Bride of Honor... Chapter 2

Bright and early the next morning, Heather was all ready for her big meeting with Mr. Neelan. She confidently walked into her office and she was ready for whatever his offer was. She knew she had to get this account if she wanted to be the most powerful woman in the advertising industry.

Throwing her pocket book down and checking the clock nervously for when 2 PM arrived, she went to the lounge to get a bagel and coffee. Her friend Tracy was there again.

"I can see you are all ready for the big meeting," Tracy giggled while spreading cream cheese on her delicious blueberry bagel.

"Oh, am I, Tracy! Nothing can stand in my way of getting this account. I have to tell you about what happened last night though!" Heather said.

"Please tell me! You know I am always in the mood for gossip!" Tracy giggled while taking a sip of her orange juice.

"It was Lalie," Heather started, "She figured out that Mr. Neelan's son is Kevin, my old boyfriend and prom date and she was trying to figure out why I broke up with him in front of everybody that night at the prom almost 10 years ago!"

"Why is Lalie wondering about this now? How did she even remember? Didn't she go to that Academy? She didn't want to go to the public high school at all," Tracy said.

"I guess she remembers how upset I was that night when I got home, but Tracy, I can never tell her what happened that night. You are the only one who knows the truth about what really happened," Heather said in a serious tone.

"It will stay that way, trust me. Lalie won't find out what happened. Heather, in all honesty, why are you panicking about something that happened so long ago? Mr. Neelan doesn't even remember you!" Tracy said honestly.

"I suppose you're right, I have moved forward, I mean, look where I am now and pretty soon, I will be one of the richest women in this industry when I hold his account in the palm of my hand," Heather said with her now famous mischievous smile. "I am so glad you are my friend, I know I can confide in you," Heather continued.

"You know you can and I am glad also. I should get back up to my floor, have so much paper work to do today, maybe I'll see you for lunch later, okay? Good luck at that meeting with Mr. Neelan!" Tracy said throwing away her bagel wrapper and empty carton of orange juice.

"Thank you so much, Tracy, and remember what we said about Lalie," Heather said one last time.

"Don't worry about Lalie and Kevin," Tracy promised.

Heather smiled as Tracy walked out of the lounge and to the elevator to go back up to her floor. Tracy smiled warmly at Heather as the elevator doors shut. Heather waved but the doors were already shut.

Heather looked at her watch.

"Only 9:30, I am going to be a nervous wreck for the next 4 and a half hours. What am I going to do?" Heather muttered to herself. "It won't be long now, though!"

Back at the family house, Lalie was just finishing up her breakfast before settling down in front of the TV with the newspaper. Searching through the Classified section, a sour look grew across her face.

"Finding a job isn't easy," Lalie groaned to herself, "I've been out of work for almost 5 months since the bank let my department go and I can't find the same job with any availability's."

"Did I just hear my daughter giving up over there?" Carole called out from the kitchen in a polite tone.

"Oh, mother, I'm giving up hope on finding a job. All the applications I've put in, no responses from any of them. What am I going to do? I've been getting so used to watching my daily soap operas, not sure if I'll be able to pull away from them when the time comes to go back to work!" Lalie explained.

Carole laughed and said, "Lalie, I am sure every place you have applied to is looking over your application as we speak, and I know you will hear something very soon, I just know it!"

Lalie replied, "I sure hope so. Enough about me, what are your plans for today?"

Carole thought for a minute, "It's springtime now so maybe I'll go to the nursery and pick up some plants for the flower bed. Your father better get out there and start mowing the lawn around the garden so I can get in there to plant the flowers. I've told him three times yesterday to do that!"

Lalie laughed and said, "That's one thing I don't like doing… mowing the lawn!"

Carole replied, "Then I hope your future husband is a pro at that, so you don't have to worry about it!" Carole laughed again and said, "Well, I am going to go upstairs and get ready and go to the nursery. Want to come help me pick out flowers?"

Lalie in an exhausted tone said, "I think I'll stay here and keep going through the job ads, good luck though!"

Carole smiled and went up the stairs.

Lalie sat down on the couch trying to find her remote and sighed, "Yeah... my future husband, whenever and, more importantly, whoever that is…"

Chapter 3
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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