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Who Is this Weirdo?

Well, if you must know that's me... I have a tendency to crawl in through you bedroom window when you least expect it - So watch out!

You can call me Dok or De Dokta or just Hay You or you can just piss off and not talk to me at all. If you really feel the need to send me an E-Mail then go ahead. If your a sexy young lady then send me some nude photos and I'll sell them to my friends.

Me when I used to be a filthy goth type character

I have been around the sun 27 times and currently reside in Sydney Australia. If your in the neighbourhood then come see me. You'll more than likely find me in a pub in Newtown lying under a table begging someone - anyone - to buy me another beer cause I can't get me legs to work.

I also used to do character promotions... Here I am as Uncle Fester promoting the Addams Family Movies

When I'm not passed out in a gutter in Newton I do many other weird and various things. I like to write short stories, usually about people who meet sad and comical ends or just realise that life's not quite what they thought it was. I love cult films and even used to partake in The Rocky Horror Picture Show as the Criminologist. This, in case you live under a moss covered rock, is an audience participation thingy that happens on Friday nights all round the world. That took two years out of my life, but I had a blast doing it.

I also used to work for The Wilderness Society... I got to dress up as a Koala and scare people out of loose change. Here I am at the Blue Mountains

I am also involved in the Sydney Cave Clan which is an urban exploration group. We break into abandoned factories and have parties and we explore the storm water drains around Australia. Some of these pipes are HUGE! A couple I've been in you could drive you car down. We've been in the news and in various magazines and had a few TV shows do pieces on us... It's an interesting way to waste time without having to spend any money.

Ah... The joys of hanging out in a dank drain... These are two of my Cave Clan buddies Mr. India in the middle and Ogre on the right. That of course leaves me on the left.

I also like reading, mountain bike riding, weird/industrial/punk music, partying with friends and collecting weird crap to decorate my house.

That's all I can think of for now, but the rest of my site awaits, so go check it out. Front page is that way <<<<<<<