Bride of Honor... Chapter 15

Back in Kevin's office, he and Lalie finally had their interview.

"Everything looks great on this resume, Lalie," Kevin admired.

Lalie smiled when he said that. She was also satisfied that she stopped Heather from switching the resumes.

"Can you start, um, tomorrow?" Kevin wanted to know.

"I'd be honored to!" Lalie exclaimed.

"Maybe I can take you out for lunch tomorrow, since it'll be your first day," Kevin suggested.

"I don't know… I mean, you are going out with Heather," Lalie explained.

"Co-workers can't have lunch together?" Kevin asked, "Come on, what do you say?"

Lalie laughed, "Fine! I'd love to go. I hope you're not inviting me because you feel bad about what happened earlier. She's the one who chose to impersonate me."

Kevin replied, "That's not why I'm inviting you and I'm really sorry about that."

There was a pause in the conversation.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then!" Lalie said, getting up from her chair.

Kevin stood up and shook her hand. "See you tomorrow," he smiled.

Lalie beamed as she left his office. She was finally employed!

A few hours later, the sun started to break through the clouds, drying up the puddles from the morning's downpour.

Heather sat in her office reflecting on earlier events, "I might have ruined everything with Kevin and lost Lalie's trust forever. I have to try fixing it. I have to go see Kevin, it's almost my lunch hour. But how? Damn, Brenda. She won't let me back in unless I wait at that sub shop for Kevin, but what if he's not there?"

Heather rubbed her forehead. "I have an idea!" she exclaimed.

Heather left her office and went to ask one of her male co-workers, Joe, if she could borrow his baseball cap for an hour. She said she had a headache and the sunlight would bother her in the car while driving to lunch. Joe gave her his baseball cap and Heather drove off.

Heather looked through the window of the lobby to see who was at the front desk, she saw Brenda with her assistant, Gabi.

"Damn it!" Heather angrily mumbled, "Well, I have to do what I have to do."

Heather made sure the cap was securely placed on her head and entered the lobby. She casually approached Brenda's desk.

Heather disguised her voice by trying to sound deeper, "Mr. Neelan, please. Is he available? I'm here to see him."

Brenda stopped talking to Gabi and looked up, "Name please?"

Heather was about to make another name up when Brenda's eyes widened.

"It's YOU, again! I'd recognize those eyes anywhere!" Brenda yelled, with her jaw dropping.

"What do you mean?" Heather asked, pretending to be confused, "This is my first time in this building. Please direct me to Mr. Neelan now! I'm very late for that appointment!"

"Appointment my foot," Brenda quickly replied, "Girl, who are you trying to fool? I know it's you, Heather, now take off that ridiculous cap!"

Brenda reached up and ripped the cap off her head, "Babe, what planet are you living on? Trying the same trick twice in one day? You are insane if you think I'm ever letting you go up that elevator to see Mr. Neelan again!"

Heather raised her eyebrow and said, "Listen, doll…" but she was interrupted by Brenda.

"Dear, you know I have every right to call security again on you after you impersonated your sister like that!" Brenda explained.

Heather looked dismayed and shocked at this sharp-tongued receptionist. Brenda was nothing like Marcy!

Heather looked at her watch. It should only be another minute or so until Kevin came down for lunch, anyway.

Suddenly, the elevator doors slid open and Kevin exited the elevator.

"Kevin!" Heather called out from the receptionists' desk.

Heather ran over to see Kevin, but not before sticking her tongue out at Brenda, knowing that Brenda was defeated.

Brenda put her hands on her hips and made a face at Heather while Gabi, Brenda's assistant, quipped, "THAT'S Mr. Neelan's girlfriend?"

"Mm hmm," Brenda replied, while shaking her head and watching Heather run after her beau.

"Heather, what are you doing here?" Kevin asked in a confused tone.

"I had to stop by to make sure you weren't angry about before," Heather explained.

"I told you I understood why you used Layla's name to come to my office," Kevin reiterated.

"Oh, Kevin. I am so glad you aren't mad," Heather beamed, starting to throw her arms around Kevin.

Kevin backed up from Heather.

Heather had a shocked statement on her face, "You never backed away from me like that before."

Kevin replied in a low voice, "This is a professional place, Heather."

Heather folded her arms, "You didn't seem to mind what we were doing in your office, did you?"

Kevin whispered, "Heather, this lobby isn't the place!"

Kevin told Brenda he was going out for lunch and walked out.

"Have a good lunch, Sugar!" Brenda smiled.

Heather made a face at Brenda after she called him that. She followed Kevin outside to his car.

"You're not going to that sub shop today?" Heather questioned.

"No, I have to go make reservations at a restaurant for a luncheon tomorrow," Kevin replied.

"Kevin, look, I am sorry if I am embarrassed you in there. I just did not want you to be mad about earlier," Heather explained.

"I'm not, Heather. I understand why you did that and I know Lalie will too," Kevin reasoned.

"I hope so," she said optimistically. Heather didn't let on about how she tried to switch the resumes. She was hoping Lalie didn't tell him about that, either.

"I really want to go out with you again. Maybe Wednesday night?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, Wednesday night is fine," Heather smiled, "Do you MIND if I kiss you out here?" Heather laughed.

"No," Kevin smiled.

Heather and Kevin kissed before he left to go make reservations at that restaurant.

Later that night, Lalie was upstairs in her room thinking about what happened. How could her own sister try and sabotage her chances of getting a job?

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lalie called out.

"It's me, can I come in?" Heather asked politely.

"It doesn't matter what I say, you will anyway," Lalie responded.

Heather opened the door and stood next to the bed.

"I guess I deserved that comment," Heather replied.

"Why are you here, Heather?" Lalie asked her sister with an angry tone.

"Lalie, I wasn't thinking straight this morning when I altered that resume. I know you wouldn't have an affair with Kevin or try and come between us. I was just thinking of myself only," Heather explained.

Lalie teared up and turned away from Heather.

"When I saw that false resume in your purse like that, I didn't know what to think," Lalie explained.

Heather nodded.

"I can tell you one thing, I am as glad as hell that I got that job no matter what game you played to try and sabotage that," Lalie said with a touch of anger.

"Lalie, I," Heather got interrupted.

"No, stop talking. Don't say a word. I am so glad that you couldn't ruin any chance I had of getting a job. It doesn't matter to me who the president is, all that matters is that I'm a professional at what I do and I will work to the best of my ability to be the best employee I can be at that bank," Lalie explained.

"I know what," Heather again got interrupted.

Lalie got up and stood by the door.

"Heather, I don't want to hear your voice tonight or any other night. No excuse that you may have for your actions can make up for it. The only truth I am aware of right now, is that I will never believe another word that comes out of your mouth again... ever."

"Lalie," Heather spoke softly.

"Please leave," Lalie ordered with a sad tone.

Heather left and Lalie shut the door behind her and cried. How could she forgive Heather for doing what she did?

Chapter 16
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