Bride of Honor... Chapter 12

Heather and Kevin had a nice seat by the window. She tried to forget about finding the resume in Kevin's pocket and have a nice evening. She just wanted to clear up any confusion about her reaction when she found that resume.

"I'm sorry I was questioning you about Lalie," Heather stated.

Kevin took Heather's hand and looked into her eyes. "Are you still worrying about that? I should have told you I was helping Lalie get a job. I should be the one apologizing."

"I had no right to react that way. Excuse me." Heather excused herself and walked over to the ladies room.

Inside the bathroom, Heather stood in front of the mirror and looked through her pocket book for her make up compact.

She muttered to herself, "Damn, Lalie. Why does she have to be working at that bank of all the places? What is she going to find out? I could lose Kevin and that account."

Heather went back to her table and tried to change the topic. "That suit fits you nicely. Where did you get it from?"

Kevin laughed and said, "That's what Lalie said, too. Maybe I should wear this suit more often!"

Heather bit her lip, not knowing Lalie had already complimented his suit. She tried again to talk about something else but then their order arrived on the table.

"This eggplant is almost as good as my mothers," Kevin remarked and beaming.

Heather fake smiled. If the conversation wasn't about Lalie, then it was about Vivian.

After Kevin and Heather finished eating, they paid their bill and left the restaurant.

"I guess I should put my sneakers on now and get ready for that walk," Heather said with a laugh, in the car.

Kevin smiled and they continued driving to the park.

When they arrived, they noticed that the park had lights on both sides of the walkway, so it was a pleasure for walking at night.

"I am so glad you took me here," Heather warmly said.

"I am too," Kevin said, turning to Heather and gently taking her hand into his. "Do you mind?"

"Of course not," Heather smiled, "This reminds me of when we used to go out together a long time ago. Oh, what fun we had back then."

"I remember," Kevin said and paused. "Let's sit on that bench over there," Kevin said pointing to an empty bench.

Kevin and Heather walked over to the bench and sat down. A chilly breeze started to kick in off the lake.

"The wind is changing," Heather remarked, rubbing her arms.

"Here, take my suit jacket." Kevin offered.

"No, it's not that bad, thank you for offering me that." Heather replied.

"I don't want you to be cold." Kevin said with an insisting tone.

Kevin took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around Heather.

"I hope that's a little better," Kevin said, pulling Heather closer to him.

"Oh yes, that is. I could sit here all night with you," Heather suggested with a smile.

"That would be my pleasure!" Kevin exclaimed.

Heather and Kevin sat there for a little while longer. Kevin had his arm around Heather and she was still wearing his suit jacket.

"Well, I should probably be getting back home," Heather reluctantly said. She didn't want to leave Kevin and that bench, but it was getting late.

"No!" Kevin laughed, "It feels like we just got here!"

"I know," Heather sighed.

Heather and Kevin stood up.

"It really felt like there was no 10 year gap," Kevin seriously said.

"No, it was a very nice evening." Heather stated.

Kevin and Heather leaned in for a gentle kiss.

Heather didn't know what to say but she enjoyed that very much. They walked back to the car and Kevin drove Heather home.

When they got to Heather's driveway, Heather took off the jacket and said, "Thank you again for the evening and for letting me borrow that suit jacket."

"No problem. Good night, Heather." Kevin said.

Just as Heather was walking up her driveway to get to the front door, Kevin rolled down his window.

"Heather!" Kevin yelled out from the car.

Heather walked halfway back to the car when Kevin asked in a softer voice, "Where did you put Lalie's resume?"

Heather didn't want to tell him where she put it but said, "Oh, it's in the glove compartment. I put it in there."

Kevin said, "Great! Good night again."

He watched her get in her front door and took out the resume and tried to straighten it out, "It looks like it was shoved in there." Kevin put it back in his pocket and drove home.

"I'm sorry I'm so late." Heather apologized to Carole.

"I assume everything went well tonight?" Carole asked.

"Yes," Heather paused looking around the living room. "Where is Lalie?"

"Lalie is upstairs, I believe. She watched 'Providence' and then went up the stairs." Carole stated.

"Let me go talk to her. I'll probably go to bed while I'm up there too. Good night, Mom." Heather said, walking over and kissing her mother.

Lalie was upstairs talking on the phone to her friend, Marcia Santiago.

"I'll let you know if I get that job on Monday. Well, I'll see you there on Monday, definitely! Wouldn't it be great working in the same place again?" Lalie paused, hearing her sister come up the stairs. "Marcia, I need to go but I'll talk to you later."

Lalie hung up the phone and grabbed a book on top of her dresser and pretended to read it.

Heather opened the door without knocking first.

"Heather! You're back!" Lalie nervously said.

Heather marched right over to her bed and stood beside it. She folded her arms and said, "I know about you and Kevin possibly working together. How long did you plan on keeping me in the dark about that before I found out? Answer me, now!"

Lalie got out of her bed and stood opposite Heather. "How did you find out about that?"

"It was pretty obvious when your resume was sticking out of his pocket like daylight!" Heather angrily said. "Why didn't you tell me about that?"

Lalie turned her back to Heather and said, "You've been so defensive about why you and Kevin got back together. I didn't think it was a good time to bring that up about me and Kevin working together, especially after the way you acted earlier. Plus, I didn't want to get my…"

Heather finished Lalie's sentence, "Hopes too high? Yeah, that's what Kevin told me when I was questioning him about it. Heaven forbid Lalie should be let down, let's not get your hopes too high about that job now."

"Heather, you are taking this too seriously. Why are you so defensive now about Kevin? The only reason I didn't tell you was because the way you reacted when I was questioning you about Kevin earlier, honest! I thought if I told you about this, you would go over the edge. Looks like I was right. All I want is a job, when he called asking for you, he told me where he worked and I told him my situation and he offered to give me a job. That's the whole story." Lalie explained.

"Okay, Lalie, you take that job then," Heather said, her arms still folded, "I hope it's all you ever wanted!"

Heather stormed out of her room and said to herself, "I've come this far. I will not lose Kevin or that account now, I won't!"

It was Saturday morning. Lalie and Heather both came out of their rooms and sat down quietly at the table while their father made pancakes.

Carole noticed the tension, "Now, what's the problem?"

Lalie replied, "I don't wish to speak to her after last night."

Carole turned to Heather, "What did you say to her when you went upstairs last night?"

Heather replied, "Nothing offensive, only the truth. Did you know Lalie has been keeping a secret from us?"

Harold turned around while still mixing the pancake batter.

Carole looked confused, "Heather? What secret?"

Heather looked smugly at Lalie and said, "Mom, she might be working at my boyfriend's bank. Isn't that just convenient?"

Lalie rolled her eyes and Carole took a sip of her orange juice.

"Mom, aren't you going to say anything? How could Lalie keep us in the dark about that?" Heather asked smugly.

Carole took another sip of her orange juice. "Would it be a bad thing if Kevin didn't work there, but Lalie still kept you in the dark about it?"

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't be," Heather paused, "But we had a right to know since my boyfriend does work there. Hold on, what do you mean, Lalie kept me in the dark? She kept US in the dark, Mom!"

"Come on, put jelly on that toast over there and just be glad Lalie will be working again." Carole nervously tried to change the subject.

Heather slammed her hand down on the table, "You knew! Didn't you! I should have been the FIRST one to know, the FIRST one!"

"Heather, I am only going to say this once and I have to agree with Lalie. You are not acting yourself since you and Kevin got back together. It's like, there's something that you're afraid will come out at any given moment. You're not at ease with yourself. I don't care if Kevin works at that bank or not, I am just glad Lalie will be working there and she will work as hard as she can! Apologize to your sister now!" Carole loudly said, trying not to lose her temper.

There was a pause and Heather turned to Lalie, "Lalie, Mom's right. I should just be happy that you are going back to work. I'm sorry I was only thinking of myself. I am truly glad that Kevin offered you that job."

Lalie looked speechless, "Well, thank you, Heather. I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark about it."

"I understand now. You were worried about my reaction. Again, selfish reasons on my part. I know I haven't been myself and I will work hard to correct that. I know you will be one of the best employees at that bank!" Heather speculated.

"I know it took a lot for you to say that but I do accept your apology and, hopefully, we can get past whatever has come between us recently. I honestly don't know why we started arguing but let's do what we can to make sure that never happens again."

Lalie got up to hug her sister.

"It's a deal, Lalie," Heather said, getting up to hug her sister.

"Look at that, problem solved while the pancakes were being made." Harold joked.

"Oh yes, Dad. Problem indeed solved," Heather said, picking up her fork and getting ready to eat her breakfast.

Chapter 13
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