Bride of Honor... Chapter 32

It was finally Saturday morning. The sun was out and the birds were singing. Things were awkward between Lalie and Kevin at work the past week but Lalie knew she said what she needed to. Everyone who was invited received their invitation and all the arrangements were made.

Lalie knocked on Heather's bedroom door early that morning before the wedding.

"What is it?" Heather asked as she was getting ready in a panic.

"Today is your big day," Lalie started. "I just hope you remembered to do what you promised me."

Heather stopped what she was doing and looked up. "Of course, I did."

Lalie looked at Heather with uncertainty. "What was Kevin's reaction?"

"He completely understood about what happened and knows that today is meant to be," Heather replied. "So, why don't your worries disappear and go get ready for my wedding?"

"How could he still want to get married?" Lalie asked in disbelief. "I'll get ready, but not yet."

"He does," Heather told her. "He said nothing could stand in the way of what was meant to be!"

Lalie laughed knowing she made this whole thing up. "I should have known better than to think you'd tell him!"

Heather frowned in defeat and was about to say something to Lalie when Carole came in.

"Good morning!" Carole exclaimed. "I can see you already started getting ready without me, Heather. I'll help you with the wedding dress."

"When is Cheryl coming over to do my hair?" Heather asked as Lalie left the room on this conversation.

Lalie looked angry standing outside the room. Heather had already lied to her once, so what made her believe her again?

The Neelans were getting ready, as well. Kevin and James were getting dressed upstairs. Mr. Neelan and Vivian were already ready and were downstairs. Vivian went into the kitchen and pulled out her cell phone and began dialing a number.

"I told you I'd give you the signal," Vivian whispered. "Here's the signal! Do you want me to come over and get that? I'll see you soon."

"Where are you going?" Mr. Neelan asked as Vivian left the house.

Vivian looked back at Mr. Neelan. "I just need to get something from the drug store, but I'll be back soon. I hope Kevin and James are ready by then."

Ted was watching the tape over again when the buzzer on his apartment rang.

"You made it," Ted smiled as Vivian entered.

"I just came for the tape," Vivian told him as she walked over to a stack of tapes by the VCR and took the first one.

"You're not going to get anywhere with a racecar driving tape," Ted sarcastically told her as he knelt down by the VCR and ejected the right tape.

"Oh," Vivian said as she took the right tape and put it securely in her pocketbook. "This tape is going to be played in a little while for all to see."

"I was thinking of coming over myself," Ted told her, as he wanted to see the action as well.

"Well, don't come before the tape is shown," Vivian demanded in a serious tone. "Come after."

"I will," Ted smiled.

Vivian smiled as she left the apartment with the tape in her bag.

A little while later, Heather was in her wedding gown and Cheryl had just done her hair.

"Cheryl, it looks beautiful," Heather marveled as she looked at her hair in the mirror.

"No problem, Heather," Cheryl smiled. "Congratulations, it'll be a beautiful ceremony."

Cheryl left and Heather and her family got ready to head over to the chapel.

Kevin came down the stairs of his house wearing his tuxedo just as Vivian came home carrying a bag from Walgreens to cover up for her whereabouts.

"You were out quite a while," Mr. Neelan commented as Vivian came home, with the tape still in her purse.

"Yes," Vivian held up her Walgreens bag. "I needed some last minute lipstick."

James came down the stairs soon after Kevin did.

"There's the best man!" Kevin called out.

"Is everyone ready to go now?" James asked, not making eye contact with his father.

"I believe we are," Vivian coyly said as she held her purse closely to her.

The Neelans headed to the chapel.

Heather and her family arrived at the chapel before Kevin and his family did. Tracy had arrived before all of them.

"You look striking in that gown," Tracy marveled.

"I know," Heather grinned. "You look striking in yours also."

"There's my fellow bridesmaid," Tracy smiled as Lalie walked in.

"Hi, Tracy," Lalie replied looking around the chapel.

"Mom, I can't get over how nice this place is," Heather stood in the doorway and faced the altar where she and Kevin would be standing.

"You deserve it," Carole told her. "You've always been so open about the kind of wedding you want. That's what I admire about you, your honesty."

"That's what I admire too," Lalie chimed in sarcastically as Heather looked uncomfortable at Lalie.

"Oh," a voice from the back of the chapel called out. "How beautiful."

"Aunt Nora," Heather smiled as she walked over to hug and kiss her aunt. "How are you?"

"Stunned," Nora replied in shock. "I never thought my niece would get married before me!"

Heather laughed. "Oh, Aunt Nora. Isn't love strange?"

"It is," Nora replied. "I'm just glad you found it. Remember when you had those dolls-"

Heather nervously laughed to interrupt her. "Let's not reminisce about that. How are things in Florida?"

"Great," Nora replied as she fanned herself with her hand. "Hot down there though." Nora noticed people going into the chapel as she was talking with Heather. "I'm going to go in there now, stand strong as you walk down that aisle!" Nora kissed Heather and then walked over to catch up with Lalie before heading into the chapel.

Heather smiled and then walked over to the table where her bag was and checked her makeup. "Oh no, it got smudged!" Heather went into the classy bathroom and started to fix her makeup.

After Heather had entered the bathroom to fix her makeup, the Neelan's arrived at the chapel.

Lalie and Kevin quickly exchanged glances and then Lalie walked over to the other side of the vestibule.

Carole and Harold went up and said hello to Kevin's parents and brother as Kevin followed Lalie to the other side of the vestibule.

"Where's the bride?" Vivian asked with a smile, looking around.

Carole looked around. "Not quite sure."

"I'm Kevin's brother," James greeted Heather's parents.

"Nice to meet you, James," Carole and Harold both said in unison.

The congregation began to grow as more family of Heather and Kevin's began to arrive.

Friends started to trickle in one by one. Brenda, Gabi and Marcy all arrived and sat down inside the chapel.

Heather opened the bathroom door to exit and saw Vivian talking to James and Mr. Neelan and quickly went back in the bathroom and shut the door. Vivian saw Heather open and close the door and walked over to the bathroom, casually.

"So," Vivian started as she entered the bathroom and looked at Heather's gown. "This is where you've been hiding."

"I'm not hiding," Heather nastily shot back. "I had to fix my face. Did everyone arrive?"

Vivian shrugged. "It looks pretty crowded to me."

"You know," Heather chuckled evilly. "I'm kind of glad you came in here."

Vivian looked confused. "Why?"

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about," Heather told her as she walked over to the sink and looked at Vivian's reflection in the mirror.

"And just what is that, Heather?" Vivian asked as she folded her arms.

"Tracy," Carole walked up to Heather's friend. "Where is Heather? I want to take pictures outside but she's not in sight."

Tracy shrugged as she looked around the chapel.

Back in the bathroom, Heather told Vivian what she wanted to talk to her about.

"You and your husband need to leave town," Heather told Vivian in a serious tone.

Chapter 33
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