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Elizabeth George

This is a poem written by Richard Rendle Holten about his wife Elizabeth George.

Dost thou remember Lizzie dear,
The cottage by the stream,
Where first we met and felt the thrill,
Of loves delightful dream?
The glen where many a summer flower,
First opened to the day,
And the glorious sunbeamed light,
Passed its short life away.

Dost thou remember that _____ brook,
Which rippled softly by,
Where oft we pondered over a book,
Beneath a summer sky,
But ___ from the ____ page,
My wandering glance would rise,
To mark the blush upon thy cheek,
And ___ those downcast eyes.

Those days are past my Lizzie dear,
And thou art now my wife,
But ever ___ thou been to me,
The dearest part of life.

The rosy glow may leave thy cheek,
The love ___ _____ ___ eye,
But thou will seem so fair to me,
As in those days gone by.

R. R. Holten.
Ship Anglesey.
At sea. Oct 31st, 1856

(Copy of original diary held, some words can't be read)