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This Page Sucks


Steve-I've known steve for about 10,321 days and 56 minutes. We're good friends that have a mutual understanding. I make fun of his gay dad, he makes fun of my mom. He started the weirdo club which sucked more than...his dad after a case of liquor. This is Steve...I guess this was before he got huge.

Steves dad is gay

Chad-When I was in florida I made some friends, but this one is definitely the gayest and fattest.

I wanna box this fat bastard

William-This is William. Hes the second gayest friend I had in florida. Heres his advertisement for his old product. I know just about everyone already has one, but please, William needs the money. Just buy one for him.

sorry willy

Timmy-Thats right its timmy! This is my favorite picture i made...i dont know why, theres just something about it, other than the naked lady. Something indescribable...only to be identified as...TIMMAY!


SmittyThis is smitty, ive known her since i guess 6th grade but i didnt really know her until 7th. Me her and Steve(the monkey) were in the same class in 6th and 7th. I cant really think of anything else to say about her...oh yea, shes psychic.

snow leopard cat

Scott-Damn, we've been friends since like kindergarten, and we always do crazy shit when I'm at his house. He's one of my best friends, but he's in bootcamp right now. Hopefully he gets out early. I gave him the hottest pic, at least I think it is.

Dick- I hate him, but I try not to hate people, so this is my friend Dick. He's like an 8 year old trapped in a 16 year olds body and he's the most annoying person you'll ever meet. He never stops talkin shit behind peoples backs, hes gonna get his ass beat one day, but Here's his website...Click for Dick

Katie- Wow! I cant believe I've known Katie all my life..wait, yes I can. Shes my cousin. She's the only person without a pic on here, but I guess thats a good thing, considering all these pics are really gay. You're welcome Katie.