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I just made up a song...u cant masturbate to it or anything, and i think im gonna change it around before i send it to a record company, but i need someone elses opinion.

Da lub- In you

i've given my heart when i was blue,
Everything i could, i have given to you,
And theres nothing left that i can do,
but i'd give my penis just to have it in you,
Babaaaayy...just to have it in yooooouuuuu

When we first met i gave you my ears,
Listened to you bitch about stuff,
You kept talking til your mind was clear,
But I just could never get enough,

Then we started dating and you werent so nice,
I gave you fresh roses and you gave me head lice,
i gave you a part of me and it was a stupid sacrifice,
But somehow i believe your vaginas paradise,

Somehow i believe you feel the same way,
but if my penis was there would i get laid?
Without you i think i might turn gay?
Please say you'll stay, dont go awaaay,(i'll even pay baby)

i've given my heart when i was blue,
Everything i could, i have given to you,
And theres nothing left that i can do,
but i'd give my penis just to have it in you,
Babaaaayy...just to have it in yooooouuuuu

sure i jack off in public but thats no reason to leave,
I just think about your vagina all the time,
Cant u understand now from all the things youve recieved,
id let my penis be devoured by a canine

I gave you my heart and you gave me a smile,
I gave you a pube in a tube,
Im guessing the feelings dont last a while,
since you threw out that anaaal luuuuuube.....(lube baby)

I know you might not think the feelings so great,
you may think that i just want you in bed,
well its true, and i couldnt masturbate,
but without you id never get head.
cuz baaabaaaayyy

i've given my heart when i was blue,
Everything i could, i have given to you,
And theres nothing left that i can do,
but i'd give my penis just to have it in you,
Babaaaayy...just to have it in yooooouuuuu

I'm known as 1/2 or 1/3 of the post it note bandits. Heres the post it note song.

The post it note bandits-The post it note song

i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em like a fat bitch on yo scrotum.(yea)

Yo i love those little yellow squares that come in big packs,
they come clean and bare like a little 10 year olds sac,
They come with no words but soon its gonna change,
sayin you rape birds and cows on the range,
and if i ever run out of post it notes,
ill tape that shit on like dildos on goats...

i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em like a fat bitch on yo scrotum.(yea)

I've been stickin these bitches from here to the equator
you may think that I'm just some crazy masturbator
some times the only message is crack whore or gay pride
but it might say I fuck a dead moose named clyde
you may think stickin post it's is low down and shitty
but wait till I stick one of em on yo grandma's titty

post it note em...(uh!)
i post it note em...(uh!)
i post it note em like my grandma on yo scrotum(yea)

Blow jobs 50¢, I rape the teacher, i rape a goose,
I rape a Llama , rape your momma, my anus is really loose,
they come in yellow, come in red, come slapped across yur head,
now everyone knows yur secret, you raped a dog and hes dead,

i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em like a fat bitch on yo scrotum.(yea)


I go through post it notes like your mom goes through gay whores,
If you stick em on wrong theyll end up crinkled on the floor,
So just like in the mall with old ladies and old guys,
Ive learned to hold it from the bottom and the laughter never dies,
now your dog, grandma, dad, mom,uncle, aunt and friends,
have post it notes on em that say blowjobs 50¢

i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em like a fat bitch on yo scrotum.(yea)


kick mes are for gay kids with a tremendous lack of penis,
or that old guy on the corner, whats his name? oh yea its Cletus,
Post it notes with sick messages are the latest trend,
now stick one on your friend that says i got raped in the rear end,

i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em like a fat bitch on yo scrotum.(yea)

it shouldnt be long before i have to pay the dean a visit,
but ther post it notes are worth it, believe me, theyre the shizzit,
10 days out of school? hey thats fine with me,
just know u got one on your back that says "i drink dog pee"

i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em..(uh!)
i post it note em like a fat bitch on yo scrotum.(yea)


Im feelin kinda crazy so lets see what I can write here... I'm feelin kinda wacked out, outta my mind, Like people gettin food, waitin an hour in line, It's fine, I feel like this all the time, This feelin is unique because this feelin is mine,

People might feel happy, sad or blue, But not me, I feel like Steve on Blue's clues, He's on crack, that's old news, If you keep with the new, there's no way you can lose, No way you can fall, trip, slip up, or stumble, Even if I did u know I'm humble, You know I'm shy till I let out a sigh, Jump up and start humpin your theigh, Like a monkey with a banana or a dog in heat, Take a seat, cuz you'll be on the concrete, Soon you'll be wherever you keep your feet , On the ground, not here, the other side of town, You don't fear, you think I'm just a clown?

You don't know true anger till you step in my shoes, You don't know true fear until you start to ooze, Blood runnin down all over your face, your leg, your eyes, your nose, these flows, run a driveby on you like some money owing hoes. Get that doe, but it costs so much, You just don't know, until you lose that touch. All work and no play makes me a fucking bitch, I need to get away before I end up in a ditch, I need to get gone before I start to cry, this shit is too much I need to get back in, I need to keep movin, questions flyin everywhere about whatever I'm doin. I just wanna have fun, is that too much to ask? I hate sittin here watchin the cars pass, watchin the cows eat grass while I sit on my ass, thinkin about life and mistakes from the past, what got me here today and made me what I am, I hate what I've become, I don't wanna be a man. Responsibility is too much for me, decisions I can make feels like it's settin me free, but just holdin me back, I need someone to help me choose, someone not afraid to lose. Come with me wherever I am, be with me as long as I'm Dan. Hopefully It'll be forever but I just don't know. After a couple of hours he just has to go. Dan 24/7 is just too much, for me, for you, now I'm just stuck, wondering who I am, wonderin what I'm doin. Wonderin why I'm in love and right now who's she screwin? Some guy, who knows? Girls come and go, not this one, but this one seems to know, everything that makes me better, everything that makes me worse, No! I just can't let go, everytime I get hurt she makes search within and remember and know I love her more than anything on earth till I ride in a hearse I'll be repeatin her name, in my head over and over while I lose my brain, all I can remember is her, I'm going insane!! My energy is drained, I used to be better, but I'm blinded into to thinking no matter what I need to get her. Pain is funny, I don't mind it anymore, who cares if I ram my head into the door, who cares if my hands and my wrists get sore, from beating the shit out of a blow up blonde whore. You thought I used to be insane? Look at me now. I pretend like I'm okay, I feel like shit, wow. Now I know what other people feel like, I used to have everything I wanted, all I needed was here, my only desire was laughter from my peers. Class clown, funny guy, Kluegel boy, say goodbye, when I left her, a part of me died. My sense of humor sucks like my attitude toward life, I might be depressed but I'd never use a knife. Some girls are worth tears, some girls are worth suffering, No girl is worth blood , even if they're worth every other thing. Give everything away, get shit in return, make plans for the weekend, get excited, get burned. Get turned, into something evil more and more every time it happens, Soon an old lady you'll end up slapping. I don't wanna be like that, I just want to be me, I want to get along with everyone, cant you see? Don't you know that's what it takes to grow, friendship and hoes. I know I want you close to me, I know all I want to see, is your eyes, the most beautiful shade of green. He sighs, whenever she leans, rests her head on his shoulder, he knows she has a man, he just feels a big boulder. From all he's seen and all he knows, he knows she's gonna stay with him as long as he goes, an hour to get home, long distance talkin on the phone, my voice is drone, I can tell by your tone, you've changed, might as well be a girl with a different name. The girl I fell in love with is here no more, I don't take change very well, my body is sore, just like yours, I'm sorry what happened, I wish it was you I adored, it's what you used to be, I'm startin to love the new you, and it's startin to get to me, I'm startin to feel ecstacy, but whenever I'm alone, there's no you next to me, I need to be closer, can't you see, that's one of the only reasons I'm moving to york, it'll hopefully be you and me. If not, I've been decieved, I can't just leave, I'm hanging by a thread the size of my good friend steve, he's fat, so now I hope you believe, Even the first minute without you, my heart starts to grieve.

As you keep readin on, it keeps gettin better like deep bleeding gone when the blood gets redder, I know it dont make sense a lot, give your brain a knot, But im gonna take the top of a lot of MTV's later hot spots, hater's g

you cant beat me you cant heat me you cant stop me, you cant top me/ my shits bigger than your shit when that shit's hard and my shits floppy/ you cant maintain me, you cant sprain me, shit you cant even contain me/ I could outrun you while youre in a car, im holdin bricks and got a sprained knee/ I can outbox you, I did outfox you, ducked to the right and had to pop you/ You looked like a-pu with that left hook you threw, i leaned back and had to stop you/ I stepped in, uppercutted your chin, must of been din-din cuz your mouth was wide open/ from the look of your skin, red like you bleedin, about to spin so i let somethin in/ my fist in your tooth, your brain went "poof" everyone knew you just got goofed/ your eyes went aloof, looked at the roof, your ass sat down like you was in a booth/ you got detached, you got mismatched, you aint got no jaw, i aint got a scratch/ your hands must have been latched behing your back cuz i feel more pain from a fuckin thumbtack/ that i dont even touch, nah..thats enough, you though you was tough, youd get slain by macgruff.

Its christmas time and you know what that means. put some mistletoe on my balls and a dick in your spleen, OBSCENE!! call me mean, but i seen the way you was lookin, like damn look at his shoes and now your pussies tooken, not just tooken but taken and crooked from all the shaking, and flaking from all the friction, addiction, what you are too my dick hun, dont get sick hun, hiccup , you say after swallowin my cum, im dumb, but you know my game aint. not thinking the same, next thing you know youre lickin my taint, im kissin on your body and fuckin you til you faint, its insane, you say while you decide to stay, for another night or two, come on, be my boo...for the night at least, unless you got yeast, aids, herpes, or crabs. fuckin lobsters crawlin and falling out your puss, i wont stab, whos your dad? not me bitch, you crazy, now start beatin me off, i would but im lazy.

Ever since the first time I saw you I been in a sweat
I'll never keep anything from you but a threat
The only thing I'll give you wont just be my love
I'll give you everything cuz i can never get enough
Every single time I said I love you I meant it more than anything I've ever said, cuz you're always in my head, and I'll love you to the end.
Believe that more than anything you've ever heard,
cuz you can trust me, I dont care who thinks I'm a nerd,
I love you, I love you, I say it from my heart,
and everytime I hear it from you my beat starts,
5 seconds later , I feel so warm,
when your in my arms, I feel so warm
so good, so perfect, so great, so straight,
but since I'm not with you, I need to masturbate..:-P

well that one took a turn for the worst.

now im gonna bring it up a notch, and how else can i do it except by rapping about shit. And by shit, i MEAN SHIT!

i must be wack, writin shit on the toilet/ keeping the paper back, watch out I might soil it/ please enjoy it, when i deploy it, I aint boyin'/ or kidding, cuz on these groinheaded bitches as mean as hoyas/, im shitting. Feces emitting, im going out sprayin. / please be permitting, what? bullets? your insane and/ I'll never waste a bullet on bitches thats worth my shit/ and ill never cock back and pull it until this world makes me sick./ Shockin news at six, I shit on your man!/ what can I say? eat a dick! The fagot needed a tan !

My name is Dan, but you can call me cletus,/ cause when im bangin bitches I get CLose to the fETUS, and ya'll cant see this/ how im fat bitch hustlin/ youll never be this/ goddamn disgusting/ youll never be rusting/ cuz when u wet i do somethin about it/ after im bustin ur like "uh...hes bout it bout it!"/ now shout it shout it/ at the top of your fuckin lungs/ now get out it out it/ my house, with that shit on your tongue/ I know im dumb/ but holla back youngin when you done swallowin my cum.

ayo I hate these bitches fakin and shit,/ and you know I know, it all flagrant an shit,/ fuckin homos, actin like they aint takin to shit,/ and so, I gotta fry em like bacon and shit,/ makin some shit,/ rakin your click,/ til like cake, they bakin and shit,/ gettin heated and shit,/ til I melt em into what goes under toilet seats when you sit,/ they takin a beating and shit,/ cuz they all fragile like eggs when I meet em and shit,/ call me the eggbeater,/ say hi when I meet him or her,/ say bye when you meetin my heater, /the automatic seater, / no matter where they are,/ ion the earth or in the air,/ I got no fear,/ and I aint scared,/ little boy, your face fur is like my taint hair,/ go play with your toys or I'll erase ya,/ like apainter,/ no sin or sainter,/ unless its a sin-to leave your face open like a crater,/ I'll toss you in a trash bin, for fuckin wit a pure player,/ ok I lied a little bit, but I'm a pur whore slanger,/ a gimme some more banger,/ and a crazy stranger thats injected with some sanka,/ a perverted dude that says, "here, lemme spank ya," to a girl shoved in a hanger,/ a bitch as bangin as tapenga,/ please believe I'll gang bang her,/ hit her and her friends hard as a hammer,/ I fuck the horniest first, I got good manners/ fuck em so hard they need some pampers, fuck the shit out of em then toss thier panties in the hamper, stamp her, then yell next "NEXT PLEASE, can I help ya?"

keepin it real, take off all your clothes/ its gettin hot in here, fuck these hoes,/ in they ass, tittys, mouth, nose, ear, back, and pussy./ did i say keepin it real, I meant keepin it gushy,/ I aint about to get mushy, who u think u r?/ the love of my life? a damn shinin star?/ youre a slut! not even worth a scar/ another man wants you, I aint about to spar/ I'll let you go like the cum in your mouth,/ find someone else to eat you out,/ eyes sparklin, mouth smilin while you grab on my dick,/ im not usually forward but im feelin those tits,(get it)/ run like shit/, admit it,/ sit on my dick/ now get wit it,/ fire , who lit it?/ I do when i spit it,/ its hot like fire on your cold ass bitch,/ now she meltin like ice, unlike the ice on my wrist,/ ice on her tits/ makin her body shiver/ im not sayin its long, I aint gotta, listen to her liver/ it be coughin like its chockin/ my dick dont be strokin, just suck it,/ all this cum you drinkin could fill up a bucket/ better watch out/ ooh in your eyes, girl dont pout/ bend over under the spout while I work your shit out/, now your eyes in the faucet, you died, I took your money and you know imma floss it/ what about your body? I think imma toss it/ I be shakin and screamin like I lost it/ I prolly did a year ago,/ thats ok though/ now I just let the words flow/ you cant stop this shit/, like the B.O. comin from your moms armpit/

ayo im writin this shit/, tightenin shit,/ cuz my shnits the tightest in its height in this bitch,/ gotta hit the switch on a flight while you sit,/ open the blinds on a sky whip just to get sight of this shit,/ the hype and the hits,/ hearin pop when you spit,/ bitch, ill have you wearin diapers to shit,/ I won't shit on you pussy,/ I'll shove you in a clogged jon,/ feel kinda mushy bud? now gulp it all down,/ dont even push me hard, or your nose be red like a clowns,/ goin to town on this shit cuz i spit for downtown,/ pound for pound, I'll knock all you pussies down,/ and goin round and round like jonell when you fall to the ground,/ cuz your methods weak as hell so you stalled and sound/ no balls, nose brown/ dont try to trip, get on the ground,/ thugs surround, pound pound,/ show you why we crowned the ghetto psychiatrists, cuz we make you calm down.

damn...i ain't write shit in a minute...well, it's about time aint it, my style ain't get tainted, but if it seems it's a little bit better, its painted, my brain is gainin, more shit to keep my rhymes maintaining, goin insane and... about to while out and put your game in check, my spit is flamin, got some holes in the veins in my neck, from the fire burnin up my throat to get out, whoever against me turn into a hoax in about...two minutes, thats all it takes for me to pull out...what's in it, their heart, dont even start, like i start aimin darts in the hole where they fart, i got everyones weakness, i keep climbin a mountain, aint no way i can peak this, flow keeps goin on like a fountain,only me i can speak this, freak this, what your girl did to me, shh! its a secret.., my actions got no meanings, like why i fucked a ho in the mouth to get her screamin, get pussies steamin like my name was willie beamon, my demons keep gleamin but i say fuck you for my freedom, i see em, but fight the urge to release em, i ease em down slowly for my peers to appease em, cuz if i didn't, a whole lotta fagots would be bleeding, cuz if i let off, i turn green and my ears start steamin,incredible hulk/dan/g-man,/if you a girl i be fillin your mouth with semen,/ backslash/ / . im done, but i'll be back then, cuz you know me, the fun aint even begun,