Bride of Honor... Chapter 35

That night, Heather was upstairs asleep as the rest of her family, including Aunt Nora sat in the living room.

"I can't believe what happened earlier," Carole sadly sighed.

"Do you think Heather will be okay when she wakes up?" Harold asked with concern.

"I think she will," Lalie answered. "I can't believe Heather would make a lie up about Kevin like that."

"Don't bring it up if she doesn't," Carole told her in a serious tone. "I think we all need to get past this and dwelling on something, especially something that happened nearly ten years ago, is not good for your health."

Lalie nodded.

"It's such a shame this happened," Nora added. "What would make Heather do something like that?"

"I have to talk with her," Carole replied.

There was a noise upstairs and Carole went upstairs to see if Heather had awakened.

Heather was lying on the edge of her bed when there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Heather answered.

Carole came in and sat next to Heather. "What was that noise?"

"I was plugging in my clock and I almost knocked the lamp over," Heather replied as she turned away.

"About today," Carole started only to get interrupted by Heather.

"What about it?" Heather shook her head and looked at Carole. "It was a disaster and everyone hates me."

"We're disappointed," Carole admitted. "But we don't hate you."

"I lost Tracy, my fiancée, that account," Heather muttered. "Just wait until I get my hands on Vivian and Ted," Heather angrily said.

"You're going to do no such thing," Carole immediately replied. "What happened is not entirely their fault."

"Mom," Heather said in disbelief. "Are you condoning what they did to ruin my life?"

"What they did is not able to be condoned," Carole explained. "But, you, my dear, made the choice to go through with that horrible deal and it got caught up with you. The only thing I can tell you is to forget about what happened, move on and live your life."

"How am I supposed to keep living in this town or go to work when everyone knows what I did?" Heather rhetorically asked.

"I know you'll figure it out," Carole assured her. "You shouldn't have considered doing something like that in the first place, right?"

Heather had no answer for her.

"I'll leave you alone for the night," Carole told her. "It's up to you to figure out where your future is going."

Heather nodded as Carole left the room. She thought about what she can do about this situation.

The aftermath at the Neelan's was still taking place, also.

"Your father still isn't home," Vivian told James as they sat in the kitchen.

"Probably another business trip," James moaned as he drank his tea. "Or he's trying to find another agency that will take his account now that he has to withdraw it from Heather's agency."

Kevin stood in the doorway and walked into the kitchen. "James, will you give us a minute."

James stood up and walked into the living room as Kevin sat in James' seat.

"Before anything," Kevin started. "I'll be moving into that apartment I put the deposit on right away."

Vivian couldn't hold him back as she nodded in agreement. That's all Kevin had to say about that as he immediately got down to business.

"I just want to know, why would you blackmail someone like that?" Kevin asked his mother. "Why would Heather accept something like that?"

"I think you know the answer to that second question," Vivian replied. "I knew that you weren't over Heather so I arranged that meeting between you two. It spiraled out of control," Vivian told him as she tried to erase the memories from her mind.

"You arranged that meeting so I would get over Heather," Kevin understood. "Well, congratulations, it worked."

"I told something to Lalie that I think you should know, as well," Vivian looked at Kevin.

"I know about Lalie's feelings," Kevin truthfully replied.

"You do?" Vivian asked in shock. "Well, when I told Heather that she was the one who could fix this problem, I was wrong. Lalie helped you get over Heather and you didn't even know it."

Kevin nodded as he listened to his mother.

"I think you should evaluate what you have, Kevin," Vivian told him in a serious tone as she got up. "I know Lalie is in love with you," she told him as she left the kitchen.

Kevin smiled as he thought about the things he and Lalie did together.

The next afternoon, Heather came down the stairs and asked everyone to sit in the living room as she had an announcement to make. Everyone gathered in the living room and listened to what Heather had to say.

"I just wanted you to know that I made a decision about where my life would go from here," Heather started to explain. "Thanks for telling me it was up to me to decide, Mom."

"You're strong," Carole told her as Heather prepared to continue.

"I just got off the phone with Aunt Nora," Heather told her family, as she looked Lalie, Harold and Carole in the eye. "She'll be heading back to Florida tomorrow by plane."

"That's what she was saying last night," Harold chimed in.

"Change of plans," Heather said as she paused and then continued. "Instead of her going back by plane, I'm going to pick her up from the hotel with my car and I'm going to drive her to Florida. Only, I won't be coming back. At least for a while. She has a two bedroom apartment and, well, there's a vacant bedroom."

Heather's family exchanged glances as Carole asked, "Are you sure you're ready to do this?"

"There is no way I can start over in this town," Heather replied. "However, returning is definitely a possibility as soon as I can set things straight and take charge with my life."

"What about your job?" Carole asked with concern.

"I'm handing in an immediate resignation tomorrow," Heather replied. "I'm going to clean out my office tomorrow morning."

"Speaking of cleaning, what about your furniture?" Harold asked.

"It can stay right where it is," Heather started to explain. "Remember, my aunt's apartment is already furnished except for that bedroom so I'll buy a new dresser and maybe a daybed. I've always wanted a daybed."

Her family looked shocked as Carole spoke up, "I respect your decision."

Heather smiled. "Thanks, it's just something I need to do," Heather confidently said. "Who knows," Heather continued with a half-laugh, "Maybe I'll meet someone down there and fall in love the old fashioned way."

"I hope we can get past what happened, Heather," Lalie spoke up, having not said a word during Heather's whole speech, as she remembered what Carole said about not dwelling on the past.

"I'm sure we can," Heather smiled as she began to tear up. "I have to start packing my things and cleaning out my closet." Heather began to make her way up the stairs.

"When are you leaving?" Carole called out as she stood up.

"Tomorrow around 2," Heather replied as she turned and went up the stairs.

Harold, shocked by Heather's decision, quietly went into the kitchen.

Carole was about to leave the room when Lalie asked her a question.

"Can we talk?" Lalie asked with a sad look in her eyes.

"Sure," Carole warmly replied as she sat back down. "What is it?"

"I know this probably isn't good timing but I have to be honest," Lalie started to explain.

Carole looked worried. The last thing she wanted was two big revelations in one week.

"I've spent a lot of time with Kevin during that whole engagement and during that time, I," Lalie paused, maybe it wasn't a good idea to say this now.

Carole put her hand over Lalie's hand and encouraged her to tell her what was on her mind.

"I developed deep feelings for him," Lalie honestly told her mother.

Carole teared up, not looking surprised at all. "I could tell by the way you were acting before or after you would spend time together."

Lalie smiled, "You could?"

Carole teared up and nodded her head.

"What should I do?" Lalie wanted to know as she looked down.

"Hey," Carole wanted Lalie to look back up, and she did. "The same thing I told Heather, it's entirely up to you. I'd say follow your heart!"

"I have to talk with him, but not today," Lalie told him. "It's too soon."

"You'll know when the time is right," Carole assured her with a smile as she left the living room.

Lalie smiled to herself. When would the timing ever be right, though?

Chapter 36
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