Bride of Honor... Chapter 11

After dinner that night, Lalie told Heather about Kevin's call.

"Why didn't you tell me the minute I walked in the door?" Heather demanded.

"The way you spoke to me when you came home, I didn't think it was a good time." Lalie responded.

"I just hope it's not too late to call. Thanks a lot, Lalie!" Heather sarcastically said.

Lalie sat alone as Heather headed upstairs to call Kevin. How come nothing she did lately was acceptable in Heather's eyes?

Heather went into her room and shut the door and began dialing Kevin's number. Kevin answered on the other end.

"Hi, Kevin! Lalie told me that you had called earlier. She waits till now to tell me about it." Heather stated.

"It's not that late, Heather," Kevin replied, "I wanted to know if you wanted to go out tomorrow night instead of waiting until the weekend. What do you think?"

"I'd love to!" Heather exclaimed. "Where should we go?"

"I don't know," Kevin said in thought, "I was thinking maybe something Italian and then a walk in the park."

"That sounds like a nice evening. I'd love to." Heather warmly said.

"Great. Is 6 a good time to pick you up?" Kevin asked.

"Sure. Maybe I'll leave work a little bit earlier since it's Friday!" Heather laughed.

"Not so sure I can," Kevin sighed, "It's going to be busy tomorrow."

"I see. 6 is fine though! I'll see you tomorrow then." Heather replied.

"Okay, good night, Heather. I'll see you tomorrow evening." Kevin said.

Heather and Kevin hung up their respective phone lines.

"Yes!" Heather exclaimed to herself, "Not much longer until that handsome president is mine and his father's account will safely remain in my hands!"

The next morning, Lalie was up early at her computer proof reading her resume before she gave it to Kevin. She knew this was her best chance at getting a job almost identical to the one she had. Everything looked fine on there, so she printed it out and tucked it in the drawer in order to give to Kevin when she sees him.

After she had put it away in the drawer, she asked Heather, who was getting ready to leave for work, when she'd be seeing Kevin again. However, she did not let on about the job offer from him.

"Tonight, I will be seeing Kevin," Heather noted.

"Great!" Lalie exclaimed.

"Why the excitement, Lalie?" Heather asked.

"I'm just so happy that you two are finally back on track," Lalie lied, still not letting on about that job offer.

"You can't stay angry at someone forever," Heather said, as she grabbed her pocketbook and left for work.

"No, you can't stay angry at someone forever, but what made you get over whatever Kevin did to you so quickly?" Lalie asked herself, pulling her resume out of the drawer, checking it over just one more time for any errors.

When Heather arrived at work, she stopped in the lounge before going into her office.

"It's going to be a slow day," Heather sighed.

"Friday's are always slow," Tracy stated.

"I'm going out with Kevin, the president, tonight!" Heather exclaimed.

"I don't understand how he can do what he did to you the night before the prom and you give him another chance. I mean, I know Vivian made you see him again, but why you are continuing to go out with him?" Tracy asked her best friend.

"I know what I'm doing, Tracy." Heather firmly said.

"I hope you do." Tracy optimistically said.

"He's the president of a bank," Heather mentioned.

"I should have known that's why you wanted to see him again. President or no president, what if he tries to do what he did the night before the prom again?" Tracy asked, trying to provoke thought into Heather.

"He won't. Let's not talk about that anymore." Heather said, sounding uncomfortable.

"How can you ignore that, though?" Tracy again asked.

"Tracy, let's just forget about what happened that night. I'm going into my office now. I'll call you about my date with Kevin later. Wow, my date!" Heather joyfully said, leaving the lounge and going into her office.

Tracy sat in the lounge with a worried look on her face. This is one of the few times when she didn't understand Heather's motives. Why would she want to see someone again who tried to hurt her?

Later that evening, Heather was getting ready for her big date with Kevin. She was still taking the rollers out of her hair when Kevin arrived.

"Oh, my God! It's 6 already?!" Heather nervously asked herself.

"Someone downstairs, answer the door! Tell him to wait a few minutes!" Heather called out from the bathroom.

Lalie took the privilege of answering the front door.

"Wow, that suit fits you nice," Lalie observed.

"Thank you," Kevin replied.

"I have the resume ready for you. Do you want me to give it to you when you drop Heather off later or now?" Lalie asked.

"Now, is fine." Kevin responded.

Lalie walked over to the computer desk and opened the drawer and pulled out the resume. She looked over it one more time and then handed it to Kevin.

"This is great. Come in Monday and we'll have a meeting about it, okay?" Kevin said smiling.

"I will. I suppose my mother can tape the shows that I've grown attached to!" Lalie laughed.

Kevin laughed, also.

Heather called out from the top of the stairs, trying to make an entrance, "Here I come!"

Heather marched down the stairs wearing a blue dress and her hair was on top of her head.

Kevin exclaimed, "You look great!"

Heather smiled and said with a laugh, "I'll bring sneakers for the walk in the park later. Doesn't that sound fun, Lalie? The walk in the park at night? I should go get those sneakers."

"I'll put the car back on." Kevin said, as he walked back to the car outside.

Heather got her sneakers and came back downstairs.

"You have no idea how elated I am," Heather started but noticed Kevin wasn't in the room and went back to her normal tone with Lalie, "Oh, it's only you."

"Gee, thanks. Why are you putting on such a big show? You're flaunting your date plans, and the way you look, in my face. I'm not jealous of you, Heather." Lalie truthfully said.

"I wouldn't call it flaunting. Don't be mad because I have a date and you will be sitting home tonight, well, I suppose it's just your ordinary night." Heather nastily said.

"What is wrong with you?" Lalie asked her sister.

Lalie walked over to the door, not being able to take Heather's comments anymore.

"Kevin's waiting for you in the car, you should be going," Lalie said, opening the door.

"Don't wait up," Heather warned.

"GET OUT!" Lalie screamed.

"Layla Anne!" Carole screamed standing by the kitchen door. "Heather Marie, what is going on NOW?"

"I'm just trying to enjoy my evening." Heather explained, walking out the door and towards Kevin's car.

"You haven't called me Layla in a while," Lalie said with an angry tone.

"You haven't given me a reason to call you that, Layla," Carole said disappointed.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Lalie promised.

In the car, Heather was wondering where they were going first.

"Are we going to eat first or do I need to put my sneakers on?" Heather laughed.

Kevin laughed, "No, we're going to eat first."

"Okay," Heather said looking at Kevin, to her left.

Heather noticed some white paper sticking out of Kevin's pocket.

"Is that paper for me?" Heather asked with a smile.

"It's just business stuff," Kevin replied.

"Well, let's see what business you're up to, Mr. President," Heather giggled, taking the paper out of Kevin's pocket.

"No, it's just…" Kevin tried to stop her from taking it out of his pocket.

"Layla Mills. This is Lalie's resume. Where did you get this from?" Heather demanded to know.

"From Lalie. Who else? I didn't know Lalie worked in a bank until we spoke on the phone yesterday. I'm going to see if I can get her a job in the bank I work in," Kevin explained.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Lalie might be working together?" Heather asked.

"I didn't think I needed your permission to help out your sister," Kevin replied with a little confused tone.

"Of course, you didn't. It's just that Lalie never mentioned this," Heather replied.

"Maybe she didn't want to get her hopes too high about it yet. She's been out of work for a while." Kevin said.

"I live with her, I know. You two must have been on the phone quite a while," Heather assumed.

"Not long. She briefly explained her situation and I was able to glean that she's been out of work for some time. This is our night, why are you questioning me about trying to help out Lalie?" Kevin curiously asked.

"I'm sorry if it seemed that way, I was just surprised to find her resume in your pocket like that," Heather said, trying not to sound jealous about the situation.

"It's not a problem. Well, here's the restaurant." Kevin noticed, pulling into the parking lot and finding a spot. "I hope it's not a long wait."

"No, it shouldn't be." Heather remarked, shoving Lalie's resume in the glove compartment.

Kevin stepped out of the car and went around to the other side to open Heather's side.

"Shall we?" Kevin said, opening the car door.

Heather smiled as she stepped out. When she was walking in the parking lot towards the restaurant entrance, her mind was pre-occupied on one thing: Lalie.

Chapter 12
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