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Cartoon Doll Showcase!

One of the best parts of writing a tutorial, I think anyway, is hearing back from the people who actually sit there and do it! I would like ot take this opportunity to THANK *again* everyone who has done this tutorial! I proudly display the DCS *tutee* doll collection!

By Delana!!By Melissa By Rosebloom!   By Cathy!! By Karamei!!By Beverly! By Cindy! By Kathy!By Ellen! By Cindy Hall! By CandyR22!! By Bev By Marilyn By Sprite Tiger!! by Knickers!!By Nancy!!By Crystal!!!

By Cluadia!!          By Credo!!     By Deb!!     By Ember!!     By Lynne!!!

By MOmma JoJo!!     By Yrja!!     By Yrja!!


If you would like to add your doll, please EMAIL ME HERE

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© 2000-2001.
By ~*~Mystic~*~ for DCS

No portion may be reproduced or removed without prior written consent.
Please respect our work as we respect yours!