Bride of Honor... Chapter 17

Lalie had a good rest of the day at work. She was elated at how great her luncheon with Kevin went. When she arrived home that evening, she was still floating on cloud nine.

Heather was sitting in the living room when Lalie entered the living room. Lalie saw Heather and just kept on walking.

Heather got up and said, "Lalie, please believe me when I say I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

Lalie turned around and said, "I know you are."

Heather could not believe her ears, "You do?"

Lalie replied, "Yes. I could see it in your eyes that you truly felt bad about what you did."

Heather replied, "I'm stunned that you think that but glad."

Lalie stood there and turned around to go into the kitchen.

Heather again spoke, "I heard you went out to lunch with Kevin today."

Lalie stopped in her tracks and turned around and replied, "How did you know that?"

Heather answered, "Well, I went over to see Kevin, and Brenda told me that he and his 'new employee' went on a lunch date."

Lalie walked over to Heather, "Stalker! You weren't there to 'SEE' Kevin! You were there to check up on me… or him!"

Heather folded her arms and replied, "Well, maybe it's a good thing I did. You said you weren't going to do anything like that but you did."

Lalie folded her arms and tapped her foot, "I said I wouldn't seduce him, I never said I wouldn't go out to lunch with him."

Heather raised her eyebrow, "How do I know you don't plan to seduce him?"

Lalie squinted her eyes and shook her head, "Oh, please," Lalie decided to tease Heather a bit, "I guess you don't know if I plan to do that."

Heather inched closer to Lalie, "Lalie, don't you even think."

Lalie turned her head and said in an innocent yet teasing tone, "Think what? Aww Heather, you should be the last person giving someone a lecture after you impersonated somebody and tried to switch two resumes!"

"Shh!" Heather quickly whispered, looking into the kitchen to make sure Carole wasn't in there.

"Don't 'shh' me! Let Mom find out! If you didn't want anyone to know what you did, then you wouldn't have considered doing it in the first place! Lucky for you, I didn't tell Kevin," Lalie backed up from Heather a bit.

"Well, thank you for not telling him," Heather replied, "Just don't try anything with Kevin, promise me you won't."

Lalie was silent.

Heather got angry and ran up the stairs.

"Oh, Heather, get back here," Lalie called out, "I was just kidding."

Too late. Lalie shrugged it off and made herself comfortable in front of the television.

The next morning in her office, Heather was upset about what Lalie said during the argument.

"She had to be kidding. Lalie would never do that. But what if she wasn't kidding?" Heather wondered to herself.

Heather remembered it was Wednesday and called Kevin to make sure that their date was still on for the evening.

"Kevin? It's me," Heather said into her phone.

"Hi, how are you, Lalie?" Kevin replied.

"Um, not quite… this is your girlfriend, Heather!" Heather replied with a tone of jealousy.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kevin paused, "Your voices do resemble one anothers!"

"So I've been told," Heather replied sounding a little angry.

"Anyway, Heather, how are you?" Kevin quickly asked, trying to cover up any mistake.

"I'm fine. We're still going out tonight, right?" Heather asked.

"I thought we were. Is something wrong?" Kevin wondered.

"No, I just wasn't sure if we were or not. We made the plans so quickly on Monday," Heather explained.

"I planned to pick you up after 7, is that okay?" Kevin questioned.

"That's fine, I'll see you tonight, I really can't wait for it," Heather replied smiling, hanging up her phone. "He is going to have the time of his life tonight," Heather added with a smirk.

Heather again picked up her phone and dialed a number. "Yes, this is Heather Mills, I called last night about reserving a cabin. I will be coming tonight. The name is Mills. Thank you."

Heather knew she had an appointment with Mr. Neelan at 10 AM so she went down to the lounge for a second to get coffee. She knew that, after tonight, everything she wanted would be hers forever.

Heather arrived home at 5:15 that evening and quickly ran upstairs to get ready. She took a shower and then drenched herself in perfume and made sure her hair was done just right. She made sure her clothes were sexy and stylish. For her, this night was the one that would change everything.

Heather walked downstairs and Lalie knew immediately where she was going but didn't say anything.

"Save me some leftovers," Heather told Carole before sitting in the living room across from Lalie.

Heather grabbed the remote and switched the channel.

"Hey, I was watching Trading Spaces. They were just about to unveil the new look!" Lalie angrily said.

"Sorry," Heather replied, but not sounding at all remorseful. "How do you like the way I look?"

Lalie bit her tongue and refrained from saying what she wanted to. "You look like you're going out on a date with Kevin."

"Yes, I am," Heather smiled, flipping her hair and checking out her nails.

Just then, the doorbell rang and Heather got up, grabbed her coat and left.

Lalie laughed but was not at all shocked. "Show-off," she mumbled and put Trading Spaces back on.

In the car, Heather was staring at Kevin and Kevin opened the window.

A worried look grew across Heather's face, "It's not the perfume, is it?"

Kevin laughed, "No! It's just very warm in here. I had no idea it was going to get into the 70's today!"

Heather laughed, "I know, it's very warm out," Heather looked out the window and took a deep breath and said to herself looking at Kevin, "It's only going to get warmer."

Kevin turned the wheel and said, "We're almost at the restaurant."

Heather put her hand under her chin, "Actually, we're not going to the restaurant tonight."

"We're not?" Kevin asked confused. "Where are we going then?"

"To those cabins off the highway, I thought we could have a romantic dinner there and then watch some TV for a while," Heather replied, trying to sound enticing.

"Heather," Kevin said in awe. "You always come up with the best ideas. I love it."

"You and me both," Heather suggestively said, staring at Kevin.

Heather and Kevin drove to the wooded area off the highway where the cabins were. Heather got her key from the desk and they went into their cabin.

When they walked in, it was so nicely furnished. She loved the decorations and sat on the bed.

"This is comfortable," Heather admired.

"It looks comfortable," Kevin replied.

Heather got up and took out her cell phone. She ordered something from an Italian place and emphasized that it be delivered.

"I guess all we have to do is wait now," Heather suggested.

"What did you bring in that bag over there?" Kevin asked, pointing to a plastic bag.

"Thank you so much for reminding me about that," Heather gratefully said as she walked over to the bag and opened it. Inside were two white candles for the table.

Kevin laughed, "You thought of everything."

"Our evening will be one to remember," Heather assured him.

Their order arrived shortly after Heather finished lighting the candles. They set the table with their food. They sat down at the table and ate what they had ordered.

"I never thought we would be having dinner together," Kevin admitted.

"I knew we would make it someday," Heather said taking a drink of her soda.

"Running into you at that sub shop was the best thing that has happened to me in a while. It was just such a coincidence" Kevin smiled, putting his napkin up to his face.

Heather did not reply right away and lied, "It was a good coincidence."

Heather and Kevin finished what they had and threw away their plates.

They sat down for a little while and talked. Heather got up and put some light music on.

"Come on, let's slowly dance off that dinner," Heather ordered, taking Kevin by his hand.

They stopped in the middle of the room and danced together slowly.

Heather noticed the way Kevin was looking into her eyes. She straightened his collar and wrapped her arms around him and strategically said, "You know, what we had in high school together was something so special but looking back it was just two teenagers having a good time. Sure, we went out but who's serious about anything when they're in high school? When I'm with you now, I think about what can happen between us and how much I want that with you. Kevin, I truly think I'm falling in love with you."

"Heather, you know that is what I've always wanted. I feel the same way. When we had lunch in my office that day, I instantly felt that attraction we had in high school, didn't you?" Kevin asked while gazing into her eyes and leaning in a little closer.

"You know I did," Heather replied with a smile.

"I wish I could kiss you right now," Kevin added.

Heather looked confused but continued to smile while leaning in, "Then what's stopping you?"

Kevin replied, "Well, we just ate."

Heather pulled away from Kevin and said, "I know how to solve that problem."

Heather walked over to her purse and pulled out a container of Tic-Tacs.

"I never leave home without these," Heather coyly said, shaking the container and suggestively walking back to Kevin with her hips swaying.

Heather put her arms back around Kevin and they each had a Tic-Tac. Heather and Kevin stared at each other until they could not resist the temptation. They began to kiss gently and then it became more passionate with every breath.

"Don't stop kissing me, Kevin. You are the only one for me," Heather breathlessly said, continuing to passionately kiss Kevin.

Heather started walking backwards a bit while still kissing Kevin, dragging Kevin a long with her. Heather knew where she was heading. She felt the edge of the bed hit her leg and she sat down gently on the bed with Kevin sitting across from her.

"This bed was here for a reason," Heather said in between kisses, "I want you, Kevin. Tell me you want me too."

"You have no idea," Kevin whispered.

"Oh, Kevin," Heather whispered. After they kissed more, Heather softly said, "Kevin, I want you to make love to me, now."

Kevin stopped and caught his breath, "Are you sure?"

"Oh, I'm so sure," Heather replied, "Take me."

Kevin unbuttoned his shirt. Heather started coming out of her shirt and then her skirt came down while the light jazz continued playing and the candles were still burning.

Chapter 18
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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