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hump da monkey

Click the globe to hear me say "hump da monkey"(44k download)

1/22/03 Cot Damn! It's been a loooong time since I did anything to this page, but I just added another quote and, look at the new menu, ain't it perty?! I swear im makin some new shoutouts soon. Oh yea I made a links site. Just some of the gay websites I like to go to. I guess that's it...SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!

9/23/01 I've done a lot of stuff since i wrote here last...wait...actually, I didnt do anything at all. Im a lazy bastard so dont expect my page to change much. I made the letters in the pull-down menu(the one that says click here) lowercase. I think it looks better. Uh..I made like 1 quote. I read more than 1000 love quotes and only got 40 out of making fun of them. I put top 3 Dan lists in the about me, but my favorite songs change all the time so the ones on there probably arent my favorite songs...not like you care. Oh yea , I put a new section in for some girl that wouldnt leave me alone. Its just her picture and thats it. Well, I think thats everything....and if yur actually reading have less of a life than I do.

7/25/01 Well im gonna type this as fast as possible becuz i gotta go to work soon, but im gonna change my site around a little bit. If u wanna see what its gonna look like, go
here. I'll put some new shoutouts in later. I probably wont update the quotes section for a little while. Ahhh! time for work!! Gotta go!!!

7/01/00 Hey hey hey! Its only 3 days away from 4th of July! Just in case u can't subtract I though I'd tell u that. Its only 2 days away from my sisters birthday, in not even gonna bother tellin u the date cuz if u cant figue it out then you probably cant figure out how to get through my website so u might as well not be leave! Anyway, I finally started the shoutouts. I dont know why but i dont feel like putting Timmy on there right now. Thats the second best part i think...well its the second most time consuming. The quotes may seem easy to make but theyre not. If theyre easy for u to make then why dont u send me some. Im tryin to figure out the javascript crap to make the scrollbar different colors. I bet u cant tell which two colors...LIME AND BLACK. I think i'll make the links next, not liek anyone goes there anyway. This site is updated at least once a week even though I dont add stuff to here every time I add stuff. I just got a new program to change bitmaps into jpegs, u might not know what im talkin about but it makes building this gay site easier. Well thats about it, oh yea. Sign my guestbook.

6/20/01 Hey hey hey. I added my quotes section thanx to someone who saved em. Thank you!!! I also fixed the guestbook and added a poll. It's down there somewhere. I dont think i wanna get fired from Wendys anymore. Its not that bad, but it still sux. Im tryin to make my website better than before but I dont know if thats possible. It prolly is. Well I'll keep tryin. Have fun at this gay website.

6/17/01 Uhh.. I added some new stuff. The love section. Its kinda perverted, but hey, it could be worse. I guess I'll have to remember my quotes cuz no one has em. Oh well it's not like I have anything better to do. Now im just gonna say this just in case people are dumb enough not to notice it. The thing above this where it says click how u get to the rest of my website. The things with asterix's beside them dont work. I havent started makin them yet. I will soon, i'm just a lazy bastard. This is good for a couple of days. And while yur here sign the guestbook. I wanna see how many people i can get to sign it. I got like 8 pages now. Some people have been tellin me it doesnt work, but it works for me....i guess im gonna have to investigate. Dammit. Have as much fun as possible here...which isnt a lot.

6/15/01 Ok. A lot of stuff happened since i was on here last. Um...I moved from Florida to Pennsylvania. I decided to move in with my mom. Don't ask me why cuz it sux here. My website was taken off the internet. I don't know why. Somethin about bein obscene. Good thing i kept the html for my website so i can just copy and paste it and have my website again. I think I'll put less obscene pictures on my website this time. I don't want to have this website taken off angelfire for a horse masturbating, but I'll probably put the timmy picture on. I love that picture. Um.. anyway, im 15 now. woo hoo! I have a job at Wendys and it sux so much!!! I just wanna kill Dave Thomas! And Wendy...well shes alright I guess, but the restaurant sux!!! Email me with new and inventive ways to get fired. My email adress is Well thats about all I have to fun!! Oh yea...and I lost my quotes. DAMMIT!! Oh well i should be able to find em. And the only links that works in the click here menu are the about me one, the love one and the guestbook ones.

4/06/01 Guess what? I'm grounded and suspended for stuff on my website that I printed out and brought to school. This sux more balls than a ballsucking elf lover. I'm not gonna be on a lot until the 27th cuz thats how long i'm suspended. I'm not allowed on the internet but I'll prolly go on every day. I'm just good like that. My website won't be updated a lot for a while. Especially the quotes section....thats what I got suspended for. They're not even that bad. I think the schools just jealous cuz i'm funny enough to get a good job and they'll prolly be stuck in that gay job till they retire. I'll have to dedicate a new section of my website to the gay school when I'm allowed on the internet again. But until then...have fun at my gay website.

4/03/01 WOW!!I have over 300 page views!This is great.People actually look at this piece of crap....but I took off the counter so I have no idea how many people over 300 have seen my site.Yeah!!By the way this website still sucks.I changed almost everything to bright green and I added a little menu that comes down when you click it. It should be right above this paragraph.Thank god for this little menu cuz those frames on the side were getting annoying as hell. But dont worry, even though its a lot easier to get through my site, it still sucks. If you have any suggestions that might make this website not suck, e-mail me at... .I have a guestbook. People can sign it...people like you. I just finished my 30th quote(thank you, thank you). It took me long enough but I have 30. I'm going for 50 now. I'll probably get that many next month. I got a new section but I dont feel like putting it in the menu cuz its a little gay. It's actaully nothing at all. But if you like that kinda stuff then.....Click here!! .

Thats all I have to say now, check back soon for more crap, I update it every couple of days. Unless you suck, then you can go to some other kids gay website, but just website is the best gay website ever...hey that could be my websites motto. Not like you care....

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