Bride of Honor... Chapter 14

"What the hell are you up to now, Heather?" Lalie demanded to know.

Heather turned around, not knowing what to say, perhaps, trying to get Kevin to explain for her.

"Lalie, calm down." Kevin said in a soothing tone.

"Calm down?! That's almost kind of funny. She IMPERSONATED me!" Lalie angrily said.

"It's not what you think," Kevin tried to explain.

"Oh, it's not? By the way, you have lipstick on your face." Lalie pointed out, still livid.

Kevin turned around and quickly wiped it off.

Kevin turned back around and explained, "Brenda wouldn't let her up without an appointment so she just said innocently said she was you."

Heather, still with her back towards Kevin and Lalie, let out a little smile.

Lalie, in anger, replied, "Defend her all you want, but that doesn't sound too innocent to me. And, Kevin, tell me, what was supposed to happen when I arrived? Brenda almost called for the security guard. Layla was already here, she claimed!"

"I was kind of wondering about that too but I planned to explain everything to Brenda after Heather left. If it makes you feel any better, I'll go explain everything to Brenda right now." Kevin tried to calm down an angry Lalie, leaving the office.

"Thank you, Kevin." Lalie said watching Kevin leave. "As for you, Heather, what really made you impersonate me? Did you really want to see Kevin and used my name to get up here?"

Heather stopped smiling and turned around and lied, "Honest, Lalie. I just wanted to see my loving boyfriend, I didn't think you would get so upset. For that, I am sorry."

"That's another thing. We made that agreement on Saturday morning and you're still flaunting your 'boyfriend' in my face. For the last time, I am not jealous of your relationship and I never will be!" Lalie angrily yelled, but not too loudly.

"Call it whatever you want, Lalie. Any girl would be proud to have a man like Kevin on her arm and forgive me for being that proud girl!" Heather sarcastically said.

"I see. Now, answer me this, why was Kevin questioning you when I came in, about going through his belongings?" Lalie demanded to know.

"What is this, 20 questions? If you heard him ask that, then you surely heard me reply that something fell out of my purse and when he left to go get coffee, it dawned on me to look for that important piece of paper." Heather half-lied. The paper she was looking for was important, but it wasn't in her purse!

"Well, then, why don't we look for it now?" Lalie offered.

"No, I don't think.." Heather stammered.

"What's the matter? It should be here. Let's start with that big pocket book over there, it's so deep, maybe it's just stuck on the bottom." Lalie suggested.

"I searched that bag high and low!" Heather lied.

Lalie walked over to the desk and searched through it. She found a piece of paper on the bottom and smiled.

"Here, Heather. I found your precious paper now please leave and let me have my meeting in peace." Lalie said.

Heather's eyes widened. Heather knew that was Lalie's false resume. Just as she was able to grab it, Lalie flung the paper open.

"Lalie, that's private!" Heather said at a last minute attempt to get that paper back.

"This has my name on it. It's my resume." Lalie said, holding it up for Heather to see.

Lalie examined it and noticed falsified information and some important details were missing.

"Some of this information isn't right. Oh, my God." Lalie said looking at Heather in disbelief. "That's why you were here, to switch the real resume with this one."

Heather ran her fingers through her hair.

"It's true," Lalie said in an disappointed tone. "It's this important to you that I don't work with your boyfriend? You'd go as far as changing my resume to sabotage my chances at getting a job. Why would you do this to me? That agreement we made on Saturday meant nothing, NOTHING!"

Heather teared up knowing she had hurt her sister. She told the truth, "I was just jealous of you and Kevin working together. Of course you'd get this job, Lalie. Look at you, you're at a professional at that. I was just jealous that you'd be working in the same office place as my boyfriend."

"Heather, it's not like I'm going to seduce him in here or anything. I would never think of having an affair with your boyfriend. How am I supposed to believe anything you say again?"

Before Heather was able to answer, Kevin walked back in.

"Heather, I'm really sorry, but when I told Brenda, she kind of… well..." Kevin stammered.

"She kind of what?" Heather nervously asked.

Her question was answered when two security guards came in.

"Please leave this building now," one security guard told Heather. "I will see to it that you are out of this building. I will walk out with you."

Heather let out a laugh of frustration and headed to the door and left.

Lalie contained her smile and Kevin sat down at his desk.

"Some morning," Kevin nervously smiled.

"Yes, that it was," Lalie nervously laughed.

In the elevator with the security guard, Heather was very upset that her plan backfired and upset that Lalie will never trust her again.

Chapter 15
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