Bride of Honor... Chapter 13

It was raining on Monday morning but nothing could bring down Heather. Heather and Kevin went on a romantic date the night before and connected on many levels. Heather knew she was closer to being Kevin's forever and Vivian couldn't say anything about it. She went out with him once and that's all she needed to keep Vivian's husband's account.

"Oh, what a glorious morning!" Heather exclaimed walking into the kitchen.

"Where do you see glorious?" Lalie half-laughed, sitting by the window eating her maple brown oatmeal.

"I am so ecstatic from last night's date with Kevin that not even this rainy weather could bring me down." Heather glowed opening the refrigerator. "We had such a great time. We went to see that new romantic comedy that opened and then took a drive to the Jersey Shore. That's why I didn't get in until after midnight! I totally forgot I had work the next day. I was truly floating on cloud nine!"

Lalie knew Heather was still flaunting Kevin in her face but remained quiet because of that truce they made over breakfast on Saturday morning.

"Well, I'm glad you and Kevin are getting along so well together," Lalie replied.

"Oh, we are. We had the best time in Atlantic City. Who knew walking the boardwalk could be so much fun?" Heather asked rhetorically.

Lalie ignored Heather's constant, or perhaps, habitual flaunting.

"I'm going for that meeting today. Figures it had to be raining like this, right?" Lalie tried changing the subject.

"Are you, Lalie? I had completely forgotten about that. I know you will do great today!" Heather exclaimed.

"We'll see. I'm pretty confident about it. Well, let me go get a shower, see you tonight if you had already left for work when I come back down." Lalie said.

"Definitely!!!" Heather joyously said.

After Lalie left, Heather angrily slammed her hand down on the counter.

"That meeting, yes. I was hoping she forgot about that. But wait... no I couldn't... well, maybe I could..." Heather went back and forth with herself in her head.

Heather walked over to the computer. She opened the Microsoft Word program and opened Lalie's resume file.

"I know she'll get that job with a resume like this." Heather impressively mused, looking it over.

"Perhaps, with some innocent changes, she won't be as qualified." Heather smiled.

Heather made some changes to Lalie's resume and proceeded to print it out. She quickly turned it off before Lalie came out of the shower.

"Now, all I have to do is get over to that bank, go see Kevin, and when he's not looking, simply switch the resumes," Heather planned out to herself.

She left the house and headed over to Kevin's place of business.

The rain was coming down so hard, she couldn't see driving there. She finally got there but it took a longer amount of time. She parked in the parking lot and walked into the main lobby.

"Is Kevin Neelan in his office? I'm a close client." Heather lied to the receptionist.

"Yes... he is," the receptionist stuttered, "But I don't remember marking down any appointments this early. The earliest one should be arriving in 30 minutes. What is your name?"

Heather looked at her watch. Wasn't Lalie's appointment in a half-hour? She couldn't remember but took a chance.

"Layla Mills," Heather replied.

"Oh, Layla. It's nice to meet you. I'm Brenda. You can go up to see Mr. Neelan, if you'd like." Brenda pointed to the elevator.

"I'd love that, thank you so much, Brenda!" Heather smiled.

Heather entered Kevin's floor and knocked on his office door. She once again admired his name plate that said, "President" on there. He opened the door.

"Heather!" Kevin said shocked.

"Hi, Kevin." Heather said suggestively.

Heather shut the door and kissed Kevin passionately.

"Oh, I had such a great time last night! I wish it were still the weekend!" Heather sighed while hugging Kevin. She glanced over at his desk to see if Lalie's resume was on there.

"I had a great time also," Kevin said, still shocked Heather was there.

"I have a little confession to make," Heather said with a teasing smile. "You know Brenda down there?"

"Yes?" Kevin asked.

"Well, I had to tell her I was Lalie in order to get up here. Please don't be upset, I just wanted to see you so much!" Heather said starting to fake cry.

"Heather, I'm... stunned," Kevin said, but not sounding angry.

"Please don't be angry!" Heather again said, kissing Kevin even more passionately.

"I'm not, Heather. I'll explain to Brenda the situation if she asks. But, what's going to happen when Lalie gets here?" Kevin wondered.

"Oh, I'm sure she'll forget. Brenda, I mean. You can tell her the whole story after I leave, if I didn't see you this morning, I couldn't start my day off right. It's so miserable out there with that rain, you are my sunshine for today." Heather teased.

Kevin hugged Heather and while they were hugging, Heather glanced at his desk for Lalie's resume yet again.

"Would you like some coffee to warm you up?" Kevin smiled.

"I only need you to warm me up," Heather teased, putting her arms around him.

Kevin laughed. "You are something. Lalie's going to be here soon."

Heather turned around and raised her eyebrow and quickly turned around. "I know, in a half-hour. But more like 20 minutes now."

"I'm going to go bring in some coffee, don't go away." Kevin smiled.

"I will never go away," Heather suggestively said.

Kevin left and Heather's smile faded.

"Down to business now," Heather said in a serious tone.

Heather shuffled through some papers on Kevin's desk, trying to find Lalie's resume. She opened some drawers but could not find it anywhere. She was going through another pile on the top when Kevin walked back in.

"Heather? Why are you going through my papers?" Kevin curiously asked, walking in, holding two cups of coffee.

Heather quickly stepped away from the desk and nervously smiled, thinking of an excuse. The fake resume, still in her pocket book.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the lobby, Lalie entered wearing a blue skirt and jacket.

"Hello. I have an appointment with Kevin Neelan." Lalie explained to Brenda.

"My God, is everyone arriving early for this man today? You are the second one looking for Kevin Neelan today." Brenda said in disbelief.

"What do you mean? I'm his first meeting of the day, at least I thought he said Monday." Lalie said very confused.

"Name please?" Brenda said, putting on her glasses.

"Layla Mills." Lalie replied.

"You're kidding, right?" Brenda said looking up at Lalie.

"Why would I be kidding? I'm Layla Mills and I have a meeting with Kevin in ten minutes!" Lalie said, still confused.

"Sweetie, Layla Mills arrived here 20 minutes ago for Mr. Neelan. Do I need to get security here?" Brenda took off her glasses looking Lalie right in the eye.

"No! You don't need to get security. I have ID to prove that I'm Layla Mills," Lalie said horrified, shuffling through her pocket book trying to find her drivers license.

"Here!" Lalie said, still with a terrified tone.

"Hunny, you have an impostor then because I directed Layla Mills up that elevator 20 minutes ago. I know I'm old, but I'm not THAT old." Brenda cracked a joke.

"Oh, I never thought you were old." Lalie nervously replied, "I'm just trying to figure out why someone claiming to be me would walk in here and go to Mr. Neelan's office."

"Why don't you go up and look for yourself? The elevator's that way, I assume you know what floor Mr. Neelan's on?" Brenda asked.

"Of course, yes. Thank you, Brenda." Lalie said, as she headed to the elevator in a panic.

"Heather, why were you shuffling through my paperwork?" Kevin repeated the question, placing down the coffee on his desk.

"I thought when I was here for lunch that day last week, I left an important document here for my advertising campaign. Remember, I had my pocket book on your desk and I had to move some papers around to accommodate that sandwich? I think something fell out." Heather rambled on in a lie.

"Oh. You could have just asked me and I would have gladly helped you find it." Kevin tried to reason.

"It wasn't that big of a deal," Heather stammered. "Anyway, let's have that coffee now. It smells very good!"

Just as they were opening the coffee lids, Lalie stood in the doorway of the office.

"Well, well. If it isn't my sister, Heather. Or, is it Layla nowadays?" Lalie asked her sister in an angry, sarcastic tone with her arms folded.

Kevin looked at Heather while Heather looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Chapter 14
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