A Chance... Chapter 6

"Chris, I'm a virgin," Lori told him.

Chris looked at her for a while. He finally spoke up. "God, Lori... I'm sorry. I'm moving too fast for you... aren't I?"

Lori pulled him closer and put her head on his chest. "I'm just not ready for this yet..."

"It's okay," he said, pulling the covers over Lori and himself. "I can wait."

"I'm sorry... I know how much you want this."

"I can wait until you're ready," he repeated as he reached over and turned off the lamp. "Let's just hold each other now."

Lori smiled. "That sounds good... I love you, Chris."

"I love you, Lori." he smiled back as he pulled her deeper into his embrace.

She snuggled in his arms and they both fell asleep, not even hearing the storm.

Meanwhile, Kelly tossed in turned in Joey's bed. She could never sleep during a storm. Suddenly thunder shook the house. She grabbed onto the blankets and pulled them to her neck. She turned over and looked at the clock. It was one fifty-four. "I'll never get to sleep!" she groaned.

When thunder sounded again she flew out of bed and ran downstairs. She saw Joey's body on the couch and tiptoed over to him. "Joey," she whispered, nudging his shoulder. "Joey."

Joey slowly opened his eyes. "What's wrong?" he mumbled.

"Well, nothing really..." she said, sitting on the floor next to the couch. "I just can't sleep with the storm."

"I'll protect you," Joey chucked. He looked over at her and stared.

"What are you looking at?"

"You," Joey answered.


"Yeah. Is that okay?"

"Well, yeah..." she paused. "Hey, Joey... Do you like me?"

"Of course I do!" Joey answered as he sat up and patted the spot next to him.

Kelly got up from the floor and cuddled in next to Joey. "I mean do you LIKE me..."

"How could I not like a sweet, beautiful woman like you?" he asked, smiling down at her.

She giggled. "Oh, stop!"

Joey's expression turned serious. "Well, it's true..."

Kelly looked up at him and found her lips on his. "Joey..." she breathed when their lips parted.

He took her in his arms and kissed her again. "I've wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you..."

Kelly looked deep into his eyes. "I'm yours," she whispered.

He slipped her top over her head "Are you sure you want this?" he asked.

"I'm sure," she said, running her hands over his bare chest.

Joey took her lips with his and they both leaned back on the couch...

Justin suddenly woke up. He looked around. "Oh, God," he moaned. All of the events from before came back to him and he stared at the ceiling of his Mercedes. He sat up and looked at the mud that was beginning to dry on the leather seats in the front. "Damn!"

Justin opened the door and walked into the house. He heard some suspicious noises as he wondered in. "Oh my God!" he mouthed when he saw Joey and Kelly on the couch. He quickly jogged up the stairs and walked to his room. "I really need my own place..." he muttered as he opened his door.

He went right over to his dresser and pulled out his pajamas. Then he walked into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth.

'What am I gonna do about my poor car?' he thought as the water rushed over his body. "Those two are gonna PAY..." he mumbled, opening the shower door and wrapping a towel around his body. He quickly threw on his clothes and then went back to his bedroom.

Justin was so tired, that when he crawled into bed, he didn't even realizing that Sarah was asleep on the other side.

Early the next morning, JC wondered into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice. He looked at the bottle of pills on the counter and stared at them for a while. He picked it up and read the label. "Do not take on an empty stomach..."

JC put a piece of bread in the toaster. He sat at the table and waited for it to pop up. When it did, he jumped. He put butter on it and took a bite.

That's when Lance walked in. "Hey..." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Hi," JC said before taking another bite of his toast.

Lance sat down next to JC. "What are you doing up so early?"

"What are YOU doing up so early?"

"Hey, no fair... I asked you first..." Lance told him.

"Fine..." JC said, sipping on his orange juice. "I just wanted to take my pill."

"Oh... that's all?"

"Yeah, that's all." JC looked up at Lance. "Now what about you?"

"I just couldn't sleep..." Lance explained. "Maybe I'll make breakfast. What do you want?"

"I don't care. Whatever you want."

"Okay. I think I'll make French toast..." Lance smiled as he got up and opened the refrigerator.

"Of course..." JC rolled his eyes. He opened his medication, took out a pill and examined it. It was quite large and bright orange. He wondered if he would be able to swallow it. 'Here goes nothing,' he said to himself as he put the pill in his mouth and finished off his orange juice. To his surprise, the pill went down easily. "That wasn't bad..." he said out loud.

"What wasn't?" Lance asked, setting the eggs on the counter.

"Swallowing the pill," JC smiled as he got up and put the bottle back in the medicine cabinet.

Lori opened her eyes and smiled at a sleeping Chris. She looked at the clock. It was eight fifteen. She could smell food and figured that Lance was making French toast. "Chris, sweetie... wake up," she said, kissing him softly.

Chris opened his eyes and smiled back at her. "Morning, Love," he said, kissing her back. He made a funny face. "God, I'm hungry... what smells so good?"

"Someone must be making breakfast," Lori answered. "Probably Lance with his French toast again..." she giggled.

"Probably..." he agreed, tickling her.

"Chris! Stop already!" she laughed

Chris stopped for a second and grinned at her. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna give me if I stop?"

Lori grinned back at him. "I think the question is, what am I gonna give you if you DON'T stop!" she smacked his arm and he winced.

"Okay, okay... point taken..." he said, holding his arm. "Let's go eat before my stomach implodes!"

In the next room Sarah rolled over and felt a body next to her. She opened her eyes and screamed.

Justin's eyes flew open and he saw Sarah screaming at him. "Oh my God! Where did you come from?" he asked

"Where did I come from? Where did YOU come from?" Sarah said, grabbing the blankets away from him and pulling them around herself.

"This is my room!" Justin frowned, pulling the blankets back. "Why are you in my bed?"

"Lori said I could sleep here because she thought you would be out with your car all night," Sarah replied.

Justin remembered about his Benz and he sighed. "My poor car!"

Sarah giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" Justin snapped.

Sarah frowned at him as she carefully got out of the bed and crept to the door. "Bye..."

"I said, what are you laughing at?!?" Justin called after her. He fell back in his bed and stared up at the ceiling. "My car..." he whispered.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Lori and Chris sat down at the table. "You two were sure up early cooking..." Lori commented

Lance grinned. "Yep... neither of us could sleep so we decided to put ourselves to work."

Chris laughed. "Well, I'm glad you did! I'm starving!"

Lance pointed his spatula at Chris. "Tomorrow you and Joey are cooking. JC and I are ALWAYS the ones who have to cook."

"Whoa, watch out!" Chris said, holding up his arms. "Bitter cook..."

Everyone, including Lance, giggled as they began to eat.

In the living room, Kelly woke up and felt two arms around her. She remembered the night before and smiled.

Joey felt her moving so he wrapped his arms around her tighter and kissed her neck.

"Joey, we better get up before anyone sees us here..." she said as his hands wondered up her shirt. "Joey..."

"I know..." he sighed.

Kelly got up and he followed her up the stairs. They ran into Sarah who was running down the hall. "Whoa! Where are you going in such a hurry?" Kelly asked her sister.

"Anywhere... as long as I'm far away from Justin," she frowned. "He's really rude, you know..." She continued down the hall and then went downstairs.

Joey and Kelly gave each other confused looks and then walked into Joey's room. Joey put his pillow back on his bed and then the two of them joined everyone else in the kitchen.

Justin reluctantly crawled out of bed. He was exhausted, but he could also smell French toast and was very hungry. He trudged down the stairs and wondered into the kitchen.

"There's Mr. Sleepyhead!" Chris exclaimed when he saw Justin.

"Shut up," Justin mumbled.

"Well, you're here just in time, Justin," JC told him. "Joey was about to eat the last piece!"

Joey looked up from his plate. "I was not," he mumbled with his mouth full.

"Don't try and tell me that three pieces of French toast is enough for Joseph Fatone?" Lance chuckled.

"Hey!" Joey said, glaring at Lance. "I can control myself when I want to!"

The room was silent.

Suddenly everyone but Joey and Justin burst out laughing.

"What?" Joey said, watching them all laugh. He thought about it for a while and then stuffed the last piece of French toast in his mouth. "Never mind," he said after he swallowed.

When Joey walked downstairs later that day, he found Justin sitting on a chair and grinning at him. "What are you so happy about?" he said, looking at Justin with a confused look.

Justin didn't say anything... he just grinned.

"Uh oh..." Joey muttered as he started to step back up the stairs.

"Not so fast there, Joe..." Justin said, slowly getting up from chair.

Joey stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face Justin. "What do you want?"

"Hmmm..." Justin started, looking away thoughtfully. "I wonder what Lori would think of what you and Kelly were doing on her couch last night..."

Joey's eyes widened. "How did you- I mean, what did you-" he stuttered.

Justin suddenly frowned at Joey. "Never mind how I know," he said as he pointed. "You just get out in that garage and clean up my Benz or the whole world is gonna know about it!" he demanded, taking a step towards Joey.

"Justin... That's gonna take forever!" Joey pointed out.

"I don't think you're in the position to argue about it and personally, I don't care how long it takes. I want that car to be shining next time I see it. I want my leather seats lookin' perfect. Got it?" He said as he took another step towards Joey and shoved his finger in Joey's face.

"Geez, all right..." Joey said, backing off to the garage.

"That's what I thought..." Justin said, a smile returning to his face. He turned around to walk into the kitchen only to run right into Sarah.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Sarah said, glaring at Justin as they passed each other.

"Geez," Justin frowned. "Sorry..." He flopped down at the table and sighed. Nothing was going right! Everything was a disaster! His thoughts drifted back to his car and he let out a whimper.

"Hey, man..." JC said, sitting across from Justin. "What's wrong?"

Justin looked up at JC and tried not to look too unhappy. "Nothing."

JC almost laughed. "You can't fool me, Justin Timberlake!"

Justin stopped trying to look happy. "Just leave me alone."

"Come on, J. Tell me what's bothering you."

Justin thought about it for a while and then decided to tell JC. He looked around to make sure that no one else was listening. "It's just that nothing is going right lately," he admitted. "Absolutely nothing."

"Like what?" JC wondered.

Justin looked at him like he was crazy. "Where have you been? My car..."

JC's eyes widened. "Oh!"

Justin nodded. "Yeah, now you remember." He crossed his arms and looked out the window. "Let's all forget about Justin and his precious car!"

"Justin, it's not like that," JC assured him. "I've just had things on my mind too."

Justin looked at him for a while and then his eyebrows went up in realization. JC had had that scare with doctor yesterday. "Oh, God, JC... I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking." He suddenly felt really bad. Here he was crying over his car when JC could have been really sick. He hung his head and looked down at his lap. "I'm sorry," he repeated.

"It's okay, Justin. I know you've got things to think about too." He got up and walked to the refrigerator pulling out a Dr. Pepper. "Want one?"


JC grabbed another can and then walked back to the table. He handed one to Justin. "That car isn't the only thing on you're mind... is it?" he said, opening his Dr. Pepper.

Justin opened his can and took a sip.

"Is it?" JC repeated.

He sighed. He had to tell someone. It might as well be JC. "I went to bed last night and when I woke up, Sarah was next to me," he spat out quickly.

JC set down his can with a thud. "Sarah was in your bed?"

"Yeah, but-" Justin tried to explain what happened but JC cut him off.

"And you didn't notice that she was there until morning?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Well, it was really late and I was exhausted..." Justin trailed off.

"What time was it?"

"I have no idea... I woke up in the back seat of my car. Then I just..." he paused thinking about Kelly and Joey on the couch.

"Then you what?" JC said, leaning forward.

Justin gathered his thoughts and continued. "Then I went upstairs, took a shower and got into bed."

"And you didn't see her?" JC asked again.

"No. I have a pretty big bed..."

"And..." JC raised an eyebrow. "Nothing happened?"

Justin almost spit Dr. Pepper all over JC. He forced the soda down his throat. "NO!" he said, surprised that JC would ask him that. "I already told you that I didn't notice her till morning!"

JC smiled as he blushed. "Oh,"

"This isn't funny..." Justin said, narrowing his eyes at JC.

"I wasn't laughing!"

"But you look like you want to."

"But I didn't!

"Ah ha! So you admit it! You wanna laugh!" Justin said, pointing at JC.

JC burst out laughing. "NOW I do!"

Justin frowned and then got up from the table. "I don't have to take this..."

JC stood up and tried to control his laughter. "Come on, Justin... That's not why I'm laughing..." he said as Justin turned to face him.

"Then why are you laughing?" he asked.

"Because you told me that I wanted to! I couldn't help myself!"

Justin let himself smile. "Okay, okay..." he said as he made his way back towards the living room. "Thanks for the talk, JC."

"No prob!" JC called back.

Later that day, Sarah and Kelly had gone home while JC and Justin had gone shopping.

Chris walked down the stairs and noticed some yelling. He walked around a while until he discovered that it was coming from the garage. He opened the door and saw Joey sitting on the pavement holding his hand. Next to him was a pail of soapy water and a brush.

"Joey! What are you doing?"

Joey looked up at Chris and glared. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cleaning Justin's car, genius."

"Geez... I was just asking," Chris said deciding to back off. Joey seemed to be in pretty bad mood today. He was about to open the door when it hit him. Why was Joey cleaning the car and not him? Shouldn't they both be cleaning it? He wanted to run before Joey asked him to help... but his curiosity made him stay. "Hey, Joe... did Justin make you clean it?"

Joey picked up the brush and stuck it into the bucket. "Just never mind, okay?" He frowned as he began to scrub at the silver hub cap.

Chris still wanted to leave, but he just HAD to know... "Come on. Tell me. Did he make you do it?"

Joey looked up at Chris and narrowed his eyes. "It's none of your damn business!" he almost yelled.

Chapter 7
A Chance
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