Bride of Honor... Chapter 1

Walking quickly to her Philadelphia office, Heather Mills tried to juggle her cell phone, pocket book and cup of coffee in both hands. Heather Mills works at an advertising agency and is considered one of the hardest workers by her peers.

"Any calls for me?" Heather asked her receptionist, Marcy, sternly.

"I'm sorry Ms. Mills", Marcy replied in an apologetic tone.

"What is taking them so long?" Heather muttered to herself as she walked into her office and finally put down her belongings.

On her office desk, Heather found a bouquet of flowers from her boyfriend of 1 and a half years, Ted.

"What in the world?" she asked herself.

Reading the card attached aloud, it said, "To my sweetest Heather, when I walked past these flowers, I thought of you by the angelic aroma, always yours, Ted."

Smiling but also looking a tad bit disturbed, Heather smiled and said, "How sweet of him".

Starting to dial his number on her cell phone, Marcy interrupted her and told her that Mr. Neelan is on line 1.

"Finally!" she exclaimed.

Picking up the phone, she said, "Mr. Neelan, I've been waiting so long for you to call, I was thinking you were going to switch agencies on me! You really have no idea how important that account is to me and this whole agency!"

Mr. Neelan tells Heather that he will be coming to talk to her in person about the account tomorrow at 2 PM.

Hanging up the phone, Heather smiled and went outside her office into the lounge to find a vase for the flowers that Ted sent her. Her friend, Tracy, whom she has known since 9th grade, is sitting in the lounge eating some potato chips.

"Did you land that Mr. Neelan account yet?" Tracy curiously asked.

"No, not yet," Heather replied, "but I will."

"A lot of people will be jealous if you get that account, just imagine how rich you will be. People will be looking up to YOU!" Tracy said.

"I know," Heather said smiling but also mischievously, "Tracy, don't you worry, I will do whatever it takes to make sure Mr. Neelan's account is in no other hands but my own!"

"Whatever it takes?" Tracy asked, half laughing.

"If it could give me fortune and power, why not?" Heather said, again mischievously.

Strutting back to her office, Heather was surprised to see yet another gift awaiting on her desk. This time it was a box.

Heather asked Marcy, "When did this come? I was in that lounge no more than 10 minutes!"

Marcy replied, "Just now, I thought it was kind of strange you were getting another package, who is sending you all of those things?"

"My boyfriend Ted," Heather said, "Isn't he sweet?"

Marcy said, "Very," and went back to filing clients name in the cabinet.

Heather opened the box and thinking it was jewelry, she got very excited but was disappointed to see it was a seed of some sort. Heather read the note attached aloud, "Just as seeds such as this one will be blooming into glorious trees over the spring and summer, our love will be blossoming into the never ending sky."

Heather sarcastically said, "What a poet."

Looking at her clock, she was glad to see it was finally time to go home. Picking up her bag, and any items she needed to prepare for the big meeting with Mr. Neelan tomorrow, she went outside her office and said good night to Tracy and Marcy.

When she walked through the door, she was greeted by her sister, Lalie, who looks a lot like Heather.

Lalie immediately said, "Ted is a nutcase!"

Heather rolled her eyes and said, "What now?"

Lalie took her into the bedroom and showed her her answering machine.

"Oh my God, what do you mean there are 14 messages on here?" Heather said in disbelief.

"They're all Ted's calls, the phone was ringing off the hook for the last hour and a half or so. He wanted to know why you weren't home yet and was getting worried," Lalie explained.

"He was sending me gifts at work too, in fact, I just got one before I left so I don't know why he was calling me here, he knew I was still working," Heather said, trying to figure this whole thing out.

Lalie said, "Ted is a nutcase!"

Heather said, "You made that clear the minute I walked in!"

Lalie asked politely, "Why don't you just tell him to give you some room to breathe or tell him it's over?"

Heather replied to Lalie, "Why should I do that? I know he goes a little overboard sometimes, but he's still a nice guy."

Lalie agreed to disagree about Ted and left the room.

Heather took off her skirt and was changing into comfortable pants when the phone rang, "Okay, Ted, I'm home now. Must have been a lucky guess that I knew it was you! Dinner tonight? I'm kind of busy tonight, Mom is already fixing supper and I have to get ready for the big interview with Mr. Neelan tomorrow. Sure, maybe tomorrow night. I won't be under so much pressure then. Okay Ted, I like you, too, bye bye!"

Heather, now in private, rolled her eyes again, "He is so unbearable! He has what I like though and that's good enough for me."

Around the dinner table, Heather's father, Harold, asked her, "How did work go today, doll?"

Heather said nervously, "Ahh fine, but I have such a big meeting tomorrow, it's not even funny! There is this huge account and I just have to land it!"

Harold asked, "Who is this big shot you have to meet with?"

Just as Heather was about to answer, her mother, Carole offered her best of luck with the meeting and couldn't help but say, "More mashed potatoes, too, Hun?"

Heather said, "I'm fine, mother, but thanks!"

Carole winked at her daughter.

Harold again asked, "Who is the person you are meeting with tomorrow?"

Heather replied, "Sorry for not answering earlier"

"That's all right," Harold cut in.

Heather continued, "His name is Robert Neelan"

Lalie got locked in thought for a minute, "Wait a minute, Neelan, Neelan... didn't you dump his son at the senior prom, like, 10 years ago? I remember that so well, although I didn't know him, I felt bad for him."

Heather replied, "Yes, Lalie, that is the same Neelan but I do not think his father put two and two together yet that I am the same girl. Kevin's mother was the mother from hell!"

Carole piped in, "Watch your language, Heather!"

Heather said, "Sorry," and continued talking to Lalie, "If you went to the public high school and not that Academy, you would have seen why I had to break up with him that night!"

Lalie said, "You practically embarrassed him in front of everybody, well, from what I heard. You haven't spoken about that night since. Why is that, Heather?"

Heather said, "I know I haven't been too vocal about that night but it's for a reason. Anyway, why are we discussing something that happened 10 years ago? At this point, I don't care if I EVER see or hear of Kevin Neelan again!"

Chapter 2
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