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Backgrounds by Francina
I have been learning how to make backgrounds for my web pages. You may use them on family friendly sites only. If you want you may include a link back to my site but this in not necessary. I will be adding more backgrounds as I make them so check back often.

Here is how you would set up your border web page:

<Table border=0 align="left">
<tr><td><img src="vspacer.gif" width="150" height="0"></td>
<All of your web page goes here, including text and


You can change the width of the vspacer.gif to the width of your border.
You can download it by right clicking on your mouse in the table below.
Remember, it is supposed to be transparent!
It will go in the left side of the table you
have just made. This will keep all of the text to the right
so the border will show without overlaying text or graphics

vspacer.gif (868 bytes)

blue flowered border

flowered border on pink

flowered border on orange

gold bars repeated horizonally

double borders orange

double borders pink

pink hollyhock on pink

my hollyhock on pink

muted berry background

another muted background slightly textured

another muted berry background only smaller

muted blue flower hearts on blue

bright blue flower hearts on blue

just for fun

slightly muted candy background

muted candy background

If you choose to use my original backgrounds on your family friendly web page, you may use the banner below to provide a link back to my site. Please let me know the url of your site so I can visit and see how you have used my background.

my water backgrounds

*right click the above banner to save to your own files*

I hope you like using my backgrounds. Enjoy!!!

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