This Copyright Branding Tutorial was written by
Mystic on May 21, 2001.
I learned a technique a while back on how to place your copyright info directly on your art, *THANKS* to
my friend Bernadette Hurley, who first intruduced me to this way
of *ruining graphics* lol, she showed me what she had done, but didn't tell me her *secret*,
so I found my own way! THANKS FRIEND!
After being asked many times
how I *did it* I decided to write up this little Tut for my DCS friends :) Hope you enjoy it!
This branding was really born out of necessity. I was doing *way too much* work for a site
competition I was involved in, and some of my graphics were
being sent out, adopted and picked up like hotcakes, but I wasn't always getting a link back, or the links were being given to the competition itself
and not to me :(.
I found this to be a nice way to make sure my name was always close to my work!
Ok I use PSP7, but we will be using the following tools: writing, cutout, dropshadow, and exporting it into a tube.
So if you know where all those things are on your version of PSP, you can do this!
Ready??? Ok Let's go!
I will be as specific as possible, I will show you how to create it, how to make it into a tube for later use, and how to add it to your art, and adjust the layer settings to make it
look right :).~~~So when you're done...you should have something like this:

© 2000-2001.
By ~*~Mystic~*~, for DCS
No portion may be reproduced or removed without prior written consent.
Please respect our work as we respect yours!