Bride of Honor... Chapter 22

When Mr. Neelan, Vivian and Kevin entered the lobby, Kevin noticed Heather standing outside under the awning.

"Were you able to find your family?" Kevin asked, going outside and walking ahead of his family.

"Oh, Kevin," Heather replied startled, "No, I wasn't. Would you mind taking me home?"

"Of course not," Kevin replied with a smile. "Mom, Dad, we're going to have a visitor in our car."

Vivian raised her eyebrows as they all walked to the car. Kevin was driving, Heather sat in the passenger seat and Robert and Vivian sat in the backseat.

Kevin pulled out of the parking lot and started to head to Heather's home.

"Are you as happy as I am?" Kevin asked his bride-to-be.

"If not happier," Heather replied fixing Kevin's hair.

"You know, I would like to make it home in one piece," Vivian called out from the back observing Heather stroking Kevin's hair.

"You're right, Mrs. Neelan," Heather turned around and said in a false sweet tone, "That was really irresponsible of me to be distracting the driver."

"You weren't being a distraction," Kevin replied to Heather.

Heather sat there silently for a minute and then asked Kevin, "When do you think the date for the wedding should be?"

"I don't know," Kevin replied keeping his eyes on the road, "When do you think, Mom?"

"Just drive," Vivian ordered. "Don't get distracted," Vivian justified herself.

"Mrs. Neelan!" Heather turned around with a teasing tone, "If I didn't know any better, it sounded like you were avoiding that question!"

Kevin laughed and said, "Of course she wasn't. Why don't we just leave it at as soon as possible, honey?"

"As soon as possible is great with me," Heather smiled looking in the sideview mirror at Vivian's statement.

"Ms. Mills, did you ever find out if we can get that ad from Richard?" Mr. Neelan asked.

"No, I didn't, but I'll do my best," Heather turned around to look at Mr. Neelan. "We'll see what we can do about that on Monday, I would like to spend the weekend with my fiancée."

"Here we are," Kevin announced, pulling to the curb by Heather's house.

"Thank God," Vivian said to herself waiting for Heather to exit.

"Thank you, Kevin," Heather warmly said, deliberately kissing him in Vivian's view.

Heather exited the car and went in the door. The Neelans drove into the night back home.

It was Saturday morning and the sun was shining through the window.

Heather wore her ring to bed and when she woke up, she glanced down at it and smiled evilly, "Mrs. Kevin Neelan."

"Aren't you so happy that your boss and your sister are engaged?" Carole asked Lalie while turning off the morning news on the TV.

"Yeah," Lalie answered thumbing through the TV Guide, "That was really sweet last night."

"Did your doubts about Heather and Kevin's relationship disappear now that they made it official?" Carole asked in a hopeful tone.

Lalie did not want to answer that she didn't know how she felt about Heather and Kevin's relationship. She replied, "As long as they love each other, and I quote Kevin's father."

"My ears were ringing," Heather said as she came down the stairs all dressed with her ring standing out, "Was there a conversation about me going on down here?"

"We were just saying how happy we were that you're engaged to Kevin," Carole replied. "Can I get a better look at that ring? I couldn't really see last night through the tears."

Heather laughed and held out her finger so her mother can get a glimpse of that stunning ring. "Let's go in the kitchen so you can see it reflect in the sunlight."

Carole and Heather left the living room and went into the kitchen. Lalie teared up sitting in the living room.

On Monday, Heather was sitting in her office looking at her ring and called Kevin.

"Kevin, I really want to see you tonight," Heather said as she stared at her ring with a smile.

"I do too," Kevin replied, "I had a great time last night. You certainly know how to put your good skills to use!"

"Oh, stop!" Heather laughed embarrassed, "I'm just glad I have someone good to use them with."

"Pick you up at 7?" Kevin asked with a laugh about what they were just talking about.

"Don't be late," Heather teased as she hung up her phone.

As soon as she got off the phone, Marcy buzzed in that there was a visitor to see her. Heather opened the door and put her hand on her hip.

"What do you want?" Heather nastily asked the person standing there.

"Is that any way to greet somebody?" Vivian retorted, pushing her way into Heather's office.

Heather rolled her eyes and slammed the door after Vivian had entered and repeated her question, "What do you want, Vivian?"

"I just came to say congratulations on your engagement," Vivian lied.

"Save it," Heather spat. "Your husband isn't here, if that's what you're worried about. Now, why did you really come?"

"Very well, Heather," Vivian started rubbing her fingers along the side of the desk, "I'm giving you one chance to call off the engagement to my son. You hear me?"

"I hear you," Heather replied folding her arms and inching closer to Vivian, "But I won't be listening. I'm in bliss, Vivian," she lied.

"Is that why you were saying everything you possibly could in that car to get under my skin? I knew what you were doing! Oh, Kevin, you make me so happy. Oh, Kevin, when should we set a date? Oh, Kevin. More like oh, brother!" Vivian argued.

"Don't be jealous of my relationship with Kevin. Thanks to you, I now have the man of my dreams," Heather pretended to look deliriously happy while throwing up her hands and walking to the other side of her desk.

"You mean the account of your dreams?" Vivian retorted.

Heather laughed evilly, "That too. For the record, I won't be calling off any engagements anytime soon so why don't you find the door and leave?"

Heather started walking towards the door to show Vivian the exit when Vivian came up from behind and pulled her back by her hair.

"You listen to me, I told you to make Kevin see that you weren't his type anymore so he'd stop thinking about you. You went back on that and I don't really appreciate when people do that," Vivian said letting go of Heather's hair.

Heather gasped and pulled onto Vivian's jacket and warned her, "Don't you ever come back to this office again. What a pity that I went back on my word," Heather sarcastically teased, "If you don't behave, then don't come crying to me when you don't receive an invitation!"

Vivian retorted, "I think I'd come crying if I did get one!" and left Heather's office. Outside the office, Vivian said to herself before walking away, "I gave you a chance but you failed. Now, you leave me no choice."

Heather slammed the door after Vivian left and hoped that no one noticed that altercation. She fixed her hair and vowed with an evil smile, "The first thing I'll be doing as Mrs. Kevin Neelan will be eliminating mommy dearest."

Just as she regained her composure, Marcy knocked on the door carrying a note from the head president of Hamblin Advertising.

"This fax just came for you," Marcy said while handing the paper to Heather. "Is that a diamond ring I see on your finger? It's stunning!"

"I'm engaged," Heather squealed while proudly holding her finger up high, "Thanks for giving me this fax."

"Congratulations and you're welcome!" Marcy exclaimed, leaving her office and closing the door behind her.

"Oh, my God!" Heather gasped as she read the paper.

Heather called Mr. Franklin's office and asked nervously, "Do I really need to be in Boston by tonight for this three day conference? What do you mean it's important for the Neelan account? This will give me ideas to help push along the campaign as well as meet-"

She was cut off by something Mr. Franklin said on the other end.

"Very well, Mr. Franklin. I can leave now to go home and pack and then head to Boston? Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Franklin. I'll represent this firm to the best of my ability! See you in three days."

Heather hung up the phone and put away her portfolio and quickly left the office. She arrived home, quickly packed, told Carole about the conference, and drove off. Heather was so pre-occupied with getting to this conference and what it could mean for that account that she forgot to call Kevin to tell him that she'd be out of town.

Chapter 23
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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