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days ago i was upstream and
drifting to here. all that i needed
to survive was my head, for it
kept me afloat. when on my back,
it was alight with sun. it smiled
and lived in the easy air. if
suddenly forced face down it
panicked, but knew which way
was up. it learned from those
seconds and never was out-thought
or tricked. a twinge of discomfort
told it, 'stay awake,' and my head
had good ears it often knew the
way, but error never mattered anyhow.
without consequence it could doze
and wake to find that it never got lost.


i am beached, but the tide is
rising. soon the sand will be
slicked beneath me and the
moon's maid will catch me
for dinner. as i lie here she
will come for me like all the
others. i am not honored. it is
no blessing. my head, no longer
a guide, vulnerable and loath
to move alone, takes my heart
along. but they puzzle each other,
know nothing of how to love.
one will win once the other is
dead, cry a moment. i am anchored.


i gather some dry grains and they
intimidate me, awe me with their
colors. on one hand i can count
the ones i know: seaweed, sunset,
dolphin, dawn. my head rolls around
me, examining, analyzing. but it gets
sand in its eyes and mouth, gives up
and sets to picking granules from its
tongue. i loose my heart on the shore
to let it find what tastes good. there
is a lot of candy. it samples a few
pieces and laughs, then carves
question marks on the beach. i nod


my head and heart still bicker,
splash water in each other’s eyes.
i’ve tried to mediate but their
ears are plugged with salt. i dig
my toes into the sand and wait.