Bride of Honor... Chapter 34

Carole stood up at shouted, "Vivian, what is going on here? What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Carole," Vivian told her. "I can't let this happen."

"Whatever for?" Harold jumped up and held on to a panic stricken Carole.

"You'll see," Vivian replied feeling bad that so many would be hurt but it was the only way Kevin would be able to know what's been going on.

Heather stood to the edge of the steps on the altar and frantically watched as Vivian walked down the aisle and headed into the vestibule. She looked at her parents and looked at Kevin, Lalie and Tracy. "Vivian," Heather angrily said to herself.

"Thank you," Vivian whispered to the usher as she wheeled the TV and VCR down the center aisle and looked for an outlet to plug in the proper wires.

"Mom, what is this?" Kevin demanded to know as James stood there looking as confused as everyone else. Heather put her hand over her mouth, not knowing what was coming.

Vivian didn't answer Kevin as she wheeled the cart up the aisle and glanced over at the electric candles on the side. She wheeled the cart by the candles and knelt down and unplugged the candles.

"You can't unplug the candles!" the priest called out, but it was too late.

Vivian noticed the TV was already attached to the VCR and set the cart sideways so the screen was visible to the altar and to the congregation.

Kevin stared at Vivian as Vivian looked sadly at Kevin and truthfully said, "I'm sorry."

Vivian walked over to her purse and grabbed the tape and walked over to the VCR and gently placed it in there. She did not want to risk anything.

Heather shook her head and convinced herself whatever was on that tape was a lie. It had to be!

Vivian pressed the play button and stood off to the side as there was just the flashing lines in the beginning of the tape. Vivian looked concerned as Heather almost looked satisfied. Suddenly, the tape began to show a picture as it showed Vivian at the mall walking down the path and Heather approaching her.

Heather remembered exactly what this was and breathed heavily as Kevin, Lalie, James and Tracy stepped down the stairs a little to get a better view of the screen as Heather stood in the back and frantically thought of an excuse. There wasn't any as she, too, watched the tape.

There were gasps, sobs and whispers during the duration of the tape as people were speechless during Heather and Vivian's confrontation and then again during Heather and Lalie's confrontation.

Lalie couldn't believe this was on tape as she looked around at the chapel at a very emotional congregation.

"I knew it," Brenda whispered to Gabi as she and Gabi got out of their pew and walked out of the chapel in disgust.

Kevin looked devastated as he turned around to a shocked and speechless Heather with a nervous as hell statement on her face.

Mr. Neelan looked very angry, Carole was sobbing and Harold was looking on as he tried to calm Carole down.

"Is what's on that tape true?" Kevin slowly asked her in a serous tone as he inched closer to her.

"I, I, I, don't know," Heather stuttered.

"How can you not know?" Kevin raised his voice. "I don't believe you."

Heather fumbled for an answer. The charade was over as she glanced around the chapel breathing heavily.

"Is it true?" Kevin repeated the question louder.

Heather nervously looked at him in the eyes as she uttered, "Yes."

Kevin looked down in anger and sadness. "How? Why would you do that?"

Heather shook as she heard the anger in his tone. "You heard it on the tape."

"I don't really care," Kevin quickly answered her. "Now it's time to hear it from you. Right here and right now."

Heather looked at everyone's reaction with tears in her eyes and pointed right at Vivian, "She made me do it!"

The congregation gasped as Vivian replied, "You could have declined my offer."

"Mom," Kevin started. "We're going to have a very serious conversation about your role in this later."

Vivian stood there quietly as Heather prepared for more questions.

"I defended you and believed in you," Kevin told her as he faced Heather with disappointment and anger.

"I know you did and I still believe that we-" Heather desperately tried to say only to get cut off by Kevin.

"Don't!" Kevin ordered. "It wasn't a coincidence how we met that day, was it?"

Heather stood there and she started to tear up.

"Was it!" Kevin raised his voice as he asked his question again.

"No," Heather emotionally said. "It wasn't."

Kevin closed his eyes briefly and then looked back at the congregation. Everything he believed in was a lie now.

"You lied to me constantly," Kevin turned around again to face Heather. "Even when I proposed to you that night, you told me that you weren't working for my father when we met but you were."

Heather nodded as a tear trickled down her cheek making her mascara run.

"I wanted to see the good in you even after what you did to me that day all that time ago," Kevin clenched his fists at his sides as he thought about what a fool he was. "Forget about the past was your motto. Yeah. Forget about the past when it's convenient for you, right?"

Heather didn't respond as she tried not to break down in tears on the altar.

"I had a surprise for you, Heather," Kevin angrily told her. "Remember that apartment we were looking at with the balcony you loved so much?"

Heather put her hand over her mouth and nodded.

"I put a deposit on it last week," Kevin slowly said as he shook his head in disgust. "The thought sickens me now."

"We can still have that," Heather desperately told him to justify herself.

Kevin laughed in disbelief. "You won't back down. That's why you had those numerous confrontations with Lalie. Were you worried, Heather? Worried that maybe she'd stand in the way of your lifestyle?"

Heather looked down and didn't respond right away. "What went on between Lalie and myself will stay that way."

"I can't even look at you without asking myself who you are and what you once meant to me," Kevin sadly said shaking his head. "Did you love me, at all?"

"I care-" Heather answered looking up at Kevin.

"No," Kevin corrected her. "I said, love. Did you ever love me during our engagement?"

"No," Heather answered but quickly answered again. "Not in the way I should have."

"How could you?" Kevin angrily asked. "How could you! You should be ashamed, you should be embarrassed!"

"Stop!" Tracy chimed in as she walked up to Heather and Kevin.

"Tracy, what are you doing?" Heather asked in a panic.

"I won't let him do this to you!" Tracy shouted as she turned to Kevin. "You have some nerve yelling at Heather like this when you tried to have relations with her that night!"

Lalie looked stunned as she finally knew what Heather accused Kevin of doing that night.

Kevin was speechless as he looked shocked at Tracy.

Heather looked frantic as she signaled for Tracy to be quiet.

"I will not!" Tracy told her as she again turned to Kevin. "You should be the one standing up here embarrassed! How could you do that to her that night?"

"Tracy!" Heather couldn't take it anymore as she spoke up and came clean. "He never did that! I made the whole thing up!"

Tracy almost passed out as her jaw dropped and slowly backed away from Heather with tears in her eyes as Kevin looked even more shocked at a teary-eyed Heather.

"You didn't make it up," Tracy cried out in between tears.

Heather walked over to Tracy but Tracy kept backing away. "Yes, I did," she softly said.

"No!" Tracy sobbed in denial. "You said I was the only one you could confide in."

"It doesn't change the fact that I made that up," Heather gently told her with tears in her eyes. "Kevin wouldn't do something like that!"

"Now you tell me," Kevin added with anger. "You let me live with a guilty conscience for ten years and didn't think anything about it?"

"I'm sorry," Heather told Kevin as she looked back over at Tracy.

"It's true then," Tracy figured out. "How could you?"

"I don't know what I was thinking," Heather honestly told her as she tried putting her hand on her shoulder.

Tracy backed away and gave Heather a warning. "Don't come near me or talk to me again! You made me believe false accusations about an innocent person and that is something I will never forgive you for."

Heather put her hand over her mouth and cried as Tracy walked over to Kevin.

"Kevin, I am so sorry that I've thought something wrong about you for so long," Tracy started as she looked over at Heather and squinted her eyes. "I was being mislead."

Heather watched as Tracy apologized to Kevin.

"I'm sure you're a great person," Tracy apologized. She quickly looked back at Heather and walked down the aisle and left the chapel immediately.

"Tracy!" Heather gasped as her friend left the chapel.

Heather was about to run out of the chapel to go after Tracy when Kevin asked her another question. "Did you know about that tape?" he asked in a serious tone. "People would come up to me and ask me, 'Why is your fiancée rushing the wedding date so much?' I'd just tell them, 'Oh, it was a mutual decision.'"

"I didn't know the first thing about that tape!" Heather honestly told him as she watched down the aisle with tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe you did all of this for my father's account," Kevin told her in disappointment.

"She didn't," Mr. Neelan spoke up. "As of Monday, our business relationship will be terminated, Ms. Mills. You need to take a long look at what you did," he said as he, too, left the chapel.

"Oh, my God!" Heather shrieked as she called out after him. "Mr. Neelan, wait!"

"Heather, it's over!" Kevin yelled out. "And you're still running after him! See, that proves my point, you're after money and power!"

Heather turned around to look at Kevin. "I don't know what to say."

"Are there any other secrets that you're keeping from me?" Kevin asked her. "All those times you came to my office because you wanted to see me. Were you really spying?"

Heather looked at Lalie and thought for a moment. "I came to your office once and-"

Kevin shrugged his arms. "What?"

"The day Lalie was coming in for her interview and you saw me rummaging through your desk," Heather explained as she paused. "I was trying to find her resume so I could switch it with this fake one I had made."

Carole looked horrified at her actions as more gasps erupted in the congregation as Kevin looked disgusted and fed up.

"You'd hurt your own sister to get what you wanted," Kevin told her as he prepared to turn away.

"Don't leave," Heather began to sob uncontrollably as she walked over to Kevin. "Let's do this. I can still feel the heat between us."

Kevin gave her a strange look. "You can still feel the heat?" he added a laugh after that. "Picture a large bucket of water pouring down and dousing any flame we once had."

Heather sobbed uncontrollably.

"Stop with the phony tears already!" Kevin ordered as he inched closer to the steps. "Take this like a responsible adult."

"These aren't phony!" Heather shot back in between cries.

"Yes, they are," Kevin slowly said as she shook his head. "Just like everything else about you," Kevin walked off the altar and looked around the congregation and then at Heather. "Well, I'm getting out of here," Kevin nonchalantly said as he walked down the aisle and left as Vivian stood up trying to run after him.

An enraged Heather pulled Vivian back and screamed at her, "You did this! You ruined my life and you will pay, Vivian, oh, how you will pay!"

Lalie and James stood off to the side horrified at these events.

Carole and Harold jumped up and grabbed Heather and pulled her over by the altar steps to avoid having her attack Vivian.

Heather broke free and looked at the congregation. "Who made the tape?" she yelled. "Whoever made it had better speak up!"

The congregation was silent as Heather screamed, "Someone helped Vivian do it!"

Carole and Harold grabbed Heather again and sat her back down on the altar steps.

Ted arrived to the chapel and stood in the vestibule. He saw Kevin leave and listened by the door. He heard Heather ask that question and stood in the doorway as Vivian, who was still standing, looked behind her.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Vivian called out as she looked in the back. "You know, have you ever thought of directing? You captured every angle perfectly!"

Heather's jaw dropped as she slowly rose herself up and slowly asked, "Ted? You did this?"

Ted shrugged as Heather made her way down the aisle.

"Is there something you'd like to say to me, Heather?" Ted teased as Heather stood in front of him and he looked at her makeup gone askew.

Heather shook her head and raised her hand in the air. Heather slapped him across the face and Ted put his hand over his left cheek.

"I think that about says it all," Heather told him in anger. "Now get the hell out of the chapel."

Ted looked shocked as he rubbed his cheek and then looked over at Vivian, who was giving him a signal that it would be best to leave. "Enjoy the honeymoon for one," Ted retorted as he left.

Carole and Harold raced down the aisle and pulled Heather back up the aisle.

"Let go of me!" Heather ordered when she was back in the front of the chapel. "I'm getting married!"

"No, you're not," Carole softly told her with tears in her eyes.

"But of course I am," Heather replied as she looked at everyone and began to sob more. "Come on, Father," she looked at the priest. "What's taking everyone so long?"

"She's losing touch with reality," Harold whispered as he and Carole tried to take her from both sides and bring her home.

Heather cried out in confusion and fell into Harold's arms, as she still tried to break free.

Concerned glances came from everyone in the chapel as some began to file out.

Lalie walked up and extended her hand to a distraught Heather. "Come on, Heather," she softly started. "We're going home."

Chapter 35
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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