About Me

In case you wanted to know about the author, I made this little page to tell anyone who cares all sorts of little things about myself.

Name: Lori

From: St. Paul, Minnesota

Birthday: September 28th, 1982 (that would make me 20)

Mom (Patricia)
Dad (Robert)
Sisters (Kathy-37, Suzi-35, Colleen-29)
Brother-in-laws (Pat, Matt and Joe)
Nephews (Logan-almost 3, Connor-6 months, Jack-5 months)
Nieces (Anna-2, Nixi-1 1/2)
Pets (Grover, the Yorkie-3 1/2)

Place of work: an Irish gift shop, and I'm also a receptionist at a medical clinic.

School: 3rd year at Hamline University in St. Paul

Music: Besides Nsync, I love country music. My favorite artists are Collin Raye, Phil Vassar, Lonestar and Rascal Flatts. I also like Kenny Chesney, George Strait, Tim McGraw... etc. When you work at an Irish gift shop, you can't help but like Irish music. My favorite Irish band is Hair of the Dog by far. I also like the Corrs, Gaelic Storm, John McDermott and Gael Force. I do not like Daniel O'Donnel, however if there were someone interested in purchasing his CDs, I might be able to get you a discount.

Hobbies: Writing, of course! I also love to draw (see my art gallery) read, listen to music, create this website (lol), spend time with friends and family and unfortunately, go to school.

My Writing History

Oh, man... as long as I can remember I've been making up characters and putting together stories. My very first characters were bunnies. The series was based around a set of twin bunnies named Chocolate and Vanilla Pudding and their adventures with their friends Brandon, Brittney, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Timmy, Tommy and Tony... and the list goes on. lol... Here's a picture I drew of Vanilla and Brandon, who were an "item" at the time:

In junior high I started writing about human characters. (lol) I don't think I ever finished a story, but I started a lot of them! Let's see, one was about a girl who snuck a boy into girlscout camp, and another one was about a girl who was a witch. (at the time I used to watch BeWitched on Nick at Nite)

The summer before highschool is when I really started to get serious about writing. I started a mystery story about based around a butler's life in a huge mansion. (and yes, I had just watched the movie, Clue) That story only got to about 30 pages in my notebook, but I still think it was a really good plot. I might pick it up someday and just start it from the beginning.

It was in tenth grade when my best friend introduced me to the wonderful world of Nsync. I joined some "onelists" as the were called back in 1999, and noticed that a bunch of people were writing stories with Nsync as the main characters. This was something completely new to me, but I thought, "Hey, why not give it a try!" It seemed like a great way to get others to read my stories. My very first Nsync fanfiction was called "Forever Young" and it was about me (lol, go figure) my best friend, Sarah, running into Nsync at the Mall of America... and then going from there. It was your typical teenybopper fanfic. Needless to say, it didn't last very long, and I started to realize that I needed more of a plot to get by!

I started A Chance, Not that Different, When I Close My Eyes, and Identities and it was on these stories that I really began developing my writing. It wasn't until I wrote Almost A Memory Now that I realized that I could spend the rest of my life writing and I would be completely happy. This story struck home because my grandma had just passed away the year before and the feelings of death were fresh in my mind. After I finished AAMN, I went through an awful stage of writer's block, but it didn't last very long and I started Give Me A Reason, and Not A Day Goes By. GMAR fell flat, but NADGB still has good potential in my opinion. I hope to continue it soon.

In April of 2002 I started Paying the Consequences, went through a breif stint of writer's block, and then started a few sequels. The one that stuck was Breaking the Ice where I wrote my first serious book that didn't have a romance as the main storyline. Wow, are you impressed or what!? I finished BTI in January of 2003 and immediately started the third book in the series, Keeping the Peace. I've also done a few short stories to go along with the series: He's Not Coming Back, Phil's Notebook and The Big Red Dragon, all from the family's childhood. By no means have I mastered the art of fiction, but I believe that I've grown a lot from my beginnings. Plot structure falls into place easier than it used to, as well as character development. I seem to have more of a plan when I write. I think I've come a long way with PTC, BTI, and KTP. *hint* Go read them!!!

Why Do I Write?

I write because I like to.

Who in this world can control everything around them at all times? No one can! However, when I'm writing I can control EVERYTHING in my own made up world. With my pen in my hand (or my fingers on the computer keys) I get first and last say as to what happens. It's all up to me to figure out what these characters are feeling, doing, saying... and even what they have for breakfast. I can take out parts, I can add them in, I am in COMPLETE control. It's a great feeling!

I also believe that by writing, one taps into something that no one else sees in that person. Through writing, one can find things out about themselves that they would have never known otherwise. It's good therepy if you ask me!

I've come to the conclusion that if I'm not writing, I'm not happy. I don't know how many of you reading this are also writers, but when I'm going through a period of having writer's block, I feel unsatisfied and empty. I'd like to think that I was a good writer, but even if everyone who ever read my stuff told me that I stunk, I would still continue to write because without it my life just plain stinks, and that's all there is to it.

Did I mention that I LOVE to write?

Why Do I Draw?

Drawing, besides writing, is the only thing that I can do where I completely lose myself. I lose complete track of time and get totally absorbed into what I'm doing. Sometimes I'll finish sketching a picture, blink and then think, "Did I just draw that?" It's almost like being in a trance. Kind of like when you're watching TV, the commercials come on and then you realize that it's only a TV show.

Er... wait... maybe that's just me...

I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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