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Miracle is just what her name says she is.Bunny was pregant with Miracle when she was shot,the bullet went all over Bunny stomiac but never touched Miracle. She weighed 2 lbs and 4 oz.when she was born,she went down to a lb and 1/2.When Miracle was born she couldn't even suck her bottle we had to teach her how.She stayed in the hoisptal for a little over 2 mo.When she came home she weighed 4 lbs.and was 13 and 3/4 in long.Babydoll clothes was to small clothes were to little for her.Because she was so small we had to feed her every 2 hrs instead of every 4hrs.This went on for about 6 mo.When she was about a yr. or a little bit older she started sleeping all night the first time she did it scared me I thought I didn't hear her cry or something. When she was a year old they came and got her heart monitor.I was so scared I was afriad her heart would stop or she would forget to breath on her own.Miracle is a tuff one to just look how she was born. We were very lucky the Dr. told me that most babies born as early as Miracle have alot of medcial problems and have to have alot of differant kinds of surgreys. Miracle has to take breathing treatments and other than being just a little bit rotten she is fine. Miracle has short legs like her mommy,she is going to be built like her mommy.She has a mouth like her dad and thats all she takes after him as far as looks go. She ask me alot of questions about her mommy now that she is getting older and they are no easier to answer now than they were when DezaRaye was asking them.I don't have any answers for her either.How do answer a baby when she ask you NanNan why did that man shot and kill my mommy? What are you suppose to say to them? There are no answers for any of us I'm afriad. Miracle is very close to my sister Trina [the kids call her TT ]and her husband Donald. They call her Pudin I call her Punkin. All my kids have a bunch of nicknames. Her daddy Robert only lives about 20 or so min. from us and he doesn't come see her much. The last time he saw her was Chirstmas before last. Thats his loss not Miracles as far as I'm concerned.She don't say to much about him one way or the other. She sometimes forgets his name and calls him Roger instead of Robert. I tell her no his name is Robert no matter what he is her daddy.What he chooses to do with it is up to him Miracle knows she is loved there is no doubt it. He has 3 more chidren that were born after her and when she says they are her sisters and brother I can't help it I get so mad. I know I shouldn't but I do. As far as I'm concerned DezaRaye is the only sister she has or will ever have. Miracle has always been everyones baby I guess because of the way she was born . Miracle never knew her mommy,all she has ever known is what we have told her. That is all she will ever no about her mommy.Only what Bunnys family can tell her and show her in pictures is all she will ever know about her mommy. You can expect this when a family member or friend adopts a child or they are in prison,or on drugs but you never expect to have to tell them about there mommy because she was murdered. Miracle is very smart,very very pretty,and she makes friends easy.She is also lazy,trust me she is lazy.With that long blonde hair and blue eyes she can have you wraped around her finger fast if your not careful Miracle I want you to always always know how much I love you.You are truely my Miracle Baby.God saved you for me and I thank him for that.You know alot about Jesus all ready I hope you always keep going to church and learning about Jesus.When I am gone from this world and I'm with your mommy and your mommaw you remember this ok. You are very smart and can go far in this world,don't let nothing or noone stop you.You just go on learning and getting to the top.I know you can and will.Remember this Miracle God gave you to me for a reason and I thank him for that.You are such a joy even if you are meaner than a striped snake sometimes.I wouldn't change you even if I could.keep smiling and keep going untill you get what it is YOU really want.Miracle NanNan loves you with all her heart if I should go before you are raised please always remember that I Love You just because you are you

Lots of Love Connie{NanNan}

Song Playing Is:Ain't No Mountain High Enough..
