Bride of Honor... Chapter 31

Kevin closed his eyes for a moment and slowly opened them to see Lalie staring into his eyes. "I wouldn't trade a minute of the time we spent together, Lalie, but-"

"I don't want to spend another minute apart," Lalie cut him off as she still proclaimed her love. "The person who didn't have a face in my dream now has one. And it's you, oh, it's you."

Kevin put his hand on Lalie's cheek as Lalie put her hand over Kevin's hand. Lalie and Kevin slowly leaned into one another and kissed gently and became more passionate.

Kevin pulled back and caught his breath and looked into Lalie's eyes.

Lalie breathlessly said, "I don't ever want you to stop kissing me like that, Kevin."

Kevin and Lalie kissed again, only for Kevin to pull away again.

"This is wrong," Kevin breathlessly said. "I'm marrying your sister!"

"It's not wrong," Lalie walked over to Kevin and put her arms around him. "Don't marry Heather."

"Where is this coming from?" Kevin asked as he closed his eyes and waited for a response.

"I want to be with you," Lalie truthfully told him. "I want you, Kevin. I've wanted you since we almost kissed at that carnival. You know me like no one else does. We can be together."

"What about Heather?" Kevin reminded Lalie of his engagement.

"Don't worry about Heather," Lalie desperately told him as she ran her fingers through his short hair.

Kevin wanted to kiss Lalie again but refrained himself from doing so and told her, "I need to leave for a little while, Lalie. This shouldn't have happened like that!"

Lalie wanted to call out after him but she let him leave. She stood in his office alone and teared up.

James re-entered the office and saw Lalie standing there crying.

"Who are you?" Lalie managed to ask between tears.

"James Neelan," James softly said as he walked over to Lalie. "I came back because I forgot my thermos. Why are you crying like that?"

"It's no reason," Lalie lied as she walked over to Kevin's desk and picked up the thermos. "Is this your thermos?"

James nodded as he took his thermos. "What is your name?"

"Layla Mills," Lalie responded as she almost composed herself from the crying. "Everyone calls me Lalie though, but either is fine."

"I bet you're related to my brother's fiancée," James pointed out with a smile.

Lalie angrily screamed to herself. "That would be me," Lalie fake smiled.

"Then why were you crying?" James repeated his question. "Shouldn't this be a happy week for you and your family?"

"Of course," Lalie turned out and again teared up but tried to quickly regain her composure. "I'm glad you found that thermos but I should be getting back to work."

"Wait," James called out, as Lalie was about to turn the doorknob.

Lalie closed her eyes and tightened her grasp on the doorknob as she turned around to look at James. "Yes?"

"I don't want to see you crying like that," James told her as he walked over to Lalie. "Let me buy you lunch or dinner to cheer you up."

Even though Lalie felt rejected, she still didn't accept James' offer. "I don't think so."

James looked disappointed as Lalie left the office.

Later that evening, Mr. Neelan came home from his business trip and found James sitting in the living room reading a magazine.

"James... you're back," Mr. Neelan said as he walked into the living room, sounding surprised.

"I've been back since Saturday, but you wouldn't know that," James told him in an angry tone. "I see things haven't changed."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Neelan asked by raising his voice.

"You and those business trips," James started as he stood up and left his magazine on the couch. "You leave town constantly and Mom and Kevin have to fend for themselves."

"I didn't think your mother and Kevin needed supervision," Mr. Neelan replied in a serious tone. "I see things haven't changed with you, James. You know why I have to go on those trips… to make a living!"

"Are you sure that's what you're doing when you're on those trips?" James questioned as he folded his arms. "Making a living or are you doing something else?" James suggested with an improper implication.

"That's enough!" Mr. Neelan yelled out in anger.

James shook his head and left the house. He got into his car and drove somewhere. He was going to make the best of his evening.

Lalie sat upset in her bedroom thinking about what happened earlier. She could feel that Kevin felt the same way. Lalie walked downstairs to see if dinner was ready and overheard Carole and Heather once again discussing the impending wedding plans. Carole mentioned that everything should be ready by Saturday. Lalie sighed as she headed towards the living room. Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Lalie called out sounding monotone and tired.

Lalie opened the door to find James standing there. "James," Lalie acknowledged. "What brings you here?"

"I'm taking you out tonight," James told her in a serious tone. "I'm not taking 'No' for an answer!"

Lalie looked shocked. "How did you get this address?"

"From Kevin," James truthfully told her. "Let's go! Don't tell me I made this trip for nothing!"

Lalie felt bad and looked down at her attire. She still wearing what she had worn to work. Lalie accepted James' invitation and left the house without mentioning anything to Heather and Carole.

Lalie couldn't keep her mind off Kevin the whole time she was out with James. It didn't help that James took them to Table For Two.

"I'm sorry I'm not good company tonight," Lalie apologized for the lack of conversation as she finished her dinner.

"Are you still sad about whatever you were crying about earlier?" James asked her sounding concerned as the waiter cleared their plates.

"No," Lalie lied. She was sad that Kevin couldn't bring himself to reciprocate her feelings, because of Heather's manipulation.

"Well," James started. "At least you're cheered up now."

"So, what do you do in your spare time?" Lalie tried to change the topic of conversation.

"I don't get a lot of that," James laughed. "I like going to the gym and playing sports when I do get a chance."

Lalie wasn't interested about the gym but maybe he liked to bowl… or play tennis. "What kinds of sports, James?"

"Running around the track, basketball," James replied as he paid their bill.

Lalie pretended to smile. She didn't like running and didn't know the first thing about basketball. She knew no one or nothing could replace Kevin and the time they spent together.

James took Lalie home after dinner and they stood by her door. Lalie knew she couldn't pretend to be in a relationship and decided to tell him that.

"James," Lalie softly started.

"What is it, Lalie?" James asked concerned as he held on to her hand.

"I think you are a really nice person and I'm very glad we had a chance to get to know each other tonight, but-" Lalie paused.

"But...?" James encouraged her to continue.

"I don't think things are going to work out between us," Lalie politely explained as she looked into his eyes.

James looked disappointed as he and Lalie stopped holding hands. He managed to ask with a slight laugh, "Are you breaking up with me?"

"Don't call it that," Lalie begged. "Were we ever really dating in the first place? I know you'll find the right person for you, James. Any girl will be lucky to have someone like you."

"Is there someone else?" James asked. "Is that why you don't want to see how things would evolve with us?"

Lalie looked down. "You could say there's someone else."

James lifted Lalie's head so they could be in eye contact again. "I understand," James replied. "I'm glad we're friends."

"Me too," Lalie truthfully said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for tonight."

"Good night," James smiled as Lalie went into her house.

Chapter 32
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