Jennyanydots is a tabby cat with unnusual fur. She wants to help the mice and cockroaches so they won't get into trouble or get themselves killed. The other cats admire her for this, but still joke about it(not in a mean way!)
Jennyanydots hates Grizabella. She didn't want to accept her or let the kittens, either. She must have known her when she was young.
Her friends are Jellylorum-her best or sister-and Bombalurina.
She a had a big crush on Bustopher Jones, and the feeling is probably mutual, because he handed her a flower at the end of his song. But they are not mates. She is mates with Skimbleshanks. They hold eachothers hands alot and cuddle.
Even though she acts like she doesn't care about Rum Tum Tugger, she still mated with him during the "Coming of Age Dance", so she obviously lied
Famous Lines-"Familiar with candle...(with Victoria[from Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats])and "Jellicles wash behind their ears"(from The Jellicle Ball)
Famous Songs-"The Old Gumbie Cat"(with Munkustrap, Jellylorum, Bombalurina and Demeter) and "Bustopher Jones"(with Bustopher Jones, Jellylorum and Bombalurina)
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