Bride of Honor... Chapter 30

Heather took a reluctant Tracy shopping on Sunday to the same mall where Lalie found her dress - and found out Heather's secret. Meanwhile, Vivian and Ted's plot against Heather was taking shape as Vivian went over to Ted's apartment to discuss her plan.

"Surprised to see you here," Ted answered Vivian's knock at the door and stepped to the side to let her enter.

Vivian nervously entered, thinking about the kiss they shared that night but refrained from mentioning that. "I wanted to talk to you about that tape."

"Don't tell me you're having seconds thought about it," Ted worried as she shut the door behind Vivian.

"Of course not," Vivian firmly replied. "Now that Lalie knows Heather's secret, Heather is rushing the date of the wedding. It could be this week sometime, according to Kevin."

Ted's jaw dropped as he couldn't believe what was happening. "Heather won't back down!"

"I have the whole thing planned out," Vivian assured her about her plans to expose Heather. "Kevin assured me that I'm going to get my invitation. The tape is safer here. Just make sure you give me the tape the day of the wedding."

"When you give me a definite date, I will circle the date on my calendar in a thick red pen," Ted smiled pointing to his calendar hanging on the wall.

"I doubt she'll have it on a weekday," Vivian figured as knew Heather had relatives from Florida coming to see the nuptials.

"Expect the unexpected with Heather," Ted reminded her. "It doesn't matter, I'll be ready all week for the signal."

Vivian smiled as she started to walk towards the door to go home. She turned back around and looked at Ted, that kiss was on her mind and she had to address the problem. "About what happened that night-"

Ted cut her off and walked closer to Vivian. "I understand."

"That can never happen again," Vivian told him sternly as she began to walk towards the door.

"I know," Ted understood but also sounding disappointed. "You don't have to discuss it with me. Just let me know when you need me to give you the tape."

Vivian nodded uncomfortably as she headed out the door. Outside in the hall, she knew she did the right thing by addressing the issue. Now, she could clear her mind of that and concentrate on stopping Heather from ruining Kevin's life.

The next morning, Lalie was anxious about what she had to tell Kevin but knew it was for the best. She nervously ate her breakfast and headed off for work.

Heather came down shortly after Lalie left for work and told Carole that Tracy found her dress and couldn't be happier.

"I'm glad about Tracy finding her dress," Carole smiled.

"Now, I need a caterer for the reception, I need a cake, and most importantly a chapel!" Heather made a mental list of all the chores that need to be taken care of still.

"I'll have to start working on that today," Carole said as she took out the phone book. "I started calling a couple catering places the other day," she pointed to some names she circled in the book.

"Look, as long as they can be ready by Saturday, that's all that matters!" Heather exclaimed.

"Saturday?" Carole looked up with her pen in mid-air.

"Saturday," Heather repeated with a smile. "The day I become Kevin's wife forever!"

Lalie sat at her desk nervously sharpening pencils as she waited for the right moment to go into Kevin's office. Marcia pulled up a chair and sat next to Lalie.

"How was your weekend?" Marcia asked noticing all the pencil shavings on Lalie's desk. "And why are you sharpening all those pencils?"

"It's an office duty that needs to be done," Lalie tried to sound convincing as she looked up. "My weekend was fine."

"What's the latest on the wedding?" Marcia asked innocently.

"The latest?" Lalie brushed the pencil shavings into her hand and threw them in the garbage. "The latest is that the wedding is going to happen this week sometime."

"Wow," Marcia said sounding surprised.

James got off the elevator and walked over to Kevin's office and knocked on his door to go in.

"I wonder if that's Kevin's brother," Lalie wondered as she watched James walk from the elevator to Kevin's office.

"I don't know," Marcia replied, not taking her eyes off James as he stepped into his office. "I'd like a piece of that."

"Marcia!" Lalie looked at Marcia who couldn't stop staring at James.

Inside the office, James handed Kevin a manila folder that he found at home and put his coffee thermos down on Kevin's desk.

"I found it on the coffee table," James told him. "I thought you may need it so I brought it over. Mom gave me directions how to get here!"

"Thank you, James," Kevin took the manila folder and opened it quickly to see what was inside of it. "I think I do need this."

James nodded as Kevin sat down back down. "Did you hear anything more about the wedding?"

"I did," Kevin replied. "Heather called me a little while ago. She asked me if I want the ceremony on Saturday and I told her that I'd love that!"

"Are you sure Heather isn't rushing this a little too much?" James asked with a concerned tone.

"It's a mutual decision," Kevin explained. "How long are you going to be in town?"

"For a week but I may decide to move back here for good," James shrugged. "The company I work for is almost in bankruptcy so I may get out of there. There are always places around here where I can work!"

"There are a lot of real estate agencies around here," Kevin assured him.

"Well, I'll let you get back to work," James said as he put on his jacket.

"I'll see you later," Kevin told him as James left his office.

Marcia and Lalie watched as James walked out of Kevin's office. Lalie stood up and walked over to Kevin's office door and knocked on it, while Marcia strutted over to flirt with James.

"Hi," Marcia cooed as she walked up to James.

"Hi," James replied as he watched the numbers flash on the elevator.

"I love that cologne," Marcia whispered sounding suggestive. "New fragrance?"

"Thanks but I don't think it's new," James quickly replied as he stepped on the elevator and the doors slid shut.

Marcia looked disappointed standing by the elevator.

Lalie walked into Kevin's office and shut the door behind her.

"Just the person I wanted to see," Kevin looked up with a smile.

"Really?" Lalie blushed.

"I was just about to come ask you if those funds came in yet," Kevin replied.

Lalie looked annoyed. "Forget the damn funds," she bluntly said.

"Lalie?" Kevin stood up looking concerned. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm here to talk about us," Lalie seriously said.

Kevin looked confused. "What about us?"

"You know what I'm talking about," Lalie said as she stepped a little closer to Kevin's desk as Kevin walked around the desk.

"Please tell me," Kevin cluelessly implored.

"That night at the carnival," Lalie started and then stopped short to see Kevin's reaction.

Kevin nodded as he remembered what happened on the Ferris Wheel and took a deep breath.

"I wish the ride didn't start moving again," Lalie softly said as she walked closer to Kevin. "I wish we could have finished what was about to happen."

Kevin stared shocked at Lalie with a slight warm smile and moved closer to her as Lalie looked right into his eyes. "I've gotten to know you so well since we met that day and I wouldn't change a thing about you or what we did together. I just regret we couldn't get to know each other as well as we could have."

Kevin took a deep breath and looked at Lalie. "Lalie, I just-"

"Don't say anything," Lalie put her finger over his lips. "I know this comes at a bad time but I had to be open about how I feel about you. Maybe it's wrong, yes, but I'm madly in love with you, Kevin."

Chapter 31
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