Bride of Honor... Chapter 20

Kevin noticed everyone but Heather walk in and walked up to them.

"We're sitting over here," he said as he led them the way. "Where's Heather?" he whispered to Carole.

"She'll be here in a minute," she whispered back.

Kevin was glad to hear that. When everyone who was there sat around the table he introduced them to his father.

"Nice to meet you," Lalie smiled shaking Robert's hand.

"Your eyes look very familiar," Mr. Neelan noticed.

Lalie did not know how to respond to that compliment.

Heather was fixing her hair in the mirror when she saw Vivian come out of the stall in the mirror's reflection.

Heather looked shocked, "What the hell are you doing here, Vivian?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Vivian replied walking over to the sink area facing Heather.

"I'm here having a nice dinner with my family. What's your excuse?" Heather folded her arms and squinted her eyes.

"Well, I'm here having a nice dinner with MY family," Vivian replied, using Heather's same line.

Heather looked a little shocked that Kevin was there.

"Speaking of excuses, what your excuse for still being together with Kevin? I don't like how you went back on that deal like that," Vivian continued.

"The deal was that I'd see him once and I did," Heather paused looking at Vivian right in the eye. "What happens after that is fate."

"Fate my.." Vivian paused, "I'll refrain from using foul language. I'm heading back to the table to be with my family now."

"Go ahead," Heather snarled. "I hope we're sitting at opposite ends of the dining area!"

Vivian laughed flipping her hair before heading out, "I'll scream if we're not."

Heather let out a sigh of frustration and looked at her hair for the last time and started to head out to the dining area.

Heather entered the dining area and saw Vivian sit down at a table.

"I hope 34 is the OTHER way!" Heather angrily said.

Heather saw Kevin get up in the corner of her eye and start waving for her to come over.

"Oh, my God," Heather mumbled, as all the customers eyes followed Kevin's wave to Heather.

Heather began walking over to the table and saw her parents and Lalie sitting at the table. When she walked a little closer, she saw Vivian and Mr. Neelan sitting there also.

Kevin smiled and pulled out her seat. "I didn't know what kept you."

Heather smiled uncomfortably as she sat down slowly looking at Vivian's disgusted face and Mr. Neelan had his face all scrunched together staring right into Heather's eyes with an angry statement.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend, Heather Mills," Kevin smiled as he sat down back in his seat.

Robert angrily shook out his napkin and placed it down on his lap while still staring into Heather's eyes.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Kevin wondered, looking at his parents and then Heather.

Heather continued to sit there and took a deep breath with a very nervous smile and uncomfortable statement on her face.

Kevin continued looking at his parents and then Heather and said, noticing the tension, "Someone please say something!"

Heather extended her hand to Mr. Neelan, "Pleased to meet you," she said with a shaky voice and made quick eye contact and then quickly looked away.

Mr. Neelan did not say anything, only nodded, while still not taking his eyes off of Heather the whole time.

Heather coughed while extending her hand to Vivian.

Vivian shook Heather's hand and pinched Heather's palm with her sharp ring stone. Heather knew that was deliberate but decided to remain silent, only rubbing her hand subtly.

"Heather, did you get to fix your hair in the bathroom?" Lalie chimed in, from the other end of the table.

"Yes," Heather curtly replied.

"Heather's in the advertising business," Kevin announced to his parents.

Heather smiled uncomfortably and looked down at the bread on the table and tried to change the subject.

"Mom, did you try the bread yet?" Heather looked over at her mother, trying to avoid looking across the table at Mr. Neelan. "It looks delicious!"

"Yes," Carole replied, "I even dipped it into the tomato sauce."

Just as she said that, the server came around filling the little cups with coffee.

"I'll have to try that, Mom," Heather acknowledged.

Heather took a piece of the bread that was on the table and looked over at Lalie while dipping her bread.

"That gown looks really nice on you," Heather observed, not looking at her bread.

"Heather," Kevin chimed in. "Don't you realize that you're dipping your bread into the coffee?"

Heather looked down and saw what she did. She quickly took it out and placed it down on the napkin, very embarrassed.

"Is something wrong? You seem paranoid," Kevin asked his girlfriend.

Vivian contained her laugh at that one. Mr. Neelan let go of his grasp on his napkin and buttered a piece of bread.

"No, I should have looked at what I was doing," Heather replied. "So, you planned all this out? That was sneaky!" She laughed while looking at Vivian and Mr. Neelan in the corner of her eye.

"Yep! There's something I want to ask you later," Kevin said with a smile and taking Heather's hand.

"Could it be?" Heather asked herself, smiling at Kevin wondering what he was going to ask. "Can you give me a hint?" she asked.

Vivian rolled her eyes and Lalie sat there wondering what Kevin wanted to ask her.

"No, you'll have to wait," Kevin teased, observing the other customers getting up to head over to the buffet stands. "Oh, I think they are bringing out the food, want to go over there?" he asked.

"Sure!" Heather exclaimed, anything to get away from Vivian and even Mr. Neelan at the moment. When she got up, she didn't realize her pocket book strap was stuck on the back of the chair and when she tried to get up and walk over to the buffet stands, she got pulled back to her seat by her strap. In embarrassment, she untangled her strap and headed over to the buffet while the rest of her family got up also.

"This looks good," Kevin said, looking at the eggplant. "Would you like some on your plate?"

"Most certainly," Heather replied, as Kevin scooped some up and put it on Heather's plate.

"May I have some too?" Lalie asked coming up from behind.

"Anything for my new employee," Kevin said with a smile, as he went back to the eggplant tray to give some to Lalie.

Heather raised her eyebrow at Lalie expressing disapproval of what Lalie and Kevin just said to one another, as Kevin was facing the tray. Lalie did not back down and shrugged at Heather with a smile.

Heather, Kevin and Lalie all arrived back at the table before anyone else did. Heather breathed a sigh of relief that she could sit there without Vivian and Mr. Neelan across from her for a few minutes.

One by one, everyone came back to the table and Harold tried to strike up conversation.

"Heather, are you and Mr. Neelan.." Harold started, only to be interrupted by Heather.

"Enjoying the chicken that we both happened to pick up? I am," Heather interrupted, not letting Harold finish the question that he what he wanted to ask. Harold gave Heather a confused look and Heather widened her eyes at him.

"How are things at work?" Kevin asked Heather, Mr. Neelan looked at Heather upon hearing his son's question.

Heather quickly looked at Mr. Neelan and replied, "Never better. How are things at work? I know Lalie is doing a great job," Heather turned to Lalie and false smiled.

Lalie knew what Heather was up to and just gave a false smile back.

"She is," Kevin replied, looking at Lalie. "Remember when we coincidentally met at that sub shop?" Kevin asked Heather. That question sparked Vivian's interested as she looked up while eating her soup.

"How could I forget the best day of my life?" Heather replied warmly smiling at Kevin, quickly glancing over at Vivian.

"I mentioned that my Dad might be having his campaign account at your advertising company, did you ever see him?" Kevin curiously asked.

Mr. Neelan looked straight at Heather while waiting for Heather's reply.

Heather struggled to reply right away but said, "Can't place his face anywhere."

Vivian went back to eating her soup and Mr. Neelan stared at Heather while Kevin turned to his father.

"Dad, did you decide to trust your account there?" Kevin asked his dad.

"I did, yes," Mr. Neelan replied, angrily cutting his chicken.

"Really? Who's taking care of your account? Maybe Heather knows him or her," Kevin asked.

This caught Lalie's attention.

Heather looked down at the table not wanting to hear Mr. Neelan's response.

"Well, she should," Mr. Neelan started, "The person who is holding my account is Heather Mills."

Vivian had a content look on her face as she went back to her soup while Heather, with her head still facing down at the table, looked up at Mr. Neelan, and then looked at Kevin for his reaction. Kevin looked strangely at his father and then turned around to look at Heather.

Chapter 21
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