Bride of Honor... Chapter 27

After Kevin and her husband had gone to bed, Vivian softly walked down the stairs and grabbed the phone and began to dial a number.

"Ted?" Vivian tried to speak softly. "It's Vivian."

"It's 11:45," Ted replied with a yawn.

"This is the only time I could call to discuss this with you," Vivian softly said as she looked up the stairs to make sure no one was coming.

"What happened?" Ted asked trying to wake himself up.

"Lalie called here tonight," Vivian started with a whisper. "She and Heather are going to the outlet mall tomorrow to shop for dresses for that wedding."

"And how do you know this?" Ted questioned.

"Kevin took the call from upstairs so I stayed on this line and heard everything Lalie said," Vivian explained.

"Ah, clever," Ted praised. "Looks like we're going to have to crash Heather's shopping spree."

"You know the plan and you know what you have to bring," Vivian reminded him. "I'll let you know when we're going to go to the mall."

"Call the cell if I'm not here," Ted turned off his bedroom light.

"You better be there or have that cell phone on," Vivian warned him as she heard a noise coming from upstairs and quickly said, "I have to go. See you tomorrow."

Vivian hid behind the kitchen door and looked through the crack in the door to see who was coming down the stairs. Vivian didn't see anyone and walked out slowly.

"Who's down there?" Kevin called out from the top of the stairs.

"It's just me," Vivian yelled out startled.

"What are you doing?" Kevin called back down.

"Couldn't sleep and got some water," Vivian yelled out in a lie.

"Oh, okay," Kevin answered as he shut his bedroom door.

"I have a feeling I'll be sleeping a lot easier from now on," Vivian said to herself as she walked up the stairs.

Lalie woke up that morning and was about to jump out of her bed and get ready for work when she remembered she had no work. She remembered how nice Kevin was when he got her that job and how he took her out for lunch that day. Lalie remembered the night they almost kissed at that carnival. Now, Lalie gets to stand to the side as a bridesmaid and watch Kevin get married to her sister.

Downstairs, Heather and Carole were discussing more details about the wedding before Lalie came down. Heather had called Kevin before he left for work and told him all the plans they had made so far.

"Here she is," Carole announced as Lalie entered the kitchen.

"We were just discussing more details about my wedding," Heather gloated putting away a portfolio of wedding gown designs. "I told Kevin everything and he couldn't be more thrilled about it!"

Lalie only responded with a nod as she took a bowl out of the cabinet.

"As for you, Lalie," Carole started, "Don't get a dress too outrageous!"

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Lalie laughed heading to the refrigerator for the milk.

"When should we leave?" Heather asked Lalie.

"In a little while?" Lalie replied with a question.

Heather smiled in accordance and glanced over at a smiling Carole.

Heather and Lalie finished what they needed to do at home that morning and then went to the outlet mall a little after 11:00. After they had pulled out of the driveway, Vivian passed by to find Heather's car missing in the driveway and assumed that they had already left for the outlet mall. She called Ted and told him to meet her at the mall and not to forget what he was supposed to bring.

Heather and Lalie went through different stores but couldn't find anything that was suitable for her. Lalie was about to give up until she went into another dress shop that had a lot of nice selections. Lalie found a couple to try on and headed to the dressing room. Heather sat on one of the chairs outside the dressing room and waited for her sister.

Outside the shops, Vivian stood on the corner with a bag and waited for Ted to arrive. Finally, Vivian saw him walking up the walkway.

"It's about time," Vivian said angry and relieved.

"I had to recharge the battery," Ted explained holding up the case he was carrying.

"Why didn't you think of that last night?" Vivian questioned. "It doesn't matter. Heather and Lalie are in that shop over there," Vivian pointed and looked over.

Ted looked around for a place to be when Heather and Lalie came out of the dress shop. "I'm going to stand over there."

"Just stand behind the bush but make sure you have a good view of everything," Vivian explained in a warning. "And make sure you're not in Heather's view!"

"I think I'll be able to position it right so that I'll have a good view of what goes down," Ted smiled.

"You better," Vivian warned. "This is our last chance at stopping that wedding."

"What's in that bag?" Ted asked, looking down at Vivian's bag.

"Let's just say, it's for beneficial purposes," Vivian sneakily said as her eyes widened when she looked over at the dress shop Heather and Lalie were in and saw them standing by one of the racks. "It looks like they're about ready to leave!"

Vivian gave a little shove to Ted as he raced around the corner and found a spot where it would be suitable for what he needed to do and where he would be out of Heather's view. Vivian stood off to the side and prepared to walk up when Heather and Lalie came out.

Inside the dress shop, Lalie and Heather were deciding over one dress.

"Do you think I should get this one?" Lalie sighed as she put the dress up against her, having tried it on a few minutes ago.

"I think it looks splendid on you," Heather marveled. "I am so glad you are standing up with me on that altar."

Lalie only replied with a smile and said, "I think I will get this dress. I hope Mom likes it."

"I know she will," Heather confidently said. "Why don't you go pay for that and I'll see if there's any other good dress shops around here. We still have the whole day!"

"Okay," Lalie answered walking over to the cash register. "I'm sure I'll find you somewhere outside."

Lalie searched her pocket book for her credit card as Heather left the dress shop.

Vivian saw Heather exit and started walking up the sidewalk. Ted was standing behind the bush and put his plan into motion too. Ted was glad he wasn't the one to have to confront Heather.

"What the hell are you doing here, Vivian?" Heather angrily called out as she watched Vivian stroll casually up the sidewalk.

"I'm getting a couple of things for the wedding," Vivian strategically replied holding up her bag. "I found this lovely outfit to wear to the reception."

Heather walked up to Vivian and grabbed the bag away from Vivian. "Like hell!"

"Excuse me?" Vivian asked, trying to get her bag back.

"I already told you," Heather answered. "You are the last person I want at the wedding. You aren't invited and never will be!"

"Well," Vivian huffed. "I have a right to be there. My son is getting married, if you want to call it that!"

"True, he may be your son but I'll do whatever I can to see to it that you are nowhere near that chapel on the wedding day," Heather evilly told her and then added with an evil laugh. "In fact, after we get married, I'll make sure you have nothing to do with your son!"

Lalie had finished paying for her dress and stepped outside. Heather's back was turned to Lalie and the store she was in. Lalie heard what Heather just told Vivian and couldn't believe her ears. Her jaw was agape as she slowly walked up to Heather and Vivian to hear more.

"You can't stop me from being with my son," Vivian retorted eyeing Lalie walking up as she secretly hoped that Ted didn't fall asleep behind that bush and is doing his part of the plan!

"Oh," Heather evilly laughed. "Watch me!"

Vivian began to walk slowly away to the side so Lalie could be seen in Ted's view. Heather's back was still facing Lalie, and Ted still had a perfect view.

"What's the matter, Vivian?" Heather tormented. "No sarcastic comeback? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"You crave attention," Vivian told her as she grabbed her bag back from Heather's grasp. "That's why this marriage is happening in the first place."

"Care to explain your latest accusation?" Heather teased, completely unaware of Lalie's presence.

"This wedding is all based on Kevin's presidential title and that account," Vivian replied angry and loud enough. "That's why you crave attention. You wanted that account so you could be more successful and respected at your job and it wouldn't hurt to have security at home either, right? That's why you're marrying Kevin!"

"Of course it's about the account and that job," Heather yelled in a moment of weakness. "You should know, you're the one who made me do it!"

Lalie put her hand over her chest having heard Heather say that. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she continued to listen to the dueling pair.

"Don't you dare blame this on me," Vivian angrily retorted. "You're the one who went back on the deal after you saw how financially comfortable Kevin was!"

"Hey," Heather lowered her voice but it was still loud enough for Lalie and Ted to pick up. "I've got my account and now I've got my added bonus. And it's all thanks to you, Vivian!"

"You don't LOVE him, though!" Vivian yelled. "Maybe something has changed but when I was young, love was an integral part of a marriage!"

"Didn't they have arranged marriages when you were young?" Heather continued to torment with a bullying laugh. "I can learn to love Kevin. He isn't that bad of a guy!"

Lalie dropped her bag as she sobbed.

"Oh, you," Vivian was on the verge of attacking Heather.

Heather picked up on it and shot back, "My mother-in-law has a temper problem? Oh, dear. Maybe I can send you away to anger management courses. At least it'd keep you out of Mr. And Mrs. Kevin Neelan's hair for a while!"

"I'm not your mother-in-law and never will be," Vivian retorted.

"Your words get so tiresome," Heather pretended to yawn. "You should know by now that I will always come out on top. No matter what you say, what Lalie says, what anyone says, no one will be standing in my way at this wedding!"

Vivian noticed Lalie walking up and didn't reply to Heather. Lalie would take it from here.

Lalie stepped right behind Heather and said in a strong voice, "We'll see about that."

"A two for one," Ted grinned from behind the bush, having caught everything on his video camera.

Vivian folded her arms and almost let out a smile as Heather froze up with her back still towards Lalie. Her mouth slowly opened as her breathing rate increased. Trying not to have a panic attack, Heather slowly turned around to find a teary-eyed, livid Lalie who looked like she had a lot to say.

Chapter 28
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