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24th August - 23rd September


Virgo is represented by the Virgin and stands for modesty and humility.
Virgo is and earth sign which makes you practical, reliable and stable.


Your ruling planet Mercury symbolises cleverness, intellectual and
analytical ability and adaptability. As you have strong intellectual powers you
enjoy communicating with other mentally stimulating folk. You are well known
for your logical and practical view as you dissect all angles of any argument.
A perfectionist by nature you concentrate on the details so strongly that you
sometimes can't see the forest for the trees. Others might think you are a bit fussy
especially if things don't go according to your plan. Worry can cause nervous
disorders, so all types of relaxation techniques would be beneficial.
You make a punctual, reliable and loyal friend and are happiest and most satisfied when
you can be of service to others. You are naturally conservative and cautious
and only make your move after thorough analysis. Friends and work associates
can rely on you to be well organised and will often need help from you to reorganise
their own work and lives for that matter.


Virgo usually prefers to work under supervision from others
or in a supporting role. Your natural desire to be of service to others often
finds your talents appreciated in the medical profession, especially nursing. Your
natural skills of perfection helps you to excel in all areas involving detailed
work as you are quite happy to spend extra time getting it just right. You make
a good personal assistant as you enjoy collecting all pieces of information
and putting it all together. Any employer would appreciate your conscientious
nature as you do more than your fair share. Bookkeepers, Chemists, Librarians,
Naturopaths and Veterinarians are some professions you may be drawn to.
Lack of confidence may hold you back from going for promotion, you tend to be
promoted by the dedication and hard work you put in. Because you are trustworthy
you're often the one left behind tidying up.


The Virgo native is reliable and practical and expects others to be likewise.
Punctuality is important, as you tend to worry when people are late. Your lack of
confidence can cause problems in love relationships and many may tend to be
loners. Yours is a sign of service and duty and if you can be of assistance to your
mate this is reward enough. You make a caring, responsible partner who is always
thinking of ways to please the other. You must learn to take complements. Places of
interest for outings include picnics, barbecues and journeys to
country destinations.

Health and Vitality

Worry can cause nervous disorders. Meditation techniques can calm your
nervous system also laying back taking time out to read and relax is a must.
You enjoy plain foods and salads and if you indulge in too many spices or rich foods
your stomach lets you know. Virgos are quite interested in their health and usually
follow a healthy diet. Nervousness tends to drain you of vitamin B, so a supplement
may help. Moderate exercise such as walking daily is advisable as the fresh air
is healing and gardening can also lift your spirits.


Colours:    Blue, Green
Gemstone:    Sapphire
Part of the Body:    Abdomen. Spleen, Bowel, and Nervous System
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Indigestion, Bowel Disorders and Sluggish Liver
Tissue Salt:    Kali Sulph, Ferrum Phos
Relationship Affinities:    Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio
Relationship Challenges:    Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces

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