Bride of Honor... Chapter 19

The next morning at work, Kevin and Lalie were on the elevator ride going up together. Kevin tried figuring out whether Lalie knew about the country club dinner in the evening or not.

"I was thinking about calling Heather and seeing if she wanted to go somewhere tonight," Kevin said looking at Lalie in the corner of his eye.

Lalie felt uneasy. "Actually, I don't think she is available tonight, the family's going somewhere."

Kevin laughed to himself knowing everyone will be at the country club like he wanted. "Thank you, Lalie, maybe tomorrow night then," Kevin added going into his office.

Inside, Kevin began dialing a mysterious number. "I will be coming by around 12 to pick that up, I hope it's how I wanted it," Kevin demanded politely.

He smiled after he hung up the phone. He knew what he was doing was right and it was what they both most definitely wanted.

Heather knew she had to dress formal for that country club so she told Marcy that she'd be leaving an hour earlier that night so she could get into her gown and have enough time to fix up.

Inside her office, she called Kevin.

"Kevin, it's Heather," Heather spoke into the phone, saying who she was this time, so he didn't mistake her for Lalie again.

"Hi, Heather," Kevin said, on his office phone, sitting up a little bit.

"You'll never guess where my parents are taking Lalie and I tonight," Heather teased.

"Where?" Kevin asked, but also smiling at the same time from his office.

"This country club, I can't remember the name of it though. Swan Necks? Little Falls?" Heather couldn't remember the name of the place.

"Well, that sounds fun, Heather. I hope you have a great time tonight and maybe we can get together over the weekend," Kevin suggested.

"I'd like that," Heather said.

"You mean so much to me," Kevin warmly said.

"Likewise," Heather replied before hanging up the phone.

Kevin came out of his office and approached Lalie at her desk.

"Wow, you're going to a country club tonight?" Kevin asked.

"Let me guess, Heather told you," Lalie laughed, "Yes we are. That came out of no where but I'm really looking forward to that. You don't mind if I leave a little early today to get ready for that, do you?"

"Of course not," Kevin replied, "Look your best," he smiled.

Later that evening, Kevin arrived home and made sure Vivian and his father were ready to go to the country club for the big evening.

"Are you almost ready?" Kevin asked Vivian impatiently. "I want to get there right away!"

"Almost ready, hang on," Vivian replied, hurrying into the bathroom.

Robert came out of the bedroom in a suit.

"So, what's the occasion?" Robert asked while straightening his tie.

"Just someone I want you to meet," Kevin smiled.

Vivian came out of the bathroom and the Neelans left for the country club.

Heather and Lalie arrived home earlier than usual that night to get ready for the dinner. They each got ready in their respective rooms. Their parents were already dressed, since they were home all day.

Heather knocked on Lalie's door and entered. "Mind if I use a couple of your rollers?" Heather asked while heading over to the vanity.

"Heather, you don't have time to do your hair now. Look at the time! It's fine the way it is!" Lalie replied. "What were you doing in your room for the last 45 minutes?"

"Getting ready," Heather honestly said. "What else?" Heather said looking in the mirror at her hair. "Well, I suppose it's good enough. Let me just brush it out and then I'll meet you downstairs."

"Sounds good," Lalie replied and then called for Heather's attention before she left her room. "Why do you think we're really going to that country club for dinner?"

"I don't know," Heather truthfully said. "It's a country club so I'm not complaining!" she said as she walked out of her room.

Downstairs, Carole and Harold were waiting in the living room. They sat for about 5 more minutes before Heather and Lalie finally came down the stairs.

"You two look great," Carole admired.

"You do too," Lalie replied with a smile.

They left their house and got into the car and began to drive off to the country club for their evening.

Kevin, Robert and Vivian all arrived at the country club before Heather, Lalie, Harold and Carole did.

"My name is Kevin Neelan and I had reservations," he told the host.

"For 7?" the host asked scrolling through the book.

"That's right," Kevin confirmed.

The host continued scrolling through the book. "Ah, yes. You and your party will be sitting at table 34."

"Great," Kevin replied. "Also, when the Mills' family arrive, please tell them to come to 34, okay?"

"Will do," the host replied, writing it down.

Kevin looked back at his parents standing in the lobby and signaled that their table was waiting for them.

"I'm just going to go in the bathroom for a minute, what table are we?" Vivian asked.

"We're at 34," Kevin replied, looking into the foyer for any sign of the Mills' arrival yet. "Come on, Dad," Kevin said, leading Robert into the dining area as Vivian headed to the bathroom.

The Mills' family arrived after Kevin and Robert headed into the dining room and Vivian went into the bathroom.

Carole walked up to the host and looked into the dining area to see if Kevin was in there but didn't see him and said, "I'm Carole Mills and.."

She was interrupted by the host's quick reply. "Hi, Mrs. Mills, you'll be sitting at table 34 with your party."

Carole turned to her family and said with a smile, "This way."

They all started walking towards the dining entrance when Heather spoke up and said, "Let me just check my hair one more time. I'll be right back," she said as she headed towards the bathroom and pulled the handle to enter.

Chapter 20
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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