i finally got started on this thing. i've had the space staked out for months now, and i even did up three banners...but somehow, my muNkiEs decided they would rather play games at yahoo or one of a million and a half other things. so it's taken me this damn long to get going. sue me. in any case, i'm finally getting started. there will be empty or short pages to begin with and it won't be much to see for a while...but if you'll be patient and bear with me, i think it will be worth the return trips in the end. at least i hope so.

for those of you who know me, you might wanna skip the next few paragraphs unless you just want to humor me, because you already know all this. for those of you who are new to my little world, gather round...now, don't be frightened...i don't bite. unless you ask nicely. ;) *weg*

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okay...here's the deal...as a dear boy used to say...listen...i am your lovely, wonderful, amazing webmistress punkwitch. I used to live at angelfire/GoddessGaia, but no more. (Most of this insanity also used to reside at angelfire/my/earthchild.) That page was created in my infancy as a net-aholic and my short stint living in the exact center of the seventh concentric circle of dante's fucking inferno (aka tallahassee, florida with my eevil parents). I was attending Florida State University at the time, and I would like to tell you a lovely story about my righteously indignant indian ass leaving the school because of moral issues with the mascot (aka white boy painted red to be "osceola"). However, that is not the truth. The sad fact is that my financial aid got fucked up by my mother. That and, as i said, my mother and step-father are eevil are the reasons that me and my beautiful freaky wife of six and a half years(known to you out there in netland as the amazing esmerelda the mysterious, relda for short) left that place of dark karma and malicious intent. We now reside in a charming little hamlet that you might find on a map of alabama, but there's no point in naming it. (Not to mention, you might live nearby, and i am not in the market for any new stalkers thank you.) We have fortunately moved out of her parents house and now live in an apartment all our own (after 6 months of hellish roommates). relda is still slaving away for the satanic temple of corporate america that is walmart, while i have joined the ranks of the unemployed (i just say i'm a full-time writer lol). we were part-time journalists for The WIlcox Voice. (Whoo-hoo...that partial English degree at work.)BUT the damn thing got sold, and the new owner is a bitch...so we quit that. The two of us are attempting to gather resources for a move and a triumphant return to the world of academia. I have several poems and other such things out for approval. (current score: me zero, them 13 with the added bonus of a snotty note about postage from the oxford american)

Now that i have caught up those of you who have been privy to previous knowledge of our adventures, let me introduce myself...Before you stands punkwitch, your mistress of the moment and for as long as you choose to remain in my little world. I am (and let me get this out of the way immediately so as to eliminate from the ranks those that are chickenshit bigots and assholes) LESBIAN, NATIVE AMERICAN, and WICCAN. If any of the above words offend, confuse, or otherwise give you the creeping icks, I would suggest that you leave. Just go quietly out the back door, and the rest of us will go on as scheduled with no hard feelings...except of course that once you're gone we will talk about you and your mother's origins and slutty demented ways for hours to come. *hehe*

I haven't changed all that much in my short while in this place. I am still a big ol' pussy lickin' lesbian. I am still a Goddess-worshipping Wiccan. And I am still a mixed breed indian girl. I make no apologies nor take any shit for any of that. I am full of the aforementioned righteous indignation and ire (and some would say other things, but they've all left now haven't they?). My obsessions haven't changed much. I've added a few more is all. My friends have scattered to the wind, come home again, fallen apart, given me three ulcers and 54 headaches from worry. They are still my family though, and I love them. I still write and read like a maniac. (but of course) We stay in. We read. We surf. We sleep. We work. Thus life continues here....

Here I hafta mention our lil' babies...two of which have gone on to their next incarnations, but still are loved. The third is perfectly fat and healthy and staring at me from her cage. The two departed critters (what? you thought i meant kids?) were Lotus Patagonia (a map turtle) and Morrigan (a red-eared slider). Both were only babies when they left us, and we miss them. Unfortunately, I have no pics of them to show you, so you must simply take my word that they were adorable. the third child is our black bunny rabbit boojum. (click for her page) she sits and stares while i work. (i don't think she likes the typing noises.) now, in theory, there is a fourth baby. my shih-tzu chauncy. however, my aforementioned eevil parents have taken squatter's rights with him, and so he is only mine on vacation now. since he happens to be here this summer, i'll post a pic soon.

well, that's the most important stuff there. everything else is just details. have fun navigating my weirdness.