Bride of Honor... Chapter 21

"Heather, are you really handling his account?" Kevin asked, looking confused at Heather.

Vivian and Lalie were looking at Heather while Carole and Harold had worried looks on their faces.

"Must we talk about business here?" Heather tried to avoid answering, laughing a bit, but she was the only one laughing.

"We don't," Kevin started, "I just want to know if you are holding his account."

"Fine, then, I am handling his account," Heather truthfully replied.

"I didn't even know you two were seeing each other," Mr. Neelan cut in.

"Kevin and Mr. Neelan, I was just trying to separate my business life from my personal life. Can you blame me for that? I don't expect you to talk about Lalie every time we go out together, that's why I didn't bring up your father," Heather tried to sound convincing.

"I understand about trying to separate your two different lives but why didn't you even mention it once and said you couldn't place his face earlier?" Kevin tried to figure out why Heather was saying the things she did. Why would she cover up their business relationship?

"I was just, I don't know," Heather fumbled for an answer.

"Just one more thing," Kevin continued, "Were you two working together when we ran into each other at that sub shop?"

"No," Heather lied quickly glancing at Vivian. "I would have told you if we were."

"It just doesn't make sense," Kevin said still looking at Heather with a bewildered statement.

"I'm sorry," Heather responded. She knew the only way she could get out of this one was to get on his good side again. "Kevin, all I wanted was my business life and personal life to remain separate. That's why I didn't tell you. Things are going so wonderful between us and I love you so much," Heather stopped right there looking at Kevin to see how he would react to that while Vivian almost spit out her soup.

"What did you just say?" Kevin asked with a smile forming.

Heather pretended to act shocked that those words came out of her mouth. "Oh, my God. Did I just say that?" she pretended to blush, "Well, it's true, I did not want to ruin what we had because I'm in love with you."

Lalie could not believe her ears and Carole had tears in her eyes, she was so happy that Heather was in "love."

"Heather, I," Kevin was speechless, "You know I feel the same way."

Vivian clanked her spoon on the side of her soup dish. Mr. Neelan's angry look tended to lighten up a little bit.

"Oh, Kevin, I know you do, I just hope you can understand why I had to keep my business and personal lives separate," Heather said in a tone that she knew he wouldn't be able to refuse, with tears starting to form.

"I think it's great, Heather. You know I love you too," Kevin smiled and took Heather's hand.

Heather's tears suddenly stopped and a broad smile came across her face as she looked at Vivian and Mr. Neelan.

"As long as you love him," Mr. Neelan told Heather in a stern voice.

"I couldn't love anyone more, Mr. Neelan. Please don't be angry that I didn't tell you I was going out with your son. I did it for the same reasons I just explained to Kevin, separating work from pleasure is very important to me," Heather again lied, trying to sound convincing.

"It's fine, Heather. I wish I could do that too," Mr. Neelan replied, smiling a bit.

"That manipulative little sneak," Vivian mumbled angrily to herself as Heather came out on top once again with Kevin's hand in hers.

"I'm so glad you understand," Heather said with a relieved smile. Thank God she didn't lose that account or Kevin, the president!

"Oh, look, the cake is coming out," Lalie observed the servers bringing one chocolate and one vanilla cake out.

Everyone went back up to the buffet stand and picked up a piece of cake.

When everyone got back to the table, Kevin reminded, "Pretty soon, I will be asking Heather a very important question!"

Heather already knew what it was, at least she thought she knew. She smiled and said, "I can't wait to hear what you're going to ask me!"

The conversation seemed to dwindle a bit as they ate their cake. The lights dimmed in the dining room as it got later and the sunset was fading over the golf course.

The server came around and started lighting the candles on the table for a more romantic feel.

"I am more than ready to ask you what I wanted to," Kevin said as the server came around and cleared off the plates, leaving only a vase of flowers and the candles on it.

Silence came across the table as all ears were on what Kevin was about to ask Heather. Heather looked into Kevin's eyes and smiled, hoping he would ask what she wanted to hear.

"We've known each other for such a long time," Kevin started by taking Heather's hand as all the table looked on.

"Yes, we have," Heather responded, putting her other hand on top of Kevin's.

"We just did not happen to meet that day at that sub shop, we were destined to meet," Kevin continued while Heather nervously took a deep breath and Lalie and Vivian looked on. "We've gone through so much together and look at us… together again. I never want that to change. I want us to remain together and have our love evolve into eternity. Those words you spoke about love and being together forever were the truth and I wouldn't want it any other way."

Vivian's eyebrow went up as Heather pretended to be confused, "Kevin, what are you trying to say?"

Kevin rose up from his seat and knelt down next to Heather on one knee while taking out a black velvet box from his hidden suit pocket and opened it to show Heather a glittering diamond ring.

Other customers looked on as Heather, Carole, Lalie and Vivian all gasped. Carole started to tear up more than she did when Heather proclaimed her "love."

"Heather Mills, my love, will you marry me?" Kevin asked holding up the ring and started to get a little choked up.

Everyone around the table again gasped as Heather wiped tears away from her eyes and replied, "Yes, Kevin, oh, yes!"

Kevin slipped the ring on Heather's finger and they kissed passionately while Carole was crying in hysterics, Harold put his arms around Carole, Lalie looked down at the table with a little tear in her eye, Vivian looked stunned and Mr. Neelan cracked a smile.

Kevin got up and was beaming from ear to ear and returned to his seat.

"Congratulations to you both!" Mr. Neelan exclaimed, patting his son on the shoulder and shaking hands with Heather while Kevin continued to beam.

"Oh, Heather!" Carole got up from her seat, still crying hysterically, and gave Heather a big hug, followed by Harold hugging his daughter.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad!" Heather replied, in between thankful tears.

Lalie stepped up from her seat and gave Heather a hug and returned to her seat.

Heather sat back down and looked at her ring on her finger and looked at Vivian who was, in turn, looking at Heather. Heather quickly turned away and told Kevin, crying a bit, "This means so much to me."

Kevin stood up and took Heather's hand as Heather asked with a laugh, "Where are we going?"

"To the gazebo, I want to be with my fiance in private," Kevin very happily said, leading Heather out into the back.

"I just can't believe my daughter is engaged," Carole hysterically said.

"Neither can I," Vivian mumbled angrily eyeing Heather and Kevin walk out the door.

Heather and Kevin entered the gazebo and stood in the center.

"This something I've always wanted to do," Kevin stated, holding Heather in his arms.

"Be in a gazebo at night?" Heather joked.

"No," Kevin laughed, "Being engaged to the woman I love. You have no idea how happy you make me," he said and then he leaned in slowly and gave Heather a passionate kiss.

Back inside, Harold announced while looking at Carole strangely, who was still crying buckets, "I think Carole and I should be getting back."

Lalie stood up and put on her coat and said, "Good night, Mr. And Mrs. Neelan."

Carole said in between tears, "Wait a minute. We all came in one car. How is Heather going to get home?"

Mr. Neelan replied, "There's always room for Heather in our car. We'll take the couple home."

Harold replied, "Thank you, Mr. Neelan."

Lalie was the first to leave the dining area followed by Harold holding up Carole, who was doing a tad bit better.

Heather and Kevin came back in after her family had left and noticed that her family was missing from the table.

"Where did everyone go?" Heather asked Mr. Neelan while still holding hands with Kevin as Vivian looked on.

"They left a minute ago," Mr. Neelan replied, "They may still be out in the lobby. We said we'd take you home."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Heather said politely while grabbing her coat, "I'll just run out and see if I can find them," Heather turned around to see Kevin, "Kevin, you have no idea how much you changed my life tonight. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"I love you," Kevin firmly said to Heather before she exited the dining area.

Mr. Neelan stood up, "Well, I guess we should be getting back, too. Ready to go?"

Kevin nodded and Vivian and Mr. Neelan stood up and put on their coats.

"This wedding will be one to remember," Kevin smiled as he and his father headed towards the exit.

Vivian, trailing behind Kevin and Mr. Neelan said to herself mischievously, "Yes, it will be one to remember."

Chapter 22
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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