Bride of Honor... Chapter 18

Later, Kevin and Heather were lying underneath the covers looking at each other.

"I never want to leave you," Kevin said, stroking Heather's face and hand.

"The feeling is so mutual," Heather replied.

"We sure have come a long way," Kevin stated, lowering the covers a little bit.

"I know, and I am so glad we have," Heather replied.

"Kevin, wouldn't it be great to wake up next to each other every morning?" Heather asked, trying to time it right and be subtle.

"I'd love waking up next to you," Kevin replied.

Kevin sat up and Heather did also.

"Excuse me, going to the bathroom," Kevin said.

"Okay," Heather smiled warmly.

After Kevin left, Heather's warm smile turned to a smile of pleasure and content. She knew she had him where she wanted him.

Heather didn't get home until very early the morning. She had work the next day. She only got a couple of hours sleep and then had to head out again. It was worth it though.

"How was the date last night?" Lalie asked sitting in the kitchen, looking very wide-awake, unlike Heather.

"It was great, Lalie," Heather replied sounding tired. "Why?"

"Just wondering," Lalie answered, "You still weren't home when I went to bed."

"Yeah," Heather replied with a yawn, "We got a little held up."

"Oh, I see," Lalie answered with a slightly confused tone. "Well, I have to get to work now."

Lalie got up and left as Heather tried to pour herself a glass of milk. She was so tired she didn't realize how fast it came up to the top and it spilt onto the countertop.

"Damn," Heather angrily said, noticing her mistake and grabbing a towel, "How will I ever make it in work today?"

"Hey, Marcia," Lalie greeted her friend as she stepped off the elevator.

"Hi!" Marcia replied. "I think Mr. Neelan is asleep in his office!"

Lalie was taken aback, "What do you mean he's asleep?"

"He went in there looking out of it and hasn't come back out for his coffee yet," Marcia explained.

"Oh," Lalie replied, looking over to Kevin's door with an interested statement. "I'll be right back, Marcia."

Lalie went over to Kevin's door and knocked on it. "It's Layla," Lalie said from the other side of the door.

"Come on in," Kevin replied sounding groggy.

Lalie entered his office and shut the door behind her. "What time did you take Heather home last night?"

"Last night? More like this morning," Kevin said with a half laugh, "She rented out a cabin and we went there."

Lalie did not elaborate on what he said and offered to go get him some coffee to wake him up. She came back with coffee and it seemed to help a little but not by much.

"Thank you," he replied kindly, putting the cup up to his lips.

"It wasn't a problem," Lalie replied. It was obvious to her what Heather and Kevin did at that cabin.

At Hamblin Advertising, Heather was in the lounge looking more alert when Tracy came in.

"How are things with you and him?" Tracy avoided using his name.

"You can say his name, Tracy. Don't be angry about what happened anymore, let it go and be happy for me," Heather tried to reason with her.

"You're only going out with Kevin because of his, you know, title, and Vivian made you," Tracy whispered.

"He's nice, Tracy. The title is just an added bonus," Heather lied.

"What have you been doing on your 'dates'?" Tracy asked, closing the lounge door.

"Out to dinner, taking walks in the park, Jersey shore, and.. rented a cabin," Heather replied.

"And what did you do at that cabin?" Tracy's ears perked up.

"Just talked and stuff," Heather shortly answered.

"Did you sleep with him?" Tracy asked bluntly.

"Tracy!" Heather said with a smile, "I don't kiss and tell."

"Oh, God, Heather, you slept with him, didn't you? How could you do that after what he did? I don't understand the way you're acting," Tracy angrily said and left the lounge.

Heather sat there all alone. "I'm really sorry you feel that way, Trace," she mumbled.

Kevin sat in his office thinking about what Heather said about waking up to him every morning.

"Heather, I want to make you the happiest woman ever and I want to wake up next to you every morning, as well. We were meant to be together," Kevin said to himself smiling and thinking about the future.

Kevin grabbed the phone book out of his bottom drawer and looked up a number. "Here we go," he smiled and began dialing. "Yes, what are your hours?"

Later that evening, Kevin arrived home from work and Vivian was preparing dinner.

"Mom, tomorrow evening, you will not have to worry about preparing dinner," Kevin said with a smile.

"Kevin, why not?" Vivian said worried.

"I made reservations at the country club and that's where we're going," Kevin replied. "Excuse me."

Kevin stepped out into the living room and used the phone in there, "Mrs. Mills, this is Kevin. Everything's fine. I just wanted to tell you to take you and your husband, Heather and Lalie to the Swan Falls Country Club tomorrow night but don't tell them I'll be there. You too, take care."

Kevin hung up the phone and smiled, "Pretty soon, all our dreams will be coming true, Heather!"

Carole hung up the phone and told Harold, "We're going to a country club dinner tomorrow night."

Harold replied, "We are?"

Carole answered, "Yes, but don't tell Heather and Lalie that Kevin will be there. Kevin wanted it to be secret."

Harold said, "I wonder what's going on. Heather and Kevin are getting pretty close, she despised not too long ago."

"I don't know what the story is about that but I'm glad they're friends again, they made a nice couple in high school," Carole explained.

Heather and Lalie arrived home from work at the same time.

Heather immediately noticed Carole looking at her strangely, "Mom, what's going on here?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all. Dad and I are taking you out tomorrow night so be sure to get home from work early, okay?" Carole said excitedly.

"Well, I guess that's another night of sitting home alone by myself," Lalie sighed.

"No, no, Lalie, you're coming too. It's a family event!" Carole exclaimed.

"Really?" Lalie said, getting excited. "What's this about?"

Carole replied and smiled, "We just wanted to do something nice for our daughters."

"So, Kevin, what is this about?" Vivian asked her son curiously while fixing a dinner plate.

"I just want to take you and Dad out tomorrow night, don't question it, just consider it a nice gesture," Kevin replied.

"Well, that's really nice of you, sweetie. So, does this mean things are over between you and Heather?" Vivian asked, being hopeful.

"It's far from over, Mom. In fact, I think this is just the beginning," Kevin said smiling from ear to ear.

Chapter 19
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