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Some people think that he is the same character as Pouncival, but that is not true. (Even though he does look like him). He is an old character that was eventually replaced by Mungojerrie. Mungojerrie was just a cat played by another character in the begining, but then he and Rumpelteazer became real characters, so Carbucketty had to go. Then Pouncival came before Mungojerrie did.(They can't be the same character if they were together)
The reason that people get these two characters mixed up, is because they are ALOT alike. Carbucketty is a playful kitten and his colors are very simliar to that of Pouncival
Carbucketty was originally spelled Carbuckety with only one 't' by T.S. and Valerie Eliot, descibed as "a knock-about cat".
I don't know of Carbucketty as having any lines, but he might have the same lines as Pouncival.
Go here for more pictures of Carbucketty
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