Bride of Honor... Chapter 26

The next morning after Lalie had left for work, Carole was coming out of the laundry room when the doorbell rang.

Carole opened the door and she smiled widely when she saw who was standing there.

"I'm back!" Heather exclaimed.

"Heather!" Carole exclaimed. "How was Boston?"

"It was good," Heather replied wheeling her suitcase into the living room. "I did a lot of thinking while I was in Boston too."

Carole looked interested and they sat down in the living room. "What did you think about?"

"The wedding," Heather replied. "It's going to be sooner than you think, Mom."

"How soon?" Carole looked concerned.

"Oh, I don't know," Heather mused. "Maybe a few weeks? I'm going to set a date as soon as I ask my bridesmaids."

Carole smiled. "Please tell me you have Lalie in mind as a bridesmaid."

"Of course," Heather replied with a questionable tone. "I'm going to ask Lalie and my friend, Tracy."

"I'm so glad," Carole beamed as she and Heather hugged. "I'll plan the food, cake, reception. I can reserve the chapel, too," Carole offered.

"That would be outstanding, Mom," Heather marveled. "Isn't this going to be the most memorable wedding ever?"

"Oh, Heather," Carole emotionally said while tearing up. "I know you and Kevin will be so happy together!"

"So," Heather looked around the living room. "How is Lalie doing?"

"Pretty good," Carole replied, deliberately not telling her about all the time Lalie and Kevin spent together during her absence.

"I'm going to go over and see Kevin now," Heather got up and headed out the door and into her car.

A car passed by as Heather walked out the door and it stopped on the corner. Vivian was inside the car seeing if Heather was home from her business trip yet.

Vivian whipped out her cell phone and said looking in the rearview mirror as Heather entered her car, "Ted, it looks like Heather is back now. She's going somewhere. Probably going over to see Kevin, that witch. I'll give you word on when we're going to put our plan into action. Yes, I'm going to follow her but I'm not going to confront her today. Okay, bye, Ted."

Heather's car passed by Vivian's parked car and Vivian pulled away from the curb and followed Heather to her destination.

"Savor your last moments," Vivian smirked following Heather.

Heather made a turn into the parking lot as Vivian continued down the main street.

"I knew it," Vivian angrily said. "Oh, well," she shrugged it off. "The game is almost over," she said as she continued to drive down the street.

Heather stood by the window and saw Brenda and Gabi at the front desk.

"Doesn't she ever take a day off?" Heather angrily mumbled as she stood in front of the building, trying to figure out what to do.

A few minutes later, a truck pulled up in front of the bank and a man stepped out and opened the back. Someone came out of the building with a wheel cart and placed it near the back of the truck. Out of the truck came a box big enough for a storage cabinet.

Heather overheard the man saying it was going up to the 3rd floor, which meant they would need to take the elevator. As they wheeled the cabinet into the lobby, Heather crept beside it hiding herself from Brenda's view. She overheard Brenda telling them to take it straight up to the 3rd floor.

As they waited for the elevator doors to open, Heather hid behind one of the tree plants by the elevator and knelt down.

"What are you doing?" the man wheeling the large box asked Heather.

Heather quickly took off her earring that wasn't visible to the man. "I was waiting for the elevator and I think my earring fell off."

The man looked strangely at Heather as the elevator doors slid open.

"Oh, I found it!" Heather lied and she stepped on the elevator and put her earring back on.

Brenda happened to glance over and saw the elevator doors close with Heather inside of it. Heather gave a sarcastic wave to Brenda. Brenda cried out, "That girl!"

Lalie was inside Kevin's office talking about the night before.

"So, where did you put that bear?" Kevin asked straightening some papers out on his desk.

"It's sitting nicely on my bed," Lalie answered. "I still can't believe what a good arm I had last night for those darts!"

"I missed it by a long shot!" Kevin joked.

"Now if I can only have that same arm for bowling," Lalie sighed as she held out her arm in the position Kevin had taught her.

"That's now how I said to do it," Kevin observed as he walked over to Lalie and tried to straighten out her arm.

Heather arrived on Kevin's floor and was about to knock on the door.

"I'm his fiancée, for crying out loud!" Heather declared to herself. "I don't need to knock to enter his office!"

Heather opened the door and was shocked to see Kevin's hands on Lalie's arm. Lalie and Kevin both looked shocked as Heather entered.

"What the hell is going on here?" Heather demanded to know.

"I was just showing her a position," Kevin answered.

"I could imagine," Heather sarcastically replied walking over to Lalie and Kevin.

Lalie folded her arms and leaned back against the desk as Kevin tried to explain. "Really, I was just showing her how to position her arm when she bowls."

"Well, that's great," Heather lied pretending to look interested at Lalie. "Kevin, can you leave Lalie and I alone for a minute?"

"This is his office," Lalie answered sounded angry. "We will leave if you want to talk."

"It's okay, Lalie," Kevin nervously answered as he prepared to leave only to get pulled back by Heather.

Heather kissed Kevin passionately in front of Lalie and breathlessly uttered, "I missed you so much."

"We'll catch up later," Kevin told her as he walked out of the office.

Lalie turned her back to Heather as Heather waited for Kevin to shut the door.

"Look at me," Heather ordered of her sister.

Lalie turned around looking angry and had her arms folded.

"So, tell me, Lalie. Were you trying for a strike or a spare?" Heather squinted her eyes and looked directly at Lalie.

Lalie put her hand on her hip and stopped leaning on the desk. She knew Heather was instigating another argument over Kevin.

"I can't believe he was showing you a bowling position," Heather remarked looking at Lalie.

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Lalie shot back. "He needed something to do after you left town without telling anyone like that!"

"I did tell someone," Heather quickly defended herself. "Mom!"

"You should have told Kevin as well," Lalie declared. "He came to our house that night looking for you. You must have made plans or something?"

Heather remembered making those plans a little while before she left after Lalie had say that. "Oh, that's right."

"Look," Lalie replied sounding angry. "I'm not getting into this here. You still should have told Kevin that you were leaving town. You have no right to question me about what was going on when you walked in here after you did that!"

Heather squinted her eyes again. "I told you to keep your hands off of him and you didn't, he's my fiancée, so I have every right to question what goes on between him and my sister!"

Lalie just shook her head. She didn't want to get into this in the middle of Kevin's office. "Well, I hope you got everything you wanted out of that Boston trip," she commented sarcastically. "Must have been an important trip. I've never seen anyone leave town quicker."

"It was successful," Heather replied as she headed to the door. "I think I will leave. I don't like the atmosphere here. Tell Kevin I'll call him."

Lalie just looked to the side of the office when Heather said that. She wasn't going to reply to what Heather just said. Kevin was standing by the door when Heather exited.

"I'm so glad I'm back in town," Heather cooed as she kissed Kevin in front of everyone. "The only person on my mind was you that whole time I was away."

"Heather," Kevin quickly composed himself from that kiss.

"I'm sorry," Heather stepped back. "I had forgotten you don't like to show affection in a professional place," she pretended to apologize. Heather leaned close to Kevin and whispered in his ear, "We'll have the rest of our lives to show each other all the affection we want-every night."

Kevin looked at Heather as she continued to discuss personal matters in front of the office. "I started planning our wedding," Heather mentioned.

"You did?" Kevin asked as she looked around his office trying to make sure Heather wasn't attracting an audience.

"My mom is going to plan everything," Heather smiled. "I'll talk to you later about this."

"Good idea," Kevin sounded relieved as Heather walked over to the elevator and pressed the button to go downstairs to the lobby. Kevin watched as she entered the elevator. Heather blew Kevin a kiss as the elevator doors came together to close.

Kevin took a deep breath and went back into his office.

"I'm sorry," Kevin apologized to Lalie.

"Why are you apologizing for your fiancée?" Lalie asked as she walked over to the door. "That's just the way Heather is."

Lalie walked back out into the office and sat down at her desk as Marcia came over.

"You should have seen what your sister was doing," Marcia bragged.

"That's quite all right," Lalie quickly replied as she turned to her computer. "I don't want to know a thing."

Heather returned to her office later that morning and was sitting looking at her calendar trying to find the perfect date for the wedding. She knew she had to leave enough time for her mother to prepare everything. She didn't even ask Lalie and Tracy to be her bridesmaids yet. Heather really didn't want to ask Lalie but she had already promised Carole that she would.

"I have so much work to catch up on," Heather groaned as she put away her planner and looked at a stack of paperwork on the corner of her desk.

Just then Marcy buzzed in that there was someone there to see her.

"Is this Vivian again?" Heather prepared herself.

Heather opened the door to find Tracy standing there.

"Why so formal, Tracy?" Heather laughed as she stepped to the side to let Tracy enter.

"I just have some questions," Tracy asked with a serious statement.

"Oh, Tracy," Heather began to apologize. "I'm so sorry I left town without telling you. It was so last minute!"

"I'm not talking about that," Tracy quickly responded looking at Heather's finger. "You got engaged to Kevin. How could you?"

Heather looked down at her ring and walked back to her desk. "Tracy, you know the story."

"I know why you went out with Kevin again," Tracy understood one part. "But, how could you get engaged to someone who did that to you? Seriously, Heather, money or not, that guy doesn't deserve a second chance."

Heather looked uncomfortable as Tracy mentioned that night again. "How many times do I need to tell you that I forgave Kevin for that?"

"Forgiveness is not a solution for what he did!" Tracy yelled looking at Heather confusedly.

"To me," Heather raised her voice and then softly spoke, "It is."

Tracy shook her head and looked down. "So, Heather, when's the big day?"

"Soon," Heather replied. "And I know this isn't the right time to ask you this, but I am going to anyway."

Tracy looked up slowly and asked, "Ask me what?"

"Tracy, I've known you for a long time," Heather started. "It would mean a lot if you would be one of my bridesmaids."

Tracy teared up and then turned her back to Heather. "I can't."

Heather silently tapped her finger against the desk in nervousness and walked over to Tracy. "Tracy, I want you to let go of your anger and please stand up there on that altar with me."

"If it were to anyone else," Tracy looked at Heather with tears in her eyes. "I would in a heartbeat."

"Listen," Heather softly spoke trying to get Tracy to change her mind. "We always dreamt about having a part in one another's weddings. I want you to be there, please!"

"Does it mean that much to you that I be there?" Tracy was beginning to come around.

"Yes," Heather replied.

Tracy took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "Okay, Heather. I will."

Heather hugged Tracy as Tracy had an uncertain look on her face about this whole wedding.

Heather arrived home before Lalie did that evening and Carole came out into the living room to talk to her.

"Did you find Kevin?" Carole asked making herself comfortable on the couch.

"Yes, I did," Heather replied.

Carole wasn't sure how to respond. "Did you talk to Lalie, too?"

Heather remembered her confrontation with Lalie. "I talked to her."

"Did you ask her about being your maid of honor?" Carole wondered.

"Not yet," Heather truthfully answered. "My friend Tracy is going to be one of them though."

"Great!" Carole exclaimed. "Once you and Kevin set a date, I can start looking at caterers for food and cake, reservations for a reception."

"That is going to be so much fun having the man of my dreams on my arm like that," Heather smiled as she sat up in her chair. "Thank you so much for doing all of this."

"Anything for my daughter," Carole warmly smiled. "Just don't forget to ask Lalie."

"Ask me what?" Lalie asked as she walked through the door.

Carole looked at Heather with encouragement to ask Lalie as Heather took a deep breath.

"Lalie," Carole called out. "Come over here and sit down."

"What is it?" Lalie nervously asked as she sat down.

"Lalie, I want to ask you something," Heather looked directly at Lalie. "It would mean so much to me if you would be my maid of honor at my wedding to Kevin."

Lalie almost let out a laugh of disbelief but knew Carole was sitting there. "Heather, I'm stunned."

Carole gave a look of encouragement to Lalie who was speechless by what Heather just asked her. Lalie knew that Carole must have told Heather to ask this.

"What do you say?" Heather waited for a response.

"Why not?" Lalie smiled.

"Lalie," Heather teared up and walked over to Lalie and hugged her. "You have no idea how glad I am."

Carole got emotional and left the living room.

"Okay, Heather," Lalie noticed her mother leave the room. "Mom's gone now."

Heather let go of Lalie and the tears quickly dried. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid, Heather," Lalie answered with a laugh.

"Whatever," Heather rolled her eyes and was preparing to walk away when Carole walked back in.

"Heather, I think we should make the invitation list tonight and I think you and Lalie should take off tomorrow and go shopping for a dress at the outlet mall," Carole suggested.

Heather looked at Lalie with a smile and agreed with Carole. "What a novel idea, Mom!"

"The best yet," Lalie chimed in. "I just hope Kevin understands why I need to take off tomorrow."

"I'm sure he will!" Carole laughed. "Come on, Heather, let's go figure out that list."

Carole and Heather walked into the kitchen and Lalie picked up the phone to call Kevin.

"Vivian?" Lalie asked as a woman picked up on the other end. "Hi, it's Lalie. Kevin there? May I speak with him? Thanks."

Kevin answered the phone and Lalie said that she'd be going shopping at the outlet mall with Heather for the wedding tomorrow and would not be able to come into work. Kevin told her that it was fine.

Carole and Heather figured out the invitation list. It included everyone from her Aunt Nora to Kevin's brother, James. After Carole left the kitchen, Heather crossed out Vivian's name and smiled as her name had nothing but black lines scribbled through it.

Chapter 27
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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