Quaid, Dennis; Quaid, Randy: Brothers(I think), who totally look nothing alike. 'Denny' is the more well-known of the two, especially since he broke up with Meg Ryan, and all of the junque that followed that! Randy is the "comedian" of the two, and sticks to smaller, "B movies."

Quinlan, Kathleen: Where will you go and what will you do after Family Law? I suppose "Kathy" Quinlan has been around since the 1970's, but has never been able to quite make a name for herself, so one must always wonder about her.

Quinn, Aidan: He's alright, though he tends to go for flicks I find "boring." I believe he is married to actress Elizabeth Bracco, and he venured into the directing world, as many actors do, with the film This is My Father. Stupid, evil Practical Magic filmed in my state, and I got some e-mail from somebody who saw him once or twice, and said he was nice, which is good, I guess.

Radcliffe, Daniel: In early 2001, his two listed webpages are probably made by Mommy and Daddy, or Mommy and Agent, or Daddy and Agent, or something... but after that Harry Potter thing comes out, Daniel is likely to have either a huge fan base, or totally go nowhere if the film flops.

Raimi, Ted: I believe he appeared on The O'Reilly Factor once, but I didn't see him. My dad did though, and was really disgusted by his behavior.

Randall, Lexi: Are you enjoying the office?

Rapaport, Michael: Once upon a time, Michael Rapaport was supposed to do stuff in the ranks of pounding on his ex-girlfriend Lili Taylor's windows, and being a bit like John Heard to Melissa Leo, but that was then, and I guess he is now some married father. What a change.

Rapp, Anthony: ...Likes men.

Reagan, Nancy Davis; Reagan, Ronald: I always forget that Nancy even acted, since I haven't seen any of her films, and have only seen a couple of Ronald. I've, um, known them more as Mr. and Mrs. President, than as actors, even though I'm sure that experience really helped them both with their public personas. To Liberals, the Reagan years were supposed to be a torturous feat, to Conservatives, though, he's still much loved, and will always be remembered as a great President.

Redford, Robert: Actor/director, and a good director at that. After all, it was in one of his films that Timothy Hutton (AUGH! *SWOON*) won his Oscar, and Quiz Show is wonderful as well... so why'd he go so wrong with Bagger Vance, trying to cast all of these "cool" actors. Matt Damon's role was SUPPOSED to be Jim Caviezel's! What if Jim had been cast, and it had changed the whole face of the movie, so it got Oscar nominations or something? "Cool" isn't always the best way to go, Rob.

Reed, Robert: If he had NOT been in "the closet" during his run on The Brady Bunch, I wonder how that would have been viewed by the public? Hmm...

Reeve, Christopher; Reeve, Dana: Christopher suffered that accident that left him paralyzed, of course, but he has made the best of it. Dana is his wife, who acts and sings occasionally, and was actually quite memorable in her guest appearances on a cool, but sadly short-lived show called Feds.

Reeves, Keanu: LEAVE, anybody in the computer lab who is sitting even NEAR me! I do NOT want to be seen typing such a name. Ugh. Mr. Reeves has been a "cheese-ball," "sex symbol" presence since the 1980's, who is known much more for his looks than talent, at least according to "mean" people like me.

Reinking, Ann: She was born in Seattle. Woo hoo. So why did she sound like she was going to burst into a British accent when she played Grace Ferrell in the oh-so-classic, but at least it's ENTERTAINING 1982 version of Annie? Whatever. If I hadn't known that she was involved in theater, I would have thought she was in an office or something, since her last film role dates back to 1984.

Reiser, Paul: What? I'm not putting this "funny man" in some section for authors? That's because silly trade paperbacks aren't quite the same as, say, Moby Dick.

Remini, Leah: Yeah, she was born in 1970. Sure, whatever... Anyway, Leah i$ a $cientologi$t who was $ued by a personal management firm in 1999 for failing to pay commi$ion$, but I don't know what became of thi$.

Renfro, Brad: Former child star who's clichedly all troubled, and got "busted" by cops for something involving the theft of a boat, but I don't know if he is accused of stealing it, or just being a party to the case, or what became of any of that.

Reubens, Paul: I didn't like "Pee Wee Herman" when I was a child, and he doesn't make himself sound very appealing now, doing such things as wearing flowered pants... plus what he got in trouble for that made him "Pee Wee the 'Pervert'" ? Ugh.

Reynolds, Burt: He divorced Loni Anderson, and all. I remember hearing about that LONG before I "followed" entertainment, because it was so, so overplayed. Gee, "nobody" gets divorced. I guess all that led to it was tacky and done wrong, but Mr. and the fomer Mrs. Reynolds made themselves look pretty tacky, too, letting everybody know all about their problems.

Reynolds, Debbie: Debbie Reynolds, Liz Taylor, Eddie Fisher... oh, the scandal!

Rhames, Ving: Actually reunited with his homeless brother during the filming of The Saint of Fort Washington, a great drama about...homelessness.

Ribi$i, Giovanni: $cientologi$t and former child $tar, who di$gu$ted me beyond belief when he wa$ in the beginning $tages of...having hi$ voice change, and it $ounded like Mickey "Mou$e." Ugh! That wa$ back when he wa$ "Vanni" Ribi$i, but now he'$ too "cool" for such a name, I gue$$, and act$ in $uch "hip" fare a$ The Mod '$'quad. Hi$ $i$ter Mari$$a i$ an actre$$, and i$ al$o involved in $cientology.

Ricci, Christina: Acts obnoxious in her interviews, saying such things as she did certain movies (ones that just happen to not have been hits, or critically acclaimed) "for the money," which is really not even funny or cute when adults say that, much less (former) TEENAGERS.

Richards, Denise: Since I don't make a point of watching her movies, maybe she doesn't do this anymore, but at least when she had some bit part on stupid Saved By the Bell, she wailed all of her lines in a flat voice, which was sort of torturous to watch, like she got PAID for being on that?

Rickman, Alan: Somebody in my fifth grade class whose last name happened to be Rickman tried to say that they were related to him. Who knows if this is true, but it corresponded with the release of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, making it even more questionable if they were lying or not.

Ringwald, Molly: WEHT? I'm not exactly the first one who's asked that questions. I think she's stuck in the depths of B-movie central...

Ripa, Kelly: She shares my birthday. I nevre watched Regis and Kathie Lee, so I personally don't care who's hosting it, but somebody tried to say on some TV show tried to act like her hosting gig "wasn't working out."

Robbins, Tim: He's alright as a director and actor. Sometimes he does things that bug me, like when he tries to be a politician, but at least he doesn't say things like "all Republicans should be stoned," like a certain heckled Socialist I can think of.

Roberts, Eric; Roberts, Julia: Their "estrangement" sounds really stupid. I especially thought it was of poor taste when Julia did not thank Eric when she won her Oscar, since she seemed to be thanking everybody else on Earth(I'm surprised she's NOT the one who thanked her lawyer.) But Julia does a lot of things I find foolish. I used to not really mind her, and I won't, say, instantly not watch a movie if she is in it, but sheesh. Take her mass over-hypedness for one example. Who cares about her and Ben Bratt? Are they going to get married, and she'll become Julia Bratt? She made a ridiculous, bratty comment about "looking up 'Republican' in the dictionary, and it being between 'reptile' and 'repugnant.'" Now, first of all, why was she LOOKING IT UP? Is she so mindless that she doesn't even know what a "Republican" IS, except that it's something to "hate?" Also, it wouldn't be BETWEEN "reptile" and "repugant." What about "republic," for one? The stupidity... Plus, going back to her Oscar speech, they have time limits on speeches for a REASON, doll, and that's not so "big stars" like you can casually choose not to follow them, as if you are so ABOVE the rules. Whatever. And it...really surprised me that people even liked her dress at all. It really wasn't that striking....whatever.

Robertson, Kathleen: She played Clare on silly 90210. Since she tries to be in "hip" indie films, some directed by her boyfriend, Greg Araki, she probably doesn't go around bragging about that credit. I never liked "Clare," anyway. She always looked very snooty, but I don't know if Kathleen was doing that intentionally or not.

Rodman, Dennis: Starring in such "masterpieces" as Simon Sez does not exactly qualify Dennis as some ACTOR. He's a media figure, or was, since you really don't hear much about him these days.

Romano, Ray: Is Everybody "Loves" Raymond actually touted as some family show, or is that just my imagination? I certainly hope I'm mistaken about that, because shows with episodes about where the mother wants to get breast implants(or whatever) are not exactly for kids! By the way, if EVERYBODY loved Raymond, wouldn't that mean we all watched his show? I don't, so I guess that right there makes it Not Everybody Loves Raymond.

Roseanne: Ugh! I don't exactly miss hearing about her and Tom, or her in general, as she was often discussed during about the early '90s. Now she's sort of, well, WEHT Roseanne? Not that I WANT her to "come back," but still...

Rossellini, Isabella: One of the twins born during Ingrid Bergman's 'scandelous' marriage, Isabella's never really become as well-known as her mother, but this is probably intentional, since she chooses "smaller" films, more than one of them with Jeroen Krabbe. She used to be the Lancome 'girl,' but not anymore. I hope that had nothing to do with her age, because how stupid, if so.

Roundtree, Richard: Was suffering from a disease that I'm sure most men(and women) would want to avoid of breast cancer during the filming of Se7en, but kept it withheld, Now, however, he seems outspoken enough about his condition at least to have had an article in People, which is where I read about that.

Ruck, Alan: Stuck with a generic, supporting-character in Spin City. Maybe I shouldn't say he's STUCK, since Alan apparently likes his role enough to where he hasn't, say, complained about it or quit the series or something, but he's capable of more than what they give him.

Rupaul: Oh, spare me! People who cross-dress shouldn't become famous simply for that. I'm aware Rupual tries to act and all, but still! Being that he dresses like a "dame," you would think Rupaul would...like boys, but I think he unusually does not, at least not "that way."

Russell, Keri: Did Felicity's ratings take a tumble during its second season because people did not know about it, or did not care about it enough to watch, or was it because she (oh please! Oh SPARE ME!!!!!) cut her hair? Because what a stupid reason, if so. Felicity sounds incredibly dull and nauseating, which is why I've never tuned in. The hairstyle of its star, which is not exactly uniquely beautiful, is of no interest to me whatsoever!

Russell, Kurt: Oh, how I loved him after I saw Backdraft. He's not exactly someone I follow now, basically because he chooses movies that are of no interest to me, but since I loved him once, I don't...hate him now.

Ryan, Jeri Lynn: One of the many celebrities that has been victimized by a stalker. Since she was in a Star Trek, of course her stalker was from the Internet.

Ryan, Meg: Please stop talking about her, the media. Actresses the likes of Meg Ryan are far preferable when they are, well, not the recipients of cheesy publicity including: a 'scandelous' divorce, an is-he-her-boyfriend-or-isn't-he relationship with Russel Crowe, "conern" about her being "too thin."

Ryder, Winona: She dated Math-ew Paige-is-commonly-a-GIRL'S-name Daemon, and others the likes of him, such as David Duchovny? Or didn't she, and there were just stupid articles "speculating" about whether or not they were a couple. How cheesy. She is alright as an actress, but I more or less do not care to hear about her (not THAT personal if it makes the press) personal life.

Saget, Bob: Some people call him Bob "Faggot." I guess they don't like him very much. I've seen stupid Full House for too many years to know how good or bad their performances are. I'm indifferent to them, but the stupid CHARACTER of "Danny Tanner" is certainly annoying enough to make people feel that way about Bob, who, by the way, complained about "being on kid's TV for so "f#$#ing" long. Oh, BOO HOO, Bob Saget. You're breaking my heart! They forced you to stay on Full House because everybody just loved you so darn much, didn't they? Ugh.

Sarandon, Susan: The Other Half of Tim Robbins ("common-law" style), who also needs to...keep her political opinions to herself(were they supposed to "leave the country" if Bush won?) and she will not bother me too much. Oh, and choose more interesting movies, too, Sue.

Sargent, Dick: A Friend of a girl named Dorothy.

Sawa, Devon: Former child star doing...no bigger or better things than he was before, when he was young and "hip." Back then, some little girl even wrote graffitti on the wall a dressing room at Balley's(sp?) "I Love Devon Sawa." How bubble-gummish. I doubt that would exactly happen today.

Scarwid, Diana: An unusual actress, or at least drawn to such UNUSUAL fare as Mommie Dearest, where she was quite...grating as Christina Crawford, and looked about forty-six, even though she was probably supposed to be not that far out of high school!

Scott, Campbell: AUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! A PRINCE!!! Campbell is a very sexy, very talented actor/director, and child of George C. (the C is for Campbell) Scott and Colleen Dewhurst, whose biography is supposed to have some anecdote about Campbell running away(WHY? Poor Campbell!), but leaving a very nice note that said things in the ranks of "don't worry." How CHARMING!! Campbell is occasionally speculated to be gay because of a convincing portrayal in Longtime Companion, but is actually a married father. *SWOON* I'm 'JEALOUS' of his wife. He's probably a WONDERFUL father!!!

Sedgwick, Edie; Sedgwick, Kyra; I believe they are/were(whatever) related. I'm sure Edie was a very....interesting relative. Had she been living at the time Kyra Sedgwick married Kevin Bacon, and she could have been "related" to him too.

Segal, George: I don't really know much about him, but I heard he was going to take acting classes for some reason. Is he mocked for his acting ability, or, in the eyes of his critics, lack thereof?

Seinfeld, Jerry: Hearing about his relationship with Shashonna, or whatever her oh-so-beautiful name is, was rather boring. And how is life after Seinfeld, Jer? Quiet?

Selleck, Tom: Sometimes he is a Republican, sometimes he is a Libertarian. I don't really "get" him, but he and Rosie O'Donnell were supposed to debate over things like guns, because Rosie's more than a talk show host: she's a politician too!

Sheen, Charlie; Sheen, Martin: Sheen is not even REMOTELY their last name, so why couldn't Charlie at least be like his brother and be "Charlie Estevez?" How...corny. Charlie's media personality is sort of corny in itself. He used to be some big partier who was involved with the likes of Heidi Fliess. Yuck! He says he's changed, so that's good. I WISH HE COULD INFLUENCE HIS FATHER A LITTLE BIT. Martin "Sheen" doesn't do things like hang around with "Hollywood Madam's" (as far as I know), but he and Charlie both had drug problems. Marty's might have been alcohol-related, but whatever it was, it does not give him the right to call others who have had similar problems "drunks," like he's so high and mighty and better than them. This is of course, in reference to Martin's rather obnoxious behavior toward George W. Bush, as he even refused a tour of the White House. Ugh. I'm glad The West Wing is not REAL, or America would be subjected to the horror of having him as the President. It's bad enough seeing him pretend to be one on TV.

Shields, Brooke: I'm glad I wasn't around when she was a young star, or I would have been ill with nausea. At least now that she's "grown up," she's just sort of...there. I believe she is another of Hollywood's very small and very diverse group of Republicans.

Shore, Pauly: WEHT? An act like his can only last for so long.

Siemaszko, Casey; Siemaszko, Nina: Highly likable, entertaining actors that seem quite normal in "reality" as well, since I never hear anything bad about them. I just don't hear much about the Siemaszko's in general, because our media is too clogged with stories about actresses who are "too thin" and the troubles with Cruise and Kidman, to write about anyone else. I get the impression that Casey and Nina don't seem to WANT to be stars, which is fine, since "stars" fade, and are also the ones more likely to do annoying things like express their political viewpoints, etc.

Slater, Christian: AUUUGHHH!!! Yet ANOTHER prince!! He should really be Christian "Hawkins," as that was name he was born with, but at least his mother's (real) last name, so it's not necessarily a stage name. He's been acting since he was a CUTE child. His films are not the best, but he's WONDERFUL in each of them!! Like many of the other multi-talented princes, Christian has tried his hand at directing...short films, I believe. I want to SEE them.

Smith, Allison; Smith, Anna Deveare; Smith, Charles Martin; Smith, Cheryl Rainbeaux; Smith, Gregory; Smith, Jaclyn; Smith, Jacob; Smith, Kerr; Smith, Kevin; Smith, Kurtwood; Smith, Maggie; Smith, Rex; Smith, Shawnee; Smith, Taran Noah; Smith, Will: Wow... so many Smith's. Are they all "related?" Is this one huge, multi-talented family? Probably not. I am one to wonder if any of these Smith's are related to each other, at least directly. I am, uh, with some, rather than others. Charles Martin Smith, the "geek" from American Graffitti is my favorite in the list. He still acts, produces, and directs, the first Air Bud,being probably the most well known of his directorial credits. Jaclyn almost played my mother. I'll be she doesn't remember that! Neither do I, since I was a baby girl, but a baby was needed to play JFK Jr. in some TV movie, where Jaclyn played Jackie Kennedy, and since my parents worked at the hospital where some of it was filmed around, that made me more considered than say, other babies whose parents didn't work there. Anyway, that didn't happen... As for the rest of the Smith's, Kevin and Will are the most well-known. Kevin, as a director of overhyped independent films that he "acts" in (and to some, for being a Degrassi fan) and Will for the fluff that he appears in, and for his "music."

Sobieski, Leelee: Ridiculously nicknamed teen-morphing-into-former-teen-star whom somebody lacked brains enough to pay her $1 Million dollars for a movie, despite the fact that she has never anchored a huge hit(Deep Impact does not count.)

Sokoloff, Marla: Former-teen-morphed-into-an-"adult" star with a bimboey name, whose very presence on The Practice is one of the many reasons I loathe it.

Somers, Suzanne: There is some waste of a TV movie where she plays herself acting out her life story... which did not look very noteworthy. I remember some scene where she was "troubled" because she "got fat." I don't remember any heartwrenching struggles she ever had to face, so why the biopic?

Sorvino, Mira: She won an Oscar, and look at where it left her: B-movie central.

Spelling, Randy; Spelling, Tori: Needless to say, typing these names is not exactly something I enjoy doing in a public setting, since the Spelling name tends to get associated to oh-so-seriousness like Tori's ,er, b's that may or may not be "fake," and the "nepotism" that these two are said to have. Randy is the much less publicized of the two, but he did make a few headlines for getting a DUI. As for the other one, she makes articles from time to time. If not, where would such phrases as "I do comedy, it's what I do," have been coined, as that is what she refers to the annoying...antics her 90210 character embarked in from time to time, usually without point. She also complains about being the subject of hate pages in some older articles, but this is just...mysterious, since when I tried to find some once, just to see what they were like, I couldn't. Hmm... I also didn't care to hear about her relationship with Nick Savales, or her crying over every last thing. And why did she say that "if she could do it all over again, (90210, or something) she would not have been Aaron Spelling's daughter. UGH! That's probably out of context, but somehow I doubt it being "IN" context would make it any less...wrong as a statement. Ohyeah,shedated90210costarVincent"Noah"Youngforawhile,too, while Randy dated some much younger than himself girl, and supposedly got a nose job.

Stahl, Nick: WEHT? Co-starring in cheesy teen horror films doesn't exactly guarentee that you'll be some permanent staple in showbiz, Nick.

Stallone, Frank; Stallone, Sylvestor: *Roll eyes* I loved the Rocky movies as a child, but Sly's never really been an actor I ... much cared about. Imitations of his rather distinctive voice are always funny to hear. Frank's Sly's bro who's never...quite made it as "big."

Stamos, John: *Tauntingly* He was in Full House! He was in Full House!! Ha ha! Why taunt? Because John's supposed to act like Full House was more or less some embarrassing waste of time. Well, THE 'STAR' OF FULL HOUSE, who helped CONTRIBUTE to the embarrassment? YOU, for being on it, with your stupid lines, and so-close-it's-creepy relationship with Michelle, and boring music, etc! NOBODY MADE YOU STAY ON THAT SHOW! You CHOSE to, and even did such ridiculous gestures as changing your character's last name, and not even bothering ever to have it explained in the show why it changed. And nice mullet in the first season. Sure, John, if you think that people will take you seriously if you act like you're just so cool and over Full House? Think again!

Stapleton, Jean; Stapleton, Maureen: I remember reading some weird old book that had one of the two Stapleton's complaining about how people always assumed that she was related to...the other one, and really badmouthng that other Stapleton. They always play the nicest characters, so it was really weird.

Stein, Ben: Acting is just one of the many things this multi-talent and ardent Conservative can do.

Stiles, Julia: Uch! Booming-voiced late-teen/early adult star for some reason viewed as some great talent and asset to the acting world, despite the fact that every film she does can fall into three catagories: teen films, adaptations(that are always modern) of Shakespeare, and indepdendant films... but they never called her diverse.

Stockwell, Dean: About the weirdest thing I have ever seen in a TV show was the usage of Jamie Walters portraying a young "Al" in Quantum Leap, while Dean was still the speaking voice. It just came out really...wrong. I guess Jamie and Dean were at a time supposed to look alike, but still. When I was a child, I LOVED some movie starring Dean as a child called The Boy With Green Hair, and had no idea he was the same guy from Quantum Leap, which my parents watched.

Streep, Meryl: "Nobody does it like Meryl," is a sick-making quote attached to her INCREDIBLE acting ability. Any chance of myself taking Meryl seriously fizzled when NBC aired a commercial for The River Wild that had Meryl wailing "why is this HAPPENING to me" in a voice as flat and whiny as the little B-actresses who usually wail such a "great" line. Yeah, Meryl's just the BEST actress ever alright.

Streisand, Barbra: UGH! I once heard that BS was "retiring" from show business, but I guess that WAS a bunch of BS, because really shortly after, she was writing to senators and encouraging them to keep John Ashcroft from becoming the Attorney General. Nice retirement, Babs, and elected officials really need some actress/singer/director telling them what to do. Plus, she was another who was supposed to "leave the country" when Bush won, so why was she even THERE? If Barbra wants to be treated as some influential, psuedo-political figure, than she needs to work on some ethical skills, like FULFILLING her promises, but that's a Liberal...

Stringfield, Sherry: She left ER to become closer to her boyfriend. Um, Sher, you're supposed to be an ADULT! That's something a little 16-year-old would try to pull!

Swain, Dominique: I thought it was "Swaim," but what do I know? Sheesh, I even thought she was some teenager when she did Lolita, but some news bulletin from 2000 said she turned "twenty-six," or some other non-teenage age. But I clearly remember reading that she was supposed to be something like 14 when she did Lolita. It wasn't made THAT long before 2000. Hmmm...

Swank, Hilary: Considering her credits previous to that masterpiece Boys Don't Cry, the first time some reviewer called her "wonderful" I thought they were being sarcastic.

Sweetin, Jodie: Ugh, not ANOTHER Full House star. She was the bratty middle daughter, Stephanie, who always looked like she was going to burst out laughing any time she said a "funny" line(at least SOMEBODY appreciated the writing on that show), and then grew into this really irritating "awkward" child that always tried to do things "because her friends were." UGH! In reality, Jodie remains quiet, because being on FH probably makes it hard for one to get a job, and once she complained about the Olsen twins being the only ones who got any fame out of Full House. Gee, Jodie, maybe the reason you didn't was because of the awful character you played, though with that in mind, why DID the Olsen's become famous?

Even more!