Bride of Honor... Chapter 3

It was getting closer to the time when Heather's big interview would take place. Getting more nervous, Heather kept walking in and out of her office, looking down the corridor for any sign of Mr. Neelan.

"Relax, Ms. Mills, when Mr. Neelan arrives, I will let you know," Marcy calmly said.

"I will try to relax but it won't be easy!" Heather stated.

Just as she said that, her phone started ringing in her office. She picked it up and her boyfriend Ted was on the other end asking her if she was ready to have dinner with him tonight.

Heather answered her boyfriend, "I am not sure yet. You know how much I want to have dinner with you tonight but it's just been such a hectic week! After I have the interview, I will call you back. Okay, bye now."

Heather looked at the clock after she hung up the telephone and it said 1:54. Only 6 more minutes until Mr. Neelan would be walking into that office telling her whether or not he will have Heather take his account.

Since her office door was open, Marcy signaled to Heather from the receptionist's desk that Mr. Neelan was walking down the corridor.

"Oh, my God!" Heather said, quickly taking out her compact mirror applying any last minute lipstick before he arrived.

Heather heard Marcy telling Mr. Neelan that Heather was awaiting his arrival and that he can go right in. Heather took a deep breath and watched as Mr. Neelan walked in her office carrying his briefcase and a manila folder.

"Hello, Mr. Neelan, I've been waiting for you. Please take a seat right there," Heather said pointing to the chair in front of her desk.

"Thank you," Mr. Neelan said, "I really do not think there is anything we need to discuss further."

A worried look grew on Heather's face.

"What do you mean, we don't have anything left to discuss? Please let me tell you more about what I… what we… can do for your account!" Heather pleaded.

"That's not what I meant," Mr. Neelan started, "I have been very impressed with the way this company is being run and just by the way everyone is so willing to help you out. When I last saw you, I knew right then that you were the one I was going to have carry my account. I didn't want to tell you that over the phone, that's why I wanted to meet with you in person, and that way we could discuss any last minute ideas. You have great ideas, Miss Mills, in fact, none of the other agencies I had gone to gave me such detailed, flawless ideas."

A smile came upon Heather's face and she said, "Why, Mr. Neelan, I don't believe any client of mine has been so kind as to say such nice things to me. It would be a delight and honor to hold your account and I will do everything in my power to see you are treated with nothing but the best. You will not be disappointed, I promise!"

Heather then mentioned, "You and I have to fill out some paperwork stating that we will be working together and that your account is in my hands. Marcy will print them up, it should only take about 20 minutes. You are more than free to go to the lounge or even step outside and get some fresh air. I know it is pretty stuffy in here!"

Heather then wheeled her chair over to the window and slightly cracked it open, trying not to smile that she landed the account that she ever so wanted!

Mr. Neelan said, "I think I will go step outside for a little while but I will be back in 20 minutes. Again, Ms. Mills, thank you!"

"No," Heather said, "Thank you!"

Heather watched Mr. Neelan leave and closed the door behind him. She looked around her office and then said, "Yes!" to herself and threw both hands in the air.

"I finally got the account I needed to be the most powerful woman in this industry! Nothing is going to hold me back now, nothing!" Heather said, talking to herself.

Marcy called her on her phone.

"Yes, Marcy?" Heather asked.

"There is somebody here to see you," Marcy replied.

Heather hung up the phone and thought it was Tracy coming to congratulate her on getting that Neelan account.

"I wonder how Tracy found out!" Heather beamed walking to her door and turning the doorknob.

Heather opened the door and gasped, "Oh, my God!"

It was Vivian!

Chapter 4
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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