Machio, Ralph: One of those teens stars of yesteryear, who... well, what is Ralph doing? I know he tried to be in How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying during the late 1990's, but I don't know what else.

MacDowell, Andie: Whose idea was it to dub her voice in that Tarzan movie? That wasn't very nice. Seeing her appearing in commercials about hair coloring products that "cover up gray," makes me sort of surprised that she was semi-associated with the Brat Pack.

MacLaine, Shirley: She's very, very, very, very into the New Age, and I think is a member of something called the Church of the Divine Man, which sounds,,,bizarre. If she is not a DM member, she's in something very similar.

Madonna: Oh, groan. I hate when musicians like her try to act. Even Madonna admits that Madonna's films are usually very stupid, so why was she in them?

Madsen, Michael: Some refined, slightly more...understandable version of the silly actor Vincent Young. Michael has some actress sister, Virginia, who doesn't look a thing like him, and both appear in...not my favorite projects.

Maguire, Tobey: Leonardo Dicaprio's friend and a member of his "posse." What a way to make a name for yourself.

Manheim, Camryn: Winning an Emmy and saying "this is for all of the fat girls" made her famous. Before that, she was just some supporting character on awful The Practice. She still is, but now she does things like crosses over into movies, and tries to promote her liberal politics occasionally. Yuck. Wither back into the background, Camryn.

Marcil, Vanessa: No, she's really Ortinez (sp?), Vanessa, so why does she have a pretend last name? Anyway, I was just "oh-so-thrilled" to find some old DANDRUFF SHAMPOO commercial that she appeared in on some tape. Besides that, I've had the immense "pleasure" of seeing her in the role of "Gina," on masterpiece-de-jour Beverly Hills 90210. She left to go back to whatever soap opera she came from about three months before the show ended. Why didn't she just wait? Much of that cast is subject to rumors, but since Vanessa didn't even come until season 9, I haven't heard anything negative about her, to give her credit... but I haven't looked for it, either.

Marie, Lisa: Marie, Rose: Oh gee, are they related? "Marie" happens to be both of their "last names," so you would think so...

Martin, Ricky: Spare me, but thank you for performing for President Bush.

Marx, Groucho: Was born on October 2nd, just like Lorraine Bracco...and me.

Ma$ter$on, Chri$, Ma$ter$on, Danny: Brother$, and member$ of the "church" of $cientology. Danny, the very slighly more well-known of the two, does things like swear in interviews. He also seems to want to be like actor Giovanni Ribisi in every way. They look alike, they play the same stupid kinds of roles, and they both belong to $cientology.

Mastroiani, Pat: Aka: Jeremiah, Joey, as he's beyond the most well-known for. You don't hear all THAT much about Degrassi in the states, and if you live around my area, you can't even watch it anymore, since they took it off of CBC, which is the only Canadian station that comes in around here. So, needless to say, I don't see much of Pat's acting anymore, but Degrassi has a huge online following, so I know he's hosted a couple of Canadian TV shows, and is either engaged or married. Also, when Degrassi ended, he was...glad (GASP!) , because of problems with a castmate over a girl, but this has assumingly been resolved, since he appears on Degrassi reunions and such.

Mazar, Debi: Certainly not my favorite actress, but I vaguely enjoyed some story she told on a talk show that she was on in about 1997(so don't ask me why I still remember it) where she made an English muffin, and kept hearing something in the toaster, and when it popped out, some charred mouse was supposed to come out along with it. Gross! I guess that story made it into in episode of her short lived TV series from that same year, too.

McConaughey, Matthew Some Woody Harrelson wanna-be, right down to the fact that he has troubles with drugs too. Or does Woody's interest in drugs simply involve doing things like wanting to legalize them? I don't know, nor do I care, about him, or Matthew, who is often cheesily linked to "bimbos" and appears in practically no movies I like.

McGillis, Kelly: Wasn't she the one who was in that movie, The Accused, or whatever, that Jodie Foster won an Oscar for? Well, Jodie's been rumored to be a lesbian, and I read some silly page that "linked" her with whichever Kelly was in The Accused. That Kelly was oh-so-classicly linked with some OTHER woman, too. I'm sure she would have been so thrilled to read that website.

McGovern, Elizabeth: Beyond WEHT this co-star of such good films as Ordinary People and King of the Hill? I have no idea. I think she once dated Timothy Hutton, so I am "jealous" of her.

McGowan, Rose: My brother says she went to school Gig Harbor, Washington. I'm very surprised that doesn't get a lot of mention. Anyway, Rose is in much to weird to be seen independent films, or else juvenile projects, and is/was linked with Marilyn Manson, so the fact that she went to a Gig Harbor School (which I'm guessing was Gig Harbor High School) does not make me love her or anything.

McKellan, Ian: An openly gay British actor. How nice of him to fulfil that stereotype.

Meat Loaf: Sometimes he goes by "Meat Loaf Aday," which is very strange to add a last name to your stage name. Meat Loaf gives about equal time to music and acting, which is why he makes this. How come he didn't star in that Meat Loaf Story that VH1 did?

Meyer, Breckin: Pretty appealing young actor that strolled the same grounds as I during the shooting of Prefontaine. For some reason I feel as though I have always known that name, though don't ask me why, since I didn't really become familiar with him until Prefontaine. I didn't talk to him, but should have, since two girls called him over, and he actually came, and instead of shrieking and asking him for his autograph, they asked where Jared(Leto) was. I would have been a much nicer fan!

Midler, Bette: She's writing a book about her failed TV series Bette. I am one of the many to blame for its demise, since I never watched it. Besides that, she was linked to Peter Riegert in about the 1970's.

Milano, Alyssa; One of those names that's fairly embarrassing to type in public, since she's a former "teen idol." I vaguely liked her character in Who's The Boss, though I never much cared for that show... Going back to Alyssa's former teen idol status, I guess fans put gross pictures of her on the internet that must have been so bad that I believe her loved ones are a part of some internet group that promotes "safe searching." That's good.

Mineo, Sal: I highly enjoyed his weirdo character in Rebel Without a Cause, but that's all I have seen him in. People don't really have a very wide selection of his credits to chose from, since I believe he was murdered in the 1970's. He was also rumored to be a ...crooked arrow.

Ming-Na: Formerly Ming-Na Wen. Why does she think removing her last name is going to make some huge difference?

Minter, Kristin: If one of her credits is the movie There Goes My Baby, than she certainly gets a lot of mileage complaining about it. I hate when people complain about their past projects, it's very...rude, like they're just so "above" that kind of thing now. Spare me. There's some other similarly named actress, Kristin... something, who may be the complainer if it is not Ms. Minter. I am not familair with EITHER of them, so NEITHER of them is in a position to complain about their past work.

Mohr, Jay: Geriatric-looking star who claims to be in his "early thirties." Whatever.

Momsen, Taylor: Made by : Mommy. (probably.)

Moore, Dudley: Suffering from a rare, creepy-sounding brain disease, but is I guess optimistic, since he was supposed to get bad at the press for saying he was "dying." That makes sense.

Moore, Julianee: The female version of Phillip Seymour Hoffman, more or less. They are not geniuses or exceptional talents. I will give them credit for (not as far as I know) not bashing their past projects, since they're so GREAT and all now.

Moore, Michael: More of a "media figure" than actor. I was very tempted to write back to some forward I received that was a letter from Michael that insulted the Republican party, and more or less led to him declaring that he was supporting Ralph Nader, but I wasn't in the mood, and his guy lost anyway. At least he voted for a slightly more "spirited" candidate than Al "Bore."

Moranis, Rick: Big comedic actor of the '80s, who kind of dropped off the planet after Big Bully. He vaguely looks like Bill Gates, so maybe he's working for Microsoft, or something.

Moriarty, Michael: Moved to Canada for some bizarre reason. Usually plays dull, "straight man" characters on TV and film, but seems rather... different in reality.

Mowry, Taj; Mowry, Tamara; Mowry, Tia: Taj is some former kidde actor from such television "treasures" as Full House and Smart Guy ( which I tried to watch an episode of once and it was really nauseating), and Tamera and Tia are his older twin siblings who had their own show...and then... well, they are about the the perfect age for office work.

Mullally, Megan: The Voice of Great Annoyance. I would laugh if I ever saw her trying to be in a drama, since her nasally, whiny voice doesn't really work for anything but comedy.

Muniz, Frankie: Is a teenage star in a semi well-acclaimed show, who makes such comments as "I've grown a lot this year, and my voice is getting deeper." This might be enough to make some mean boys beat him up.

Murphy, Eddie: I heard a story of my friend's grandmother getting stuck in an elevator(?) with Mr. Murphy, and her not knowing who he was. This was during Eddie's run of great fame, and he was supposed to be so touched that he sent her flowers or something and a thank-you card. I have no idea how much of this is true, if any of it. How did he find out her name and location, for one thing? It's ...interesting, though.

Myers, Mike: Austin Powers and Wayne's World movies... gee, what a filmography. I hate the thought of Michael doing things like playing with his fat, which I think he was supposed to have done in some movie. Lose weight.

Nabors, Jim: I guess he's ...still active in performing. As Gomer Pyle, a character I have never much cared for, Jim always...found a way to make Gomer sing all beautifully, which so does not go with that character, but whatever. Some website said he was gay. I have heard nothing more of this, however.

Neeson, Liam: I know little of him, except that he is/was married to Natasha Henstridge, but once I went down to the local courthouse, and ended up seeing a pre-trial conference for Robert Yates, this serial killer that makes the news a lot where I live, and if they ever tried to make some movie about him, Liam Neeson would be perfect for the part, since they kind of look alike, and I know it's a role he could do.

Negron, Taylor: Comedian that I know of from the show Hope and Gloria, who occasionally acted all queeny on the show, but I know nothing of his "preferences" in reality.

Nemec, Corin: He used to be billed as Corin "Corky" Nemec when he acted as a child, but I guess he's too "grown up" for such a nickname now. He may as well have been "Corey" Nemec, since career-wise, he is similar to Corey's Haim and Feldman. He'$ al$o a $cientologi$t.

Newhart, Bob: A nice, normal...refreshing comedian, who's been around for decades. He might act with Cisquo(sp? I mean that singer). What are they going to call that show? The Odd Couple has already been taken. I hope that when Bob comes back to TV, he will stick to his enjoyable straight-man routine, and his sweaters. It disgusted me beyond belief when he made some "worst dressed" list in about 1993. As if Bob Newhart isn't known for his button-down sweaters. He'd practically look ...wrong in anything else!

Newman, Paul: Veteren actor...maker of natural foods. His popcorn is pretty good, actually.

Nicholson, Jack: He's right up there with Bobby De Niro and still-to-come Al Pacino, since all are treated like versatile geniuses, even though they all have about "three" characters. Is he or isn't he dating Lara Flynn Boyle? I hate when articles are about stupid things like that.

Nolte, Nick: Oddly-voiced actor who helped Ed Harris and Amy Madigan form that stupid protest against Elia Kazan. Actors like Nick are the stereotype to have things like drinking problems, but I don't know if he has one or not. His son acted in Ransom, and being an "actor-boy" made him get treated differently at school, but I don't think he was beat up.

Norton, Edward: Oh, goody, golly, gumdrops. Just writing the name of this so-called talent sends shivers of my spine, as I think of his creepy performances from Primal Fear. I scream, remembering him in American History X, but my thoughts soon changes to laughter, as my mind drifts to Keeping the Faith, and on to dancing as I am taken to the world of Everyone Says I Love You. With credits like these, WHY IS EDWARD NORTON TREATED LIKE "THE BEST YOUNG ACTOR THERE IS TODAY????" WHY?

O'Connell, Charlie; O'Connell, Jerry: SHRIEK! Jerry O'Connell! Charlie O'Connell is very, very to be the brother of Sexy Jerry O'Connell, and it was sooooooooooooooo charming when they played brothers on Sliders. It was so multi-talented of Jerry O'Connell to assist in the production of the show, too. How diverse! His filmography is also quite...diverse, and includes such things I would NOT care to see as Tomcats, but I'm sure he's as WONDERFUL in that as he is in everything else! AUGH! SWOON! *FAINT*

O'Connor, Carroll: I had to find examples of a criminal and civil court case for some civil law class I had, and Carroll turned out to be the defendant for my civil case, as he was being sued by a fellow named Perzigian(?), whom O'Connor says was a major player in what led to the suicide of his son, Hugh. Carroll "won" his lawsuit, which is good, but what a situation.

O'Donnell, Chris: Another of those names where I have to make sure that nobody is looking at my screen as I type it, because how EMBARASSING if so. Chris used to be some huge, overhyped, teen-idol, "sex symbol." Now, he stuck in films like The Bachelor, but still...what if anybody remembers him from when he was famous.

O'Donnell, Rosie: Oh, maybe I should be putting this in some "politician" section, since Rosie so likes to make her liberal viewpoints known on such things as her talk show, which so has nothing to do with politics! When her show ends, I predict Rosie too will "end"--career wise.

O'Keefe, Jodi Lynn: I don't care a thing about her as a person, but I was subjected to the torture of watching She's All That, and watching her portray a "teenager" is sort of an insult to my intelligence. Even if, by some odd struck of luck, she WAS one, which I doubt, she still shouldn't be playing them, because she looked very "mature" and her character was really annoying, and what this all leads to is that I happen to hate She's All That.

O'Neill, Ed: He was supposed to sit amongst a crowd in bleachers during the shooting of Prefontaine, and all of the extras crowded around him, waving (he even waved back to my sister), and I guess bothering him to the point of making him mumble "too many people..." before he stormed away...leaving people (at least my mother) with the impression that he was...A SNOB.

Oldman, Gary: Talented he is at just about every kind of role. I enjoy Gary most as Beethoven in Immortal Beloved, but he livens up the screen in movies I don't like as much, too. I vaguely "enjoyed" the Hollywood couple of him and Isabella Rossellini, but the romance died, because Gary married--and divorced--someone else. Poor Isabella Rossellini.

Olds, Gabriel: He's in his mid-twenties now... Whatever. He's also the star of that "masterpiece" Calendar Girl (with "Sexy" (Jerry) O'Connell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), for those who did not know, since Gabriel, like a fair amount of people on here, does not actually have a page on the Yahoo listings.

Olsen, Mary-Kate & Ashley: Ugh! If I am ever making sure that nobody is looking even near my computer screen as I type, it is now! The players of bratty, monsterous, possibily one of my least favorite child characters Michelle Tanner from Full House. WHY DID PLAYING THAT DEVIL-CHILD MAKE THEM FAMOUS??? I very much remember hearing people "mock" Full House when it was still on, and complaining that the audience always laughed at Michelle and acted like she was cute, even when she said the most ordinary lines like "the dog is inside," or something...and that's true! I HATE "Michelle." Perhaps, because I do, I am generally disgusted by the fact that the Olsen twins made careers for themselves by playing her. I guess most of the rest of the cast of her(their, whatever) series don't like that "Michelle Tanner" is what made the Olsen twins famous, because, as I've mentioned with Candace Cameron, once when they had an article, practically all of them REFUSED to comment on the Olsen twins. How "grown up" of the cast of Full House to do that. Whatever.

Orbach, Jerry: Once, my brother claimed he saw him and a woman(his wife, assumingly) at a Sears in Tacoma, Washington. Now, what would Jerry Orbach be doing at a Sears in Tacoma? Nonetheless, of course my brother made a scene and shouted things like "it's the guy from Law and Order, and "Jerry Orbach's" wife smiled and said "we always get that." I wonder if it was an ordinary guy who really wasn't Jerry Orbach, or if he was maintaining a low profile and ...pretending not to be.

Osmet, Haley Joel: I wonder if he gets teased for being an "actor boy" named Haley? If little boys are ever stuck seeing him as a young brat in a film called Bogus, and hear his singing voice, which was back then very girly, I wonder if that would generate even more teasing for Haley Joel?

Osmond, Donny; Osmond, Marie: Siblings, singers, Mormons, talk-show hosts, family orientated...Marie suffered from some form of depression, blah blah. Why do I even know that much about the Osmands when I don't make the slightest point of following their careers?

Pacino, Al: See Robert Deniro...if any films are mentioned, change them to Al's films...they're really one in the same.

Paltrow, Gwyneth: Oh yeah, she won an Oscar. Well, big deal, so did Helen Hunt and Angelina Jolie, and about a million other people I think were totally undeserving of them. "Gwynnie" was just in such a popular film, and she's just so talented, I'm sure. But for William Bradley Pitt, Gywenth would not have even had a shot at stardom, which may be why the majority of anything about her is about who she is dating, or such other shallowness. She used to date Robert Sean Leonard, AUGH! I'm "jealous"...but not of her, in general, even though the treatment she receives is quite nauseating.

Paquin, Anna: Oh, gee! Two talented Academy Award Winning Actresses in a row! Oh, what an HONOR to follow up the "great" Gwyneth Paltrow, with the oh-so-talented Anna Paquin. How lucky I am. Of course, since she won her Oscar, she's been in such WONDERFUL films as Fly Away Home, which she bad-mouths now, saying she only made it because she was "young." I know you're MUCH too good for family films now, Anna. You choose QUALITY now, like X Men.

Parker, Sarah Jessica: She stole Matthew Broderick! Now, I'm kidding, but I'm still very, very "jealous" of her. He's probably a wonderful husband. *Sigh* She once dated Robert Downey Jr, too. *swoon*

Pasdar, Adrian: He's much more than that Dixie Chick's husband, but that's more or less all that Adrian's been known for lately. A good actor who seems to prefer television projects, but unfortunately always picks shows that...don't last.

Peldon, Ashley; Peldon, Courtney: I haven't really seen the second one much, but the first practically epitomized some cutesty child star. Now she's ...old, and probably preparing for office work, as is her sister.

Penn, Christopher; Penn, Sean: Some tabloid-ish news report said that Chris ended up in rehab because he was "resentful" of his brother's success of an actor. Sean's supposed to be some "reluctant" A-lister, so he would probably prefer if Chris had the fame. Because he's a "reluctant" A-lister, Sean actually keeps a fairly low profile(I guess this hasn't always been the case, but still) and doesn't try to do things like express his political values or flaunt his "celebrity status," so I don't mind him.

Perez, Rosie: Squaky, screechy-voiced actress and pointless Academy Award nominee for her role in Fearless, annoying, since she's beyond the one I liked the least in the movie. Winona Ryder was supposed to have been interested in that role. At least Winona Ryder's voice is not grating. Why didn't they let her be in Fearless?

Perkins, Anthony: A crooked arrow, or was at least rumorerd to be.

Perry, Luke: Oh, groan. Not COY LUTHER Perry III, or whatever his cheesy "real" name is. Where exactly did he get "Luke" out of that? Who knows, who cares. I never cared for Dylan McKay, but for some reason that character was a big part of what made 90210 famous for the bit of time that it was. I guess as the show went on and on, 'Coy' liked it less and less, and left to persue a film career. Even though Luther often complained about 90210, he came back during season 9 and remained on until the end...even though I think he still COMPLAINED about it. Besides the fact that his film career didn't seem to be working out, why exactly did "Luke" Perry COME BACk to 90210 if he hated it so much? Whatever.

Perry, Matthew: He's just so troubled with drugs(or is it alcohol) and his weight. WHO CARES (for the second one)???

Peters, Bernadette: My dad said she was DEAD, but I think he was confusing her with Madeline Kahn. I checked her website, just in case, and she seems alive and well, as of 2001.

Phillips, MacKenzie: I don't remember how old I was when I first heard that she once had a drug problem. I'm surprised I don't have every detail of her past addiction memorized, however, since she seems to like to talk about it a lot. I'm very happy that she got past her struggles, but enough.

Phillips, Michelle: Actress of "daily dramas," or at least night time versions of them. Either she has dentures, or seems to smile a lot at inappropriate places. Oh yeah, she was in "The Mamas and the Papas," too, of course.

Phoenix, Joaquin: Why did he used to go by "Leif" Phoenix? How...stupid. I didn't appreciate finding out that I had seen him in Parenthood, since now Joaquin's some GENIUS, and I am never fond of actors who get that "genius" treatment. He is, of course, the brother of the late River Phoenix, and his sister Summer, A.K.A. RAIN Phoenix(nice names, their parents!) also acts.

Pierce, David Hyde: Is 'Hyde' his middle name, or what? I've never been quite sure. I've seen him in a couple of things where he was just "David Pierce" (Crossing Delancey), but whatever. He's not just David Hyde Pierce, he's NILES, and a big part of what makes Frasier as good as it is. On the internet, his treatment is very similar to that of Tom Hulce's. Why them? Appropriately enough, they're probably friends, since Tom thanked David when he won his Emmy. I'm surprised someone online hasn't said that they're...more than friends.

Pintuauro, Daniel: Acted in Who's the Boss, seemingly went nowhere after that, until he 'came out' in the late 1990's. That's a vague stereotype for a faded star to fulfill. How creative of you, Danny.

Piper, Roddy: Should he even belong in this catagory? I guess he's been in eough B-movies to allow him such an "honor." I loved him as a wrestler when I was a child, but is he even active in that anymore? Is he even making B-movies? WEHT?

Pitt, Brad: The "Sexiest Man Alive," supposedly, but I just can't buy it, as I will always remember some picture of Brad with long, flowing, obviously-dyed, dry-looking, blonde hair and some "ugly" outfit. That's just not my idea of some Romeo. I'm not exactly fond of anything else regarding him, either. It's pathetic that his most entertaining role was his guest stint on Growing Pains as a rock star who pretends to be nice to Ben, but then yells at him when stupid Ben comes back, but Brad was supposed to have BAD MOUTHED that role. Like the rest of his work is so great!

Plimpton, Martha: She all played herself in My Life's in Turnaround, but there's still little I know about her. She tends to play characters like drug addicts and alcoholics, and once I pointed to some dull-looking movie that she co-starred in called Chantilly Lace as a rental suggestion for my mother, but I guess she "doesn't like" Martha Plimpton. I don't LOVE her, but there's...worse. I think she is currently involved in something in the ranks of the Steppenwolf Theater, but I may have the wrong group. She is currently involved in theater, I know that much.

Pollack, Kevin: For some reason I watched him when he appeared on some talk show, where for some reason, he kept talking about Dave I really want to be reminded of Full House when I am not watching it, Kev.

Polley, Sarah: She's a Communist, or Socialist or something, according to somebody I used to e-mail. They said it so casually(the subject was Canadian actors and she was one of the few I'd heard of back then) and named a Party and everything, so I have no reason to think they're making it up. It's not like it's 1940's Hollywood, or something, but WEIRD!

Portman, Natalie: "Portman" is a stage name so that she can remain "private." Whatever.

Poston, Tom: He and Suzanne Pleshette were supposed to get married. I guess they have Bob Newhart to thank for that.

Pre$ley, Pri$cilla: A member of the 'Church' of $cientology, a$ i$ her daughter, Li$a Marie.

Pre$ton, Kelly: A$ i$ Kelly Pre$ton! $he and her hu$band "L. Ron" Travolta are $uppo$ed to be very devoted to their ($o-called) religion.

Price, Lindsay: Rather mature looking for a "twenty-something," but I actually REMEMBER Toys 'R Us commericals, where she was one of those brats who sang. She also played Janet, one of the most dull characters on 90210, and there's some story online that describes somebody seeing her and two of her female co-stars (Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling) and they were supposed to keep running away from the fans, or something equally bizarre.

Priestly, Jason: I don't think he's very "priestly," at least when he's complaining about his former TV series. At least Jason, unlike Coy Perry, did not come back and bad-mouth the show somemore, but what was the point of him leaving? He still executive produced. Oh well, I liked "Matt"(the replacement character potrayed by Daniel Cosgrove) about ten times better than Brandon, and I didn't even like Matt THAT much!

Prinze, Freddie, Prinze, Freddie, Jr.: What "serious" people! Jason Preistly, Freddie Prinze Jr.... Anyway, Sr's also included, as he was a big star of a comedy, who tragically took his own life when he was only 22-years-old, leaving behind his infant son, who grew up to be some "cheesy" teen idol of bland, generic, one-in-the-same romantic films, such as icky She's All That. Engaged to another "serious thespian," Sarah Michelle Geller.

Pryor, Richard: Comedian tragically suffering from MS.

Pullman, Bill: WEHT him?

Keep going...