Hall, Anthony Michael: AUGH! Swoon! SHRIEK! A prince! He's soooo funny in The Breakfast Club which may be the only John Hughes movies that's not totally annoying. People treat him like a has-been. How mean. It's just difficult to make the transition from "hot" teen star to adult actor, but he is doing alright, though he does have the occasional "masterpiece." He's still WONDERFUL in them! He was supposed to once have troubled with alcohol, but I think is past that.

Hall, Deirdre: Thoughts of some stupid soap opera where she is rising from a bed get into my head. What was that? I know of Deirdre was Our House, even though she is much more famous for "daytime dramas." I know absolutely nothing about her, but she must have done something touching, tragic, or inspiration at a time, because she plays herself in something I have never seen that is subtitled The Deirdre Hall Story.

Hanks, Tom: I like him enough to where his many Oscar nominations and glowing reviews don't make me ill, even though he does not always appear in my favorite movies. Once he was supposed to comment on fans bringing him boxes of chocolates after Forrest Gump, and I think he was...complaining. Uh, Tom, fans did pay MONEY for those, so he should have appreciated them more, or given them to the poor, or something, if he didn't want them!

Hannigan, Alyson: Her name is really Allison, but it must not be "sophisticated" enough for Miss Hannigan, or something. I cannt pinpoit any obnoxious comments I have heard her make, or attach sources to rumors I have heard about her having a bad attitude, but it just gets in my head, so I must have heard something somewhere.

Harmon, Angie: Goodbye Law and Order = hello a succesful film career? Yeah, how many times has THAT happened to TV stars? Not very often...

Harper, Valerie: I went to some oh-so-classic (but entertaining, nonetheless) "TV Preview," where they showed some show that she was in called The City that looked like it was from about 1986, but was aired because of the "renewed interest" in Valerie after that Mary and Rhoda TV soap-opera. It's better to give TV jobs to a seasoned veteren like Valerie Harper, than some obnoxious young actor that will ruin them...

Harrelson, Woody: He does such antics as chaining himself to a bridge, or something like that, and is passionate about hemp. Two words: grow up!

Harris, Danielle: Former child star who was creepily stalked. Who would stalk a CHILD star? How dereanged... She's probably working in an office.

Harris, Ed: I didn't notice it when he did not win an Oscar for Pollock, but I HAVE noticed in other Oscars that when Ed Harris does not win, he does things like sulk and cross his arms. I also noticed him and his wife and all of those other stars who scowled and did not clap for Elia Kazan, which was about the DUMBEST protest I ever saw, considering that people like Ed were so not involved in the HUAC investigations, so really, why should he care and "shun" somebody who "named names?" What's the point?

Hatch, Richard: Um, Richard Hatch is not an actor. Awful, overhyped beyond belief Survivor was a reality series! Appearing in Nash Bridges and other such "masterpieces" hardly makes Rich an ACTOR. He probably can't even act!

Hauer, Rutger: Dutch actor who's been around since the '70s. Star of many B-films. Some say he "got fat." Who cares? "Rut's" movies are certainly not my favorite, and he is "above" B movies, but at least he is good in them.

Hauser, Wings: I've more or less only seen him as stupid JR Jones, aka "Jonsey" in 90210, so I don't know much about him, but his webpage is funny, and says he is "dead."

Hawke, Ethan: AUGH!! Another sexy prince. Eth-prince, has been around since he was a VERY CUTE KID, and is VERY sexy now! *SHRIEK* He's a good friend of Robert Sean Leonard and Frank Whaley! AUGH! Two more princes! If I saw all three of them together, I would probably FAINT!!! Among Eth-princes achievements is starting the Malaparte Theater Group WITH Robert Sean Leonard and Frank Whaley. He also wrote a book, and I think is supposed to have another one coming. And he directs. How TALENTED!

Hawn, Goldie: Yawn. I've never much cared for her. She's been around for ages, and has been with Kurt Russell for ages. Kurt Russell was the first actor that wasn't some teeny-bopper that I "loved." This still doesn't make me interested in Goldie Hawn.

Hawthorne, Nigel: British actor clichedly rumored to be gay.

Hayek, Salma: Another recipient of that gushy, "we must make her a star" treatment...and that does not seem to be working very well.

Hearst, Patty: Kidnapped heiress and all of that... has she even BEEN in any movies or television shows, or theatrical productions? About the most baffling person to be in the "actors" catagory yet!

Heche, Anne: Yech! A lesbian "when conviniet to her career" who is very open about her hatred for religion. I am proud to "openly" state that she is one of my least favorite actresses.

Henderson, Florence: She went out on a date with the lad who played her son, Greg Brady. Ew, yuck. Wears dentures.

Hershey, Barbara: I can't even remember her last credit, so I guess she is taking it easy. She seems semi-normal know, but sounded beyond all weird in the '70s. I enjoy the stories about her son, Free, demanding his name be changed to Tom, and about her briefly changing her name to Barbara Seagull, because she was "possessed" by one, or whatever. Whatever.

Hewitt, Jennifer Love: Uch! How cheesy. Who would make their child's middle name "Love," and why did Jennifer use that as her billing name for years, and why does she still go by that "to her friends" right now? Is it supposed to "describe her personality?" Beyond spare me.

Hoffman, Phillip Seymour: Oh wow, he is soooooooo talented. Whatever. Why average, run-of-the-mill "Seymour" Hoffman is so over-praised is absolutely beyond me. Movies should NOT "be required to have a part just for him" in them, as some critic (Roeper?) suggested. That would make every movie just a little boring!

Hope, Neil: Played Mullet-headed Derek "Wheels" Wheeler in the Degrassi Shows, and then... well, for a long time, Neil lived in a world of mystery, where he did not attend such specials as a Degrassi reunion on Jonovision, and never seemed to comment about the show...until recently. Now I, and many others, have the joy of knowing that Neil is alive and well. I still don't exactly know what he is doing, but he lives in Canada and is engagaed.

Howard, Clint: Not everybody who makes this has a web page, of course, but I am very surprised to see that Clint doesn't have one. Maybe it just doesn't make Yahoo, because he's vaguely well-known for the oh-so-classic reason that he is in a bunch of B-movies. I'm sure he prefers that to just being known as "Ron's brother.

Howell, C. Thomas: What does the "C" stand for? Is it something to "ugly" to be included in "Thomas's" billing name? He is another former teen-star receving the "has-been" treatment, since he usually sticks to B-movies "for financial reasons."

Hudson, Kate: Goldie Hawn's daughter...but are people sure she's not her sister? Kate's about the oldest looking "twenty-something" I have seen yet.

Hughes, Miko: Former child star who used to be "in everything." Now that he has reached "that awkward age" he seems to be in nothing. Get ready for a job in the "real world," Miko.

Hulce, Tom: Oddly the subject of many rumors in oh-so-classic sites like deja(or whatever it's now called) and other news groups. Most of those rumors have to do with things like Tom's alleged homosexuality. I haven't heard anything about this "offline," which is why it is a rumor. All I know about Tom is that he's very talented, and needs to act WAY more than he does. He also does/did live in Seattle. Another good actor in my state! He co-directed a version of The Cider House Rules at a Seattle theater, but I did not see it.

Hunt, Helen: "Bony" former television star who has now morphed her "twig-like" frame into movies, where she...even won a Best Actress Oscar. Helen Hunt was the BEST actress in movies for that year? Oh my goodness, how BAD was everybody else? Perhaps Ms. Hunt may come off as believable in her characters, but her flat, monotone voice bores me to a point of not even being able to take her seriously.

Hurley, Elizabeth: SAG "scab." Oh gasp! Somebody even held up a sign at the premiere of Bedallzed (or whatever) that said "Ugly Scab." I'm sure "Liz" cried and cried over that, since she is a model/actress. She also appears in hideously boring projects, and was attached to Hugh Grant, so I certainly don't care for her.

Hutton, Lauren: Needs to not appear in commercials for menopause.

Hutton, Timothy: SWOON! The third "prince" to have a last name beginning with "H." He is very, very talented, and unlike the likes of Helen Hunt, he DESERVED his Oscar, because he was WONDERFUL in Ordinary People. Some would probably say that he "went nowhere" after that, which is very untrue, because Timothy is still very active in acting and directing(the talent!) today, most recently on the Nero Wolfe series for A&E.

Iams, Bleep: If this was a site filled with graphics, I would put a big blue ribbon here to award Bleep Iams the prize for having the DUMBEST name for a child actor I have heard yet! I certainly hope I am not insulting Mr. Iams if it is his real name, but it's so stupid it just sounds fake! Of course Bleep went nowhere and is probably working in an office, but for those who don't know, he played Kurt Russell's son in Backdraft.

Innes, Laura: I heard that she is supposed to be a "doll" off-camera, but I loathe the character of Kerry Weaver that she plays on ER.

Ireland, Kathy: I don't highly regard Kathy as an actress, but if it's ever on, I recmmend that people see this ridiculous movie that she co-stars in called Backfire! It's very much one of those that's "so stupid it' funny."

Irons, Jeremy: He won an Oscar and all, so what is he DOING in films like Dungeons and Dragons? Trying to be "hip?"

Irving, Amy: More than just the Former Mrs. Spielberg. Why did Peter Fonda make some ridiculous comment about her at the Golden Globe Awards? I shall never know. Anyway, she's a good actress, even though she certainly does not always appear in movies I like. I think she is married to director Bruno Barretto, or is at least "with" him.

Jackson, Jonathan; Jackson, Joshua: Which ones the soap star, and which one's in Dawson's Creek? Do I really care? Nope.

Janney, Allison: Notice she's not "Alyson" Janney. At least she uses the real spelling of her name, Miss Hannigan! Anyway, despite my utter annoyance over dull, overhyped The West Wing, Allison is okay.

Janssen, Famke: A Dutch actress. If I want to see a Dutch actress I will watch Johanna Ter Steege. If I want to see a Dutch celebrity, I will watch Rutger Hauer or Jeroen Krabbe.

Jeter, Michael: He's gay and is HIV positive, if it has not evolved into AIDS by now. It was on Entertainment Tonight, but for some reason I have never seen that mentioned anywhere else, like it's some big secret or something.

Jolie, Angelina: She's in some movie that was filmed in Seattle. Oh gee, if only I lived a little bit closer, and then I could have had the UTTER thrill of meeting Angelina Jolie (Voight...what's the point of taking the last name off, Ang?). Oh, pity...

Jonze, Spike: *Yawn* Um...isn't Spike Jonze a DIRECTOR, or does he act, too? Like I care.

Jordan, Jeremy: "All right!" Aren't I nice to include Jeremy Jordan in the "actors" section, instead of sending him with "musicians?" That's because I've seen "Jeremy Jordan," whose name is really DONALD HENSON(sorry, "Jer," but is Donald Henson too "boring" of a name?) in a couple of movies, and those films actually...weren't that bad.

Jordan, Michael: I'm not even going to bother...

Jovovitch, Milla: She looks eerily mannish on the cover of that movie about Joan of Arc(the title escapes me.) It's soooo creepy.

Judd, Ashley: Ugh. Spare me. Why is she at every award show when she is in nothing but mockeries and stereotypical "chick flicks?"

Keaton, Diane; Keaton, Michael: They're not related, but I didn't feel like giving them their own separate lines. Diane's the actress/director who tends to sound like she's going to burst out laughing during her "dramatic" scenes in her many comedy-dramas, and Michael is the actor currently appearing in a string of...not hits.

Keener, Catherine: She's married to Dermott Mulroney(sp?) and in about a ton of independent films. Since independent films are "weird," you would think the people in them would be, but I actually haven't heard of this, much. Catherine acted...odd at some Independent Spirit Awards when she presented with Cameron Diaz, but besides that, she seems normal.

Kelly, Moira: I wouldn't exactly say WEHT, since she appeared in some cutesy show about lawyers, but what has she been doing since then?

Kidder, Margot: Hid in bushes and acted like she'd been attacked, even though she really hadn't, if I am not mistaken... Okay....

Kidman, Nicole: Now that she's not with Tom Cruise, what will she do? As if I am supposed to believe she would have found fame if not for her marriage...but that's just my opinion, mind you. I gue$$ $he left the "religion" of $cientology.

Kilmer, Val: He sounds...really different. For some reason, I have never really minded Val Kilmer, so reading about his supposed demanding antics is sort of funny.

Kilner, Kevin: He seems to like TV series work and appearing in Disney films. Has Kevin EVER been in a movie that's made the theater? He was, at least at a time, linked with Jordan Baker, a very tall actress who also appears in a lot of TV shows, and the occasional film. They played that married couple on Frasier with the big noses. I have no idea if they are still a couple, though.

Kingston, Alex: She used to be Mrs. Ralph Fiennes, but I think that was way back in the days before she was even annoying Dr. Corday on ER.

Kinnear, Greg: One thing I hate about As Good As It Gets is its overrated performances, Greg's being one of them. I think being a former newscaster (my sister saw him on some movie playing "himself" as a newscaster) -turned talk show host-turned actor, maybe he's not held up to as high standards as other actors, because his work can really not be described as anything more than "typical."

Knight, Christopher: I ....wouldn't have given him a thought, but I guess he has webpages that must obviously be all about The Brady Bunch, because what else has he even DONE? WEHT.

Krabbe, Jeroen: Good old Jeroen... He's been one of my favorite actors since about 1994. Talented at drama, comedy , and many, many other things like art and cooking, I guess, since his art has been exhibited, and he wrote something called The Economy Cookbook. Sometimes Jeroen plays ...racy characters, but he seems quite ordinary, and has been married since the 1960's. Wow. I heard some "trashy" story about his son Martijn, a media figure in Holland, but I don't really know the details, so I will be nice and not put it.

Kudrow, Lisa: How old are the characters in Friends supposed to be? If they are anything under 30, it just insults my intelligence to have to say geriatric-looking Lisa Kudrow playing some young "twenty-something." She's almost as bad as Gabrielle Carteris and Jennifer Grey!

Lathi, Christine: She came to Seattle to campaign for AlGore. Ha ha. What a waste of a vacation.

Landon, Leslie; Landon Michael: Michael was secretly evil and mean, even though he played kind, gentle...nosy, probing, "Pa" Ingalls on Little House. This is according to some TV movie that his son made that was compared to Mommie Dearest.. As for Leslie, WEHT, this actress of Little House, and...was she in anything else? I think she got married, but I don't know what she is doing career-wise.

Lane, Nathan: He's beyond obviously gay, even though he was "in the closet" for a long time. Nathan used to allude to his homosexuality by snapping "I'm single, I'm 40, I work in theater... You do the math. Okay, Nate: single+being 40+working in theater = the stereotype of a homosexual, as according to Nathan Lane!

Lange, Jessica: Was supposed to have caused trouble in the Apple industry during the 1980's. Far more often than not, I hate when actors think they're political figures, and she is not an exception to this.

Lagenkamp, Heather: Why does "Marie Lubbock from Just the Ten of Us have three webpages? Is it because of her work in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies? What has she been in since that vague waste of a film Wes Craven's New Nightmare?

Law, Jude: Jude Law is an okay actor, so I wish that the press would stop refering to him as a "pretty boy," because that's makes him sound like some mockery, teeny-bopper, Leo-esque actor. Ugh. Jude tends to stick to films that most "teeny-boppers" wouldn't even be allowed to SEE, so hopefully he won't ever involve into much of a "pretty boy" status. Interestingly, when Jude was a kid, he got stuck in some event that was for "all girls" due to his "name and 'pretty looks.' " Some adult was supposed to figure out that he was a boy, and when they discovered him, he was "having the time of his life." Classic. Now Jude is married to actress Sadie Frost.

Lawrence, Andrew; Lawrence, Jo"seph": Lawrence, Matthew: WEHT, WEHT, and WEHT. Urban Legands 2 for the eldest. Office work and school for the other two.

Lawrence, Martin: Fainted once when he was jogging in heavy clothes on a very wam day. That wasn't exactly bright.

Ledger, Heath: Oh, gee! Is he going to be the next Russell Crowe? Another Russell Crowe is just such something Hollywood really needs. For all anyone knows, the "original" Russell Crowe will fade into nothingness, and his knock-off Mr. Ledger will probably do the same.

Leguizamo, John: I give him credit for associating with Frank Whaley, but that's about the only credit I give this unfunny comedian. He vaguely seems like he would be rumored to be gay, even though he could be married with ten children, for all I know.

Leighton, Laura: Played some dull "aspiring star" named Sophie Burns on the masterpiece 90210. One thing that boring, flat-haired Sophie did was make weird advertisements that said "Where's Sophie?" Before she eventually dropped off the show. After Ms. Leighton left 90210, well, "Where's Laura?" Working in an office? Being a housewife?

Lennon, Jarrett: A stage name, as it is really Jarrett Lennon Kaufman. Anyway, he's some...former child actor now, who appeared in small roles in numerous films and TV projects, such as Short Cuts and Cheers. Not bad for a kid. I don't know what he is doing know, but once heard he wanted to go to MIT, which means that he must want a job in a very nice office.

Leo, Melissa: Actress of Homicide and A Time of Destiny, who was stalked by her former husband, actor John Heard. There is a rumor that her stalking was why she left Homicide, because they "feared the publicity." As if some struggling show shouldn't enjoy every bit of publicity it gets. It's not like she's the one who stalked him. Anyway, since Homicide, WEHT?

Leonard, Robert Sean: SWOON! Another prince, who is sooooooooooooooo talented at film and television, so I assume he's just as good at theater. Robert should be like his sexy friends Ethan Hawke and Frank Whaley (AUGH!), and direct, because I'm sure he'd be as WONDERFUL at it as he is at acting. SWOON! SIGH! *FAINT!*

Leto, Jared: I enjoyed strolling the same grounds that he did during the filming of Prefontaine. It is with roles like that, that also separaties Jared from the average "young" actors, ala Ryan Phillipe.

Lewis, Juliette: Monotone, occasionally grating actress that I have never, ever cared for. Sometimes Juliette receives praise for her films, and I think she might have gotten an Oscar nomination. What for? She spoke with enthousiasm? I think $he is al$0 a $cientologi$t. Ugh.

Light, Judith: She may as well change her name to Judith Lifetime, since all she ever does is act in Made-For-TV movies that always end up on the Lifetime network. Judith is usually beyond all grating in those films, especially when she is playing a "villian."

Linz, Alex D; Lipnicki, Johnathan; Lloyd, Jake:: Interchangable, cutesy child actors now, but what about when they grow into teenagers? They will have to go back to school and be "normal kids" again. What if the other kids tease them and beat them up for being "actor boys?" I guess Jake Lloyd got teased for being in Star Wars, and I can...certainly imagine that with the other two.

Locane, Amy: She was in Prefontaine too, and I was vaguely "envious" of her, because from behind, I just thought she was some teenage extra that unfairly got to sit with the cast. I'm sure Amy was be pleased and thrilled to get mistaken for a teen.

Lohan, Lindsay: The female version of people like Jake Lloyd, except she started "old," for a kid, and well, do you see her still acting much? She's probably too busy brushing up her trade skills for a job in the "real world."

Lookinland, Mike: Aren't people sweet to make pages about people like Mike Lookinland, who more or less, hasn't even acted since he was a child, except to play Bobby Brady again? How touching. Now, Mike works behind the scenes. He was part of the crew for A Midnight Clear, which means he probably got to MEET Ethan Hawke AND Frank Whaley. What'd I'd have given to take his place. *swoon.*

Lopez, Jennifer: Oh, boo hoo hoo. Just like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez made some movie in Washington, but hers was considered to be filmed in Gig Harbor. Oh, golly, I could have met Jennifer Lopez. Oh, what a THRILL that would have been. Sadly enough, the film crew chose Port Townsend instead. What a slap in the face to Gig Harbor. Oh, how dare they deprive us all of the "honor" of meeting Jennifer Lopez, oh what a shame!

Lopez, Mario: If I see somebody peering over my shoulder as I type his name and write about him, I am going to be mad! As if Jennifer Lopez wasn't bad enough. Mario's not her brother, or anything. He's that annoying himbo AC Slater from Saved By the Bell (go away, people using computers around me! I don't watch it, I'm just writing about it.) . I didn't even like "Slater" when I was a kid, because he always called Zack "preppie," and wore things like black stone-washed jeans, and had too-curly hair that looked like a brilo-pad. Now what is he doing? Is he going to "come out" as a lot of former stars do, or is he married with twenty-five kids? Dunno..

Loughlin, Lori: After enduring the humiliation of writing about a Saved By the Bell star, now I get to write about somebody from Full House. Oh the harrar, as annoying Danny Tanner would say. Lori is among the crowd who "refused" to comment about the Olson twins...for whatever reason. She appeared in a couple of TV films after Full House, and then... what do you know, WEHT...

Luner, Jamie: Played, dense, bimbo-ish Cindy Lubbock on Just the Ten of Us. I loved that character, but I don't make a point of following Jamie's career. She's played... a lot of other bimboey roles since then.

Lutes, Eric: Was the first to play a gay character on Frasier...very convincingly. He seems like he would have a rumor of being...not straight himself, but I don't know.

Even more...