A Chance... Chapter 3

Lori giggled as she put her hand over her mouth. "Whoops!"

"Yeah, whoops..." he said, mimicking her and then licking his lips.

Lori grabbed a napkin from the counter. "Let me get that for you." She was about to wipe off his nose when she found the ice cream cone in her own face. She looked at Chris in shock, not believing that he would stick it in her face.

"Here, let me get that for you," Chris laughed, grabbing a napkin.

"Oh my God... you know I HATE ice cream!" Lori told him, finally finding her voice.

"You practically BEGGED me to shove it in your face!" he claimed.

She grabbed the napkin from him and wiped off her face. She looked up and saw him grinning at her with ice cream all over his face. She burst out laughing and pointed at him. "You look like an idiot!"

He raised an eyebrow. "I think I look... SWEET!"

Lori laughed even harder and then wiped the ice cream off his face. "You and your ice cream got us all sticky!" she said, throwing the napkins away.

"You started it!" He took his thumb and wiped away a spot on her face that she had missed.

"You started it the second you bought that ice cream, Chris."

"Well, I was planning on EATING it..."

Lori laughed. "Lets go before we miss the previews."

"I don't think I've ever laughed this much in one day before!" Chris chuckled as he and Lori walked out of the movie theater and to the car.

"Me either," Lori agreed.

They sat down in the car and Chris started the engine. "What should we do now?"

"Let's go get lunch. I'm hungry."

"Well, I'm not hungry."

"You and your irregular eating schedule. I sat there while you ate and now you can sit and watch me."

After Lori had eaten, they decided to go back home. They walked into the house and flopped down on the couch.

"Where is everyone?" Chris wondered out loud as he put his arm around Lori.

"I don't know. They must be out somewhere." She rested her head on his chest. "I think I'm ready for that nap now."

"Sure... NOW you are!"

Lori looked up at him and kissed his cheek. She made a face. "Yuck! You taste like chocolate ice cream!"

"Still?" he laughed. "I wonder why..."

Lori pushed herself out of his arms, stood up and then pulled him to his feet.

"Why are we getting up?" he asked. "It was nice and comfy there."

"We're gonna go wash our faces," she explained as she led him to the bathroom.

"Why? Do I have cooties?" he grinned.

Lori thought for a second. "Yes, you do."

"Ha, ha... but if I taste like ice cream then you won't kiss me."

"No... I won't."

Chris stopped in the doorway of the bathroom. "Then I'm not gonna wash my face. I'd rather have ice cream on me than your lips!"

Lori gave him a funny look, spun around, walked to the sink and turned on the water. Then she filled her hands with water and threw it in his face.

He stood there with his jaw hanging open and water dripping from his chin. "What is it with you and throwing things in my face today?"

"It's fun," she replied, crossing her arms and frowning at him.

Chris walked past her, filled his hands with water and dumped it on her head. She screamed and he grinned.

Soon water was flying everywhere and both Chris and Lori were soaking wet.

He grabbed her arms and looked at her. "I will SO won this game."

"Oh, yeah?" Lori said, breaking from his grasp and wrapping her arms around his neck. "You're forgetting that I always win." She kissed him and was surprised to find him kissing her back. When she pulled away he grinned at her. "I thought you didn't want me to kiss you..." she said with a confused look.

"Two words," Chris replied. "Reverse psychology!" He gave her a quick kiss. "I win!"

"Aggghh!" Lori cried, shoving Chris away.

He fell back and landed on the toilet. "You are SO lucky that the lid was down!" he told her.

"No... YOU'RE lucky!" she laughed. "Oh my God, that would have been SO funny!"

Chris jumped up and grabbed her by the waist. "Now you're gonna get it!"

"Ah! Chris get off!"

"Like THAT'S gonna happen!" he chuckled.

What started out as a wrestling match turned into a hug. Chris stood behind her with his arms around her waist. "When was the last time I told you that I love you?" he asked softly in her ear.

"I don't think you ever have," She answered.

"Well, I do. You know that... right?"

"I know."


"I love you too, Chris."

He smiled. "More than anything?" he asked.

"More than anything," she confirmed.

Chris grinned. He felt good knowing that she loved him more than anyone. Namely... Rick. He wanted to check though. "More than Rick?"

"Chris, I've only known Rick for three weeks! Of course I love you more. I don't love Rick. I hardly know him."

Chris kissed her bare shoulder. He moved towards her neck and skipped the strap of her tank top. He thought about how soft her skin was while he planted a kiss on her neck.

Lori closed her eyes. His kisses were giving her the chills. She turned her head towards his and met his lips.

Suddenly the door opened and Lance appeared. He looked at Lori and Chris kissing each other, soaking wet in a very messy bathroom. He turned bright red, embarrassed to have caught them.

Lori parted her lips from Chris' when she saw Lance. Both her and Chris were silent.

"I'm sorry..." Lance mumbled and then shut the door. 'Oh my God,' he thought. 'What were they doing in there? Well, it was obvious that they were kissing, but why was there water everywhere?' Lance shook his head and walked back to the living room.

Once Lance had left, Chris' lips returned to Lori's neck. He couldn't get enough of her. Her skin was so soft and sweet.

Lori's eyes were wide open. She felt his lips on her neck and his hands on her stomach. How could something that was supposed to be wrong feel so right? It didn't make any sense. She turned around in his arms to face him.

Chris looked down at her. The only time he had looked more serious was when her family had died. "I love you, Lori," he said softly.

Lori blinked and then felt a tear roll down her cheek. She put her arms around him and held him tight. "I love you," she whispered.

He took a deep breath and wrapped his arms further around her, afraid that if he let go he would wake up and she would be gone. He felt her shiver. "Are you cold?" he asked.

Lori giggled. "Well, we're soaking wet and standing in front of the vent... yeah, I'm a little cold!" she answered, feeling his hands rub her back.

"Let's go get changed," Chris suggested, resting his chin on the top of her head.

They walked out into the living room and three pairs of eyes looked their way.

"What happened to you two?" Justin asked, referring to their wet clothes and hair.

Chris and Lori looked at each other and giggled before running up the stairs.

"What's up with them?" Joey wondered.

Everyone turned to Lance who was ignoring the whole situation. When he realized that they were staring at him he turned his eyes away from the TV and looked back at them. "What?"

JC narrowed his eyes at Lance. "You look like you know something..."

"About what?" Lance asked, hoping they wouldn't say, Chris and Lori.

"That depends..." JC said, getting up and sitting back down next to Lance. "What do you know?"

Lance turned red. He avoided eye contact with his friends and focused on the tree outside the window. "I don't know anything," he said quickly.

JC, Justin and Joey exchanged looks. Justin spoke up. "Why don't you just tell us what you know, Lance?"

"I don't know anything," Lance repeated and Joey laughed.

"Come on, Lance. We know you too well."

Lance turned and looked at Joey. "Fine!" He paused as they all leaned in and waited for him to continue. Lance took a deep breath. "I caught them kissing in the bathroom," he finished.

Their eyes widened. "Who?"

"Who do you think? The boogie man and the tooth fairy!" Lance snapped, upset that they had forced the truth out of him. "Lori and Chris! Who else would it be? Joey and Justin?" Lance laughed at his own joke.

Both Joey and Justin ignored his last comment.

"Why were they all wet?" JC wondered.

"I have no idea. The whole bathroom was drenched," Lance replied.

The guys thought of possibilities of why they were wet, while upstairs, Chris knocked on Lori's door.

"Are you dressed yet?" he called, secretly hoping that she wasn't.

"Yeah," she called back. "Come in."

He opened the door and ran to her, taking her lips with his. At first she was startled by his forwardness, but soon she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

When they pulled away from each other, they were both breathing heavily. "You... have no idea... how long... I've been wanting... to do that," Chris said, hardly moving his lips away from hers to talk.

"I can guess," Lori said, pulling him back into the kiss while his hands traveled up and down her body.

There was a knock on the door and Chris' hands stopped on her hips. "No privacy..." he mumbled.

"I better get that," Lori said, prying his hands off her body. "Geez, Chris..." she commented at his unwillingness to let go.

She walked over to the door and swung it open to reveal four very curious 'N Sync members. They craned their necks and looked for Chris. When they saw him sitting on her bed they turned back to Lori.

"Um..." Justin muttered. "We were um... wondering if um... you two wanted to watch a movie with us downstairs..."

Lori smiled. "And it took all four of you to ask that?"

"Yeah," they all said.

Chris laughed from the bed and then walked over. "You guys are too much!"

Justin grinned. "No... YOU'RE too much, Chris!" he said, winking at Chris.

Chris' eyes widened. He was about to push them out of Lori's room when he heard Lori say something. It sounded like, "Sure, we'll watch the movie with you guys."

Chris turned to her. "What?" he asked, not sure if he heard her right.

"Come on, I'll go make some popcorn." She smiled at Chris. Then she squeezed in between Justin and Lance and made her way to the kitchen.

When she was gone, Joey pointed at Chris. "Ha, ha!"

"What are you guys doing?" Chris asked through clenched teeth.

They didn't say anything. All Chris heard was snickering.

"Do you even have a movie to watch?" Chris was trying to keep a straight face, but their laughter was catching on.

"No!" JC admitted.

"You all really need to find a new hobby..." Chris chuckled as he pushed past them and followed Lori's trail to the kitchen.

She had just shut the microwave door when he crept up behind her and grabbed her by the waist.

"Chris!" she squealed as he spun her around.

He set her down and explored her face with his lips.

"Chris, the guys are probably watching us," she got out before his lips met hers.

"I don't care," he said in between kisses. "I need more time with you."

Lori giggled quietly as his hands brushed over her sides. "You're tickling me!"

Chris grinned, resting his forehead against hers. "I know!" He began to tickle her more and she pushed him away.

"Stop!" she laughed. "Or I'm not gonna sit by you during the movie!"

He stopped tickling her right away and once again pulled her into his arms. "Don't tease me like that!" he pleaded.

"I'm not teasing," she smiled. "I'm serious."

"I stopped! I stopped!"

"I know. And now you get to sit by me." She pulled back a little and looked into his eyes. When his mouth opened to say something, she put her index finger on his lips. "Shhh..." she hushed, replacing her finger with her own lips.

He led her to a chair by the dining room table and sat down, bringing her up on his lap.

That's when Justin poked his head into the kitchen. "Hello! We're starting the movie!" he announced.

Chris and Lori ignored him and continued to kiss.

"Hello!" Justin yelled.

Lori jumped and almost fell off of Chris' lap.

"What are you doing?" Chris growled at Justin.

"The mo-vie is start-ing," Justin repeated, articulating each syllable. He walked over to the microwave, took out the popcorn and poured it into the big bowl that Lori had set on the counter. "Let's go!" he said, without glancing at them.

Lori got off of Chris and then helped him to his feet. "Come on."

Chris sighed as Lori led him to the living room.

Halfway through the movie, Chris' hand crept under her shirt and tickled her sides.

"Chris!" she hissed. "What did I tell you about that?"

He smiled guiltily.

"Do you want me to go over there and sit by Joey and JC?"

Chris tightened his hold on her. "No!"

"All right, then. You better behave."

"I will," he promised.

"Shhh!" Justin turned to them with his finger over his lips. "Be quiet!"

"JC, get off of me!" Joey said, shoving JC off of his shoulder. "How can you fall asleep during Tommy Boy?"

JC blinked and put his hand to his head. "I don't know. I just got really dizzy and everything went black."

"Are you okay?" Lori asked as she pulled herself out of Chris' arms, walked over to JC and knelt down in front of him.

"I don't know... that's never happened to me before." His face was pale and his lips were an odd shade of purple.

"I'm sorry that I shoved you, JC," Joey apologized. "I didn't know that you had fainted."

"It's okay," JC told Joey as the rest of the guys gathered around him and asked him whether he was feeling okay or not.

"I'm calling the doctor," Lance announced, grabbing the cordless phone off the coffee table. He dialed a number and then waited. "Yes, my friend just fainted and I need to make an appointment for him or something..." he paused. "Joshua Chasez.... yeah. That's fine. Thank you." He hung up and then looked at everyone. "Tomorrow morning at nine."

"Maybe you should go to bed now, JC," Lori told him. "We'll wake you up before your appointment."

"Okay," he agreed and Joey led him upstairs to his room.

Chapter 4
A Chance
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