Bride of Honor... Chapter 10

The next morning, after Heather went to work, the phone rang. Lalie picked the telephone and was surprised who was on the other end.

"Ms. Mills, we may have a job opening for you very soon. We reviewed your application and resume carefully. Would you like to come in for an interview if you haven't already found employment?"

"Of course, I would!" Lalie exclaimed.

Lalie arrived at Century Trust Bank and waited to go into Mr. Porter's office.

"Lalie Mills, you can go into Mr. Porter's office now," the receptionist called out.

Lalie got up and walked into his office professionally.

Things did not go as well as she thought. She did not have the proper knowledge in some of the application fields. Where she used to work, they did not use those programs. She couldn't understand why it was so hard for her to find a decent job.

Lalie sat depressed at home waiting for another possible employer to contact her. The phone rang again and, getting excited, thought maybe it was another possibly employer. Hopefully, everyone was reading her resume carefully like her mother said!

It wasn't a possible employer. Or was it?

"Hi, Lalie. Is Heather there?" Kevin asked.

"No, not yet, Kevin. She doesn't get home till after 5 usually. Try again in an hour." Lalie said, not too enthusiastically.

"Is something wrong?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, you could tell?" Lalie started, "After, let's just say, a long period of no work, I almost found a job today similar to the one I had. They claimed I didn't have enough experience with one of their application programs or something. I don't know… just frustrating. Sorry to vent." She laughed a little bit.

"I'm sorry about that. Where did you work and what type of work are you looking for?" Kevin asked, maybe he could help her.

"I worked at Center City Bank but my department was let go. I worked the computers and helped out the customers with their accounts. The programs they use at Century Trust, where I went today, in hopes of getting a job, are more advanced than the ones I am used to." Lalie explained. "Again, I am sorry. I know I probably just bored you to tears!"

"Century Trust uses a more advanced system than Center City did. It's hard for a lot of people to get jobs in Century Trust because of that. I know a lot of people who have come over to First Savings from Center City are glad that we use the same computer programs as they did." Kevin explained.

Lalie was blown away. "And how would you know all this?" she added with a laugh.

"I work at First Savings. In fact, maybe I can look over your resume and help you get a job there. Did you send in your resume?" Kevin asked.

"No, I didn't. I do know my friend Marcia got a job there but it was out of my way so I didn't bother applying but I think you just changed my mind!" Lalie laughed.

"Marcia Santiago, I've heard her name around. I am glad that you are going to apply! Give me your resume then!" Kevin exclaimed with a laugh.

"I will!" Lalie exclaimed back. "How fast would I know if I get a job or not?"

"Since I'm the president of that bank, I'm sure I can look over your application and resume the same day and let you know. The computer programs are the same as the ones you are used to. I know you know how to work them but someone would have to give you a test on it so we know you know what you're doing." Kevin said, kind of embarrassed.

"Ooh, a test." Lalie laughed. "I am ready for anything! You must still be at work so I'll let you go. I'll tell Heather you called. Again, thanks for helping me out with that."

"It wasn't a problem. Okay about Heather. If I see you over the weekend, you can hand me your resume then. I promise I will be careful with it!," Kevin said with a smile (even though Lalie couldn't see him smiling...)

"Oh, I know you will be!" Lalie laughed again. "Bye now."

Lalie hung up the telephone and, for the first time in a long while, was able to just beam.

Carole walked through the back door carrying grocery bags. As soon as she put them down on the counter, Lalie walked up to her and hugged her.

"Oh, dear. What was that about?" Carole said, not knowing whether to smile or be serious. "Are we happy or sad?"

"Happy! Mom, the best thing just happened! It turns out Kevin, Heather's ex-boyfriend, works at a bank, just like I did, and he may be able to get me a job there!"

"Honey, that's wonderful! I am so glad and proud of you. See, I knew you would get a job eventually!" Carole said very happily.

"I don't want to get my hopes up just yet, but I have a pretty good feeling about it! Maybe I shouldn't tell Heather about this yet. I'm not sure what to think about her after yesterday." Lalie seriously said.

Carole shrugged. "She'll come around," Carole confidently said.

Lalie saw Heather's car pulling up in the driveway through the living room window.

"Oh, my God. She's home. Don't mention anything about the possible job." Lalie warned.

"For God's sake, Lalie!" Carole exclaimed.

Heather entered the living room. "Mom, Dad, Anybody?"

"In here, sweetie." Carole called out.

Lalie opened the refrigerator and bent down to put away whatever groceries needed to be in there. Heather didn't see her there.

"Hi, Mom. Mom, guess what! I had my first official meeting with Mr. Neelan today. He just loves my ideas! He totally ate them up!" Heather exclaimed.

"I am so proud of you and…" Carole almost forgot not to mention Lalie's job offer from Kevin.

"And who, Mom?" Heather asked.

"Your Dad. He finally cut the grass so I can plant those flowers that I bought in the nursery," Carole lied.

"Well, congratulations, to him, as well for cutting the lawn," Heather joked.

Lalie got up and closed the refrigerator.

"So, Heather, what does Kevin think about you having his father's account like that?" Lalie asked.

"Oh, my God! Lalie, how long were you standing there?" Heather demanded to know.

"I was just kneeling down by the refrigerator. You didn't see me when you walked in but I heard everything you said about the Neelan account. So, what does Kevin think?" Lalie said, repeating her question.

"He thinks it's just great!" Heather said in a nasty tone. "Why are you so concerned with what Kevin thinks anyway? It's just an account. I'm going to go sit in the yard for a while." Heather left the kitchen through the back door and pulled up a lawn chair to sit down.

Back in the kitchen, Lalie said to her mother, "See what I mean, about Heather? Something isn't right, not one bit."

Carole had a worried look on her face and looked at Heather just sitting there on her lawn chair, soaking up the sun.

Chapter 11
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