis, Kidney trouble, Menstrual disorders, Laryngitis
Tissue Salt:    Nat Sulph, Calc Sulph
Relationship Affinities:    Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces
Relationship Challenges:    Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio

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